I held the edges of my hood and tried pulling them over my face more. The throbbing of my knuckles almost made me forget about the bruises on my arms and stomach. Almost. The crowd on the tram around me packed close enough to push into me. When they do, the pain shoots through my body like electric shocks.
Huddling together like sheep we waited for the tram to arrive. It came from the tunnel to a screeching halt. I shoved my way inside and grabbed a seat.
My hood covered some of what I saw but I kept my eyes to the ground looking for the black pair of boots that would give the signal. When I couldn't, I lifted my head up a bit. I could see almost everyone packed together in the tram in Neptune. There were kids coming home from school in their uniforms, parents and their young children, corporate execs and even tourists from all ends of the galaxy. Conversations filled the car of all languages, grunts, and the occasional sneeze. Everyone jolted as the tram began to move again.
The Neptune District, named after the Roman god of the seas long ago. If anything, we are a people of irony. The working middle class lived here in the comfort of surrounding the Triton District and being known as the district that makes the most money. A touristy area with glittering buildings and cheap products for the dumbasses who come to visit Oasis and to see our famed mountain.
Outside I watched the city flicker pass, the suns slowly setting behind garish large buildings and advertisements. Glowing messages selling lies and scams.
The train jumped a bit and the lights flickered. The passengers didn't notice but we did. We always did. This car would stall any minute now.
"Excuse me, you're sitting on my skirt."
Next to me was a chubby, round faced girl. Her hair was as red as human blood, but had the texture of cotton candy. Large, golden Umlilo eyes set on burned sepia skin. Her pouty lips curled in a smile and on her right cheek showed a dimple.
I smiled back and nodded, removing my hood as the lights above began to flicker even more now. Coming ahead was a tunnel. I checked the time on my comm bracelet. It was three. Once we entered the tunnel the tram stalled to a complete stop. We were encased in complete darkness. The girl screamed.
"He touched me, he touched me! That old man touched me help!" Nova wailed.
I couldn't see her, no one could, but that was the point of it all. Everyone around her and I were pushing and shoving to find the "creep" on the train while I snuck around feeling through people's pockets, open purses, and scanning my comm bracelet over visible ones; covering my hand so the glow from my comm bracelet scanners didn't completely show.
The tram made a humming sound and finally, the lights came back on and slowly the car started again down the tunnel. There was tension in the air. Nova was sitting down, I was against a wall. She had her hand on her hair, her bright eyes tearing up and her breathing labored. The people around her tried to comfort her but now, realizing what she was, could only stare.
She shook her head and tried to recover, "It's fine," she said quietly. "Thank you for...trying to help me." She gave a small smile as everyone went back to the 9-5 calm from the tram.
I sat next to her and lifted up my comm bracelet, pretending to talk into it, "Good job, Nova. How are you?"
Nova had her back to me as she pretended to play on her comm while she spoke to me in secret, "I'm fine, someone stepped on my fucking boots but, I'll be good until we get to the pawnshop. I saw your fight earlier today, you need to work on your defense."
"My defense is just fine."
"Really?" She leaned on my shoulder and I winced. "Your bruises say otherwise."
I huffed and scooted away from her. "Doesn't matter, I got the money, I got some good stuff to sell. We can get off and go home and you can help take care of my wounds."
She sucked her teeth and sat properly on the seat. "How bad are they?"
"Not too bad. No bleeding. My opponent was almost desperate enough to bite me. You did watch me, yeah?"
"No, I had work to do and the witch made me go in the back to finish it. I swear if it wasn't for her I'd be back in that ring again. It's where I belong, Xander."
The tram stopped and the doors slid opened. Both of us got up and headed outside into the world of the legality and responsibilities of Neptune. Nova walked a few steps ahead of me, her head held high, school skirt flouncing about her. Nova held the air of a child about her at first glance. But, as far as I know she's a fighter, a fiery goddess of passion that could rival Ares himself
I tried to keep space between us as she made a right into an alley. I followed in after her and sat behind a dumpster. I emptied my pockets to show what I was able to grab. Nova was squatting across from me. The sparkles in the jewels reflected off her bedazzled eyes. She licked her lips in anticipation.
"Amazing work! You know if I could, like, ham it up a li'l bit more, you'd be able to get twice as much shit." She reached down and grabbed some interplanetary cash and an intricately carved watch.
I picked up a spare comm bracelet and a wallet. I stopped and looked at Nova and where we were. Surrounded by grime and trash, not any better than the District. We couldn't continue to live like this could we? In squalor and literally fighting to survive? It's not right how the rest eat like royalty while the other half starves.
"Hey, Nova?"
