"She's so lucky..." I breathed.
Crown Princess Cordelia is so beautiful, rich, and loved by absolutely everyone she knew. What a life, huh? Getting everything you wanted, being waited on hand and foot. Oh Poseidon, what I would kill to be like her, look like her, to be her.
To be looked at like how Xander looks at her.
It's true we've been friends since forever, and I would never trade my friendship with him for anything. But sometimes I daydream and I wonder. Sometimes I want more, y'know? I know it'll never happen for someone like me. An Umlilo. A pureblood one at that. And him, always working to support himself and his mother. When he's not working or taking care of his mother, he'd be fighting for the Underground. He's their black horse, their underdog. He's really good at fighting. At the bottom of the totem pole of priorities is me.
But, I keep telling myself that it's all worth it. In the end, I have someone looking out for me. Having a friend who understands you so you don't feel so alone anymore, that's all I need. Even though I am last on his list of importance, I'm still on that list. He saved me once, and I hope to return the favor one day.
"Anyway, what were you talking about?"
I returned to the present as Xander tried to get my attention. "I asked why you wanted to stop playing Robin Hood. I mean, it's the easiest and safest way for either of us to get some cash."
"Or, you could try out the sensible plan of getting a job and being an adult." He smirked.
I feigned a shock face, "Me? An adult? Why, Xander do you know who you're talking to?"
Xander is always pushing me to get a job, but what he doesn't know that I have been trying when I can. It's just that I've never been lucky when applying. I'm still young, barely 18, and I'm not well educated like Xander is. I'm not very hardworking either. Or trustworthy, reliable, honest...I'm no Xander and I never will be, plain and simple.
"Seriously, Nova, you're almost as old as me."
"Xander, I'll never be as old as you!" I said playfully.
"Nova," He looked down at me in that scolding way, his voice more serious.
"What is it old man? You need help chewing your food? Did you lose your hovercar keys?" I kept going. I knew what he was going to say. I hated what he was going to say.
He groaned as he turned away from me, under his breath I could hear him say, "Why do you always do this. You piss me off."
I know. I had to. I don't like talking about any of this. "So, your job with Miguel, you technically didn't lose it yet. So, you'll be fine right?"
"I know, I just...I don't know. As much fun as I do have with you with all our runs, but soon I...we won't be able to do these things anymore. This can't be my only source of income if I lose my mechanic job."
My mouth felt dry. "B-but the brawls. You'll still do them right? You have to!"
He didn't respond, just looked down at the metal floors of the tram.
"We won't get caught. I won't let us! I'll take the fall like I promised." There was an intense panic in my voice. He couldn't leave me, not yet.
He put his hand on my shoulder. It was large, calloused, and warm. "Calm down Nova. It's not like I'm actually going anywhere. I'm just not pickpocketing anymore. Or, not for long."
I slumped over, head resting on my hands, elbows on my thighs. I didn't want to say anymore. I couldn't. He was growing up and moving on. He was leaving me. After all we had built, he's done with me.
I wasn't really surprised. He always seemed to have his shit together. I could too if I wasn't...me.
The robotic voice announced our stop. We both got off and walked the dust filled streets of the District. Both of us not saying much. I didn't want to. He was the one that brought it all up. He was the one always working or fighting.
"Thanks for...reminding me about the three o'clock tram...even though I already knew about it." Xander mumbled.
I shrugged. "You're old and forgetful. You need reminders. Last time you forgot and I ended up lost in Neptune 7F district."
"I remember that," he chuckled, "You got off on the wrong stop and stumbled around for hours! I still can't figure out how you ended up in that bar."
"I don't remember either, just remember being dragged out by my ankles. I was able to bring back a souvenir!"
"A broken wine bottle doesn't count, Nova."
"I could have brought you back nothing you know."
"You're so stubborn, you know that?"
I smiled and shoved him, "And you've got a stick up your ass!"
Xander stopped laughing only to look serious once more. "Seriously, I can't keep living like this. We can't keep living like this."
