No Plagiarism!IxcEw7Ayn7lTH9xQ1OTGposted on PENANA I can’t go to sleep with you having the lamp on is so annoying Cass. What did you say it’s you who’s annoying nearly every time Cole why don’t you go to sleep facing the wall if you don’t like it. Just shut up and turn it off will you Cass. No I won’t I’m still reading and don’t you tell me to shut up. She could tell that he was getting heated up now. Take it easy now Cole don’t do something that your going to regret later. What are you talking about Cass what do you think that I’m going to do. Well I’m getting up there’s no point of me laying in bed if I can’t go to sleep Cole. Wait he pulled her close can you tell me what I did Cass. You aren’t going to get anything off me so let go Cole. You won’t even tell me what I’ve done to upset you Cass so how am I supposed to know. I don’t want to talk about it Cole. Alright then suit yourself Cass if you don’t want to talk about it he told her but you should get some sleep baby. Alright I’ll try to Cole.