No Plagiarism!snFqgKhtycg5MJUBM7EMposted on PENANA I wonder what his problem is it’s only a party why does he have to be so stubborn sometimes I can’t let Lilly down I have to go to her birthday party Cass was thinking to herself anyway I’m not tired anymore maybe I should read a book or magazine to make me fall asleep if I can he isn’t bothered about anything but watching his movies right now and that’s what I really hate when he doesn’t even have any time for me anymore if he’s going to be like that he isn’t getting anything off me when he wants it. Hey how come your still awake Cass Cole asked her when he came into the bedroom. I’m not tired after all Cole. Who are those men your looking at on that magazine. W what are you talking about Cole can’t you see that I’m reading the magazine not admiring other men your totally out of your mind. Sorry if I upset you Cass. Forget it Cole. Well will you turn off the light I want to get some rest Cass please. Just give me half an hour I’ll turn it off myself. Fine but if you don’t then I will Cass.