"I don't know if you know this," I huffed, "but we live in the slums. Look around!"
There were run down, dark, decrepit buildings surrounding us. The streets were covered in dirt and trash. "We live in a fucking shit hole!"
"Nova calm down! I know we do, but I want to change it. I want to--"
"Don't. Don't fucking say it." Please don't say you're leaving me. He reached out a hand to comfort me but I slapped it away. I stepped up to face him head on. He was a head or two taller than me. Hooded eyes, tanned skin, small lips. Broad shoulders holding his thick neck and round face. I could take him down again like I did those many years ago.
"If these blackouts are as bad as you're saying, then maybe-- " my eyes looked down and found my hands in fists at my sides. I took a deep breath, "Maybe I will look for a job in the District. But, I'm also going to go back into the brawling unit again. Just in case."
"Nova, no. It's more dangerous now! You've lost your fucking mind if I'm ever going to let you join again! You left to get an education, to get opportunities."
"And look where that's gotten me! I'm still shit poor. Still stealing. Classes and school are boring. There isn't anything for me than being a dirty, low street rat."
I may have stopped fighting in brawls for the Underground, but that doesn't mean I couldn't go back. I was the champion, the best. The only thing I was really good at was fighting. I could take anyone down no matter who they were. It wasn't unusual to see children fighting. If anything, it was more exciting, encouraged for us to fight as young as thirteen. Usually they're desperate for money, but it was never like that for me. I just loved the violence, the thrill, the pain. The performance. But, I had found something more important than fighting.
"So, are you going back to that home with the couple that smelled like fish?" Xander asked.
I shook my head and pulled out my dragon jewel. It flickered in the palm of my hand.
"What happened?"
"Doesn't matter. I ran away. And they don't want me, just like every other family. They don't want a dirty Umlilo in their homes, eating their food."
"But, you said that this family was great. You even got your own room this time."
"I lied."
"Where are you staying?"
I bit my lip, "Well, I was hoping you'd let me stay at your place...again?"
"Goddamnit Nova! We barely have enough food and space for me and mom!"
"I know, I know. It's not gonna be for forever. I'll leave after maybe a week or two. Hell, I'll even get one of those adult jobs you keep beggin' me to get!"
Xander rubbed his temples then whispered fine.
"Great! Your mom already has my stuff ready for me! She's making paella for dinner tonight!"415Please respect copyright.PENANAWQKOgNUrdW
I laid on the couch in the Zaragoza home. My stomach was full of rice and meat from dinner. I had a thin and itchy blanket wrapped around me, and a small pillow supporting my head. I held up the dragon jewel between my thumb and forefinger, mesmerized by the colors.
I sighed, closing my eyes. Thoughts of the day swirled around my head; working, Xander leaving, no, not really leaving. I rely on him too much, I know. I can't help it. I owe him my life. I have no one else. No one else would let someone like me live with them. I am and will always be seen as beneath the people of Atlantis. I mean, they're right. I don't even know where I came from. My earliest memory was of Xander. Everything else before that didn't exist nor did it matter to me for the most part. I live for the here and now forever and always.
There was one thing that kept me connected to my past. Under the couch I reached for my book of fairytales that I hid when I moved back into Xander's. It was thick, made of withered paper and had frayed edges. It was basically ancient. I dog eared my favorite pages, which most were falling out the book or worn to where you could barely read the words.
It was the first book I learned to read, all on my own. It also had an old picture stuffed inside of it. The picture, what you could see of it, was a baby with red hair. Her eyes were a striking gold. She was pure Umlilo. She contrasted the fair skinned characters in the book though. Her unruly hair the complete opposite of long and flowing flaxen beauties. Their delicate features in comparison to the baby's garish ones. Thin model types as opposed to the baby's chubbiness, which she would never outgrow. The baby would never grow to be like a princess, for she was what everyone hated. She would grow to learn that there is only hate and no love. That everyone leaves eventually. And most importantly, that fairytales do not exist. And I will never be a princess.