She grunted as she continued looking through our stolen treasures.
"I'm thinking...with these continuing blackouts, I may quit working with Miguel."
Nova nodded, only half listening to me, "Must suck for Miguel. Xander, look, this comm bracelet is broken. Do you think we can still sell it?" She held up the comm bracelet with one hand, the other rummaging through the stolen items.
"I mean it, Nova. If I lose this job I may have to keep fighting. And, I don't want--"
"And look at this! It's a fuckin' antique!" She held up a copper coin.
"Holy shit we're gonna make so much--"
"Nova can you shut up for a sec!" I shouted.
She looked up with me and finally sat down on the ground, relaxing her legs and arms.
"I...I can't keep making fast money like this. It's all child's play dude. The stealing, the scavenging, the conning. I'm happy we haven't been caught yet but, I don't want to keep living like this."
She frowned at first, but gave me that same smile of mischief and trickery. "I hear you. But wasn't Miguel, like, a hardass to you? You always complain about how Miguel wants to go retro and that means you get paid less and less. Like," She began sifting through the things again trying to find the words, "I don't know, maybe it's for the best. But, you still need to help me steal from people. You...I need your help y'know?"
I smirked and playfully shoved her, "Why not get a job yourself? Instead of loitering around my place of work and skipping school."
She snorted, "On Poseidon, you must be joking! Who would even think once, no, twice about hiring someone like me? A fuckin' foul mouthed, hot head waiting to explode? I can barely stay with one group home as it is."
"Maybe if you went back to school, that wouldn't be a problem. Expand your vocabulary, train your brain, have some respect for yourself and who you are. It could be better for you then hanging around the Underground. And maybe when you're free we can try street performing again in Neptune."
Nova eyed the things below. I knew she heard me, she had nothing smart to say back. She wasn't my real sister, but I treated her like one. Watching out for her since we first met.
I finally got a chance to go through the pile itself. There was some jewelry, passports, photo IDs, spare comm bracelets that were used and old, plus the broken one, and other small trinkets and baubles from other planets.
"Hey, look at this."
Nova held up a round jewel, fitting perfectly inside her palm. It reminded me of her eyes. It sparkled with flecks of every shade of the earthen rainbow, encased in liquid like burning amber. I was entranced by the color. In it I could almost see the colors moving about in the gem, almost as if it were a living thing. Radiating light reflecting the dying sunset behind us.
"It's like it's made of fire. It feels kinda warm too."
I shook my head as Nova's words snapped me back into attention. "Maybe you should keep it. It's almost like your eyes."
Her smile was soft, a vulnerable type of soft. Very rare for someone who was always on edge, ready to fight. "Yeah, I will. Maybe I can turn it into a necklace and wear it around. I can pretend it's one of those million univ necklaces that those rich women wear!" She held it high to watch the colors dance. Her eyes were like a child's, curious and large. Suddenly they changed from golden to the same colors as the gem. I shook my head and her eyes were back to normal. Just a trick of the light.
"Hey, uh, we should get back it's getting late."
We gathered everything and made out into the clean streets of Neptune. The crowds of people from earlier now dwindled. The sun had set and the lights of the tall touristy attractions and buildings glimmered like stars against the glass of the dome high above us. The dome that surrounded all of Atlantis, protecting us from the harsh outside of Oasis.
The pawnshop gave us about 600 univs total for our goods. It didn't settle well with Nova but, she accepted the payment anyway.
The walk back was quieter than usually. Me, because I was still in pain from earlier today, her because of the gem. She had a strange look like she was completely enraptured by such a small thing.
"Hey, Xander? How are you gonna break it to your mom? About the job thing?"
I shrugged and winced. "I don't know. None of this is really set in stone. Yet. I won't tell her until it's official though. Don't need her worrying more than she should."
"Yeah but, she doesn't even know you're still workin' with the Underground. How do you think she'll take to you losing one of the best jobs you can have in The District?"
"You're probably right, but what she doesn't know won't hurt her."
"Listen, Xander, leave the lying to the professionals. Wait, oh my god!"
Her eyes spotted one of the billboards from across the street. On it was the hologram picture of what seemed to be a woman, makeup smeared across her eyes and lips exaggerating her features. Hexagon eyelashes framed her squinty eyes. She looked pale and skinny, her wig, a bundle of feathers and fake jewels bedazzled framed her face. She held a microphone in her long slender fingers. Next to her was a comical speech bubble that read, "Once a week sensation! A go see for all!"
"It's Lady Gemini!" She squealed.
The billboard advertised the Green Cosmos, a famous drag bar in the red district nestled between The District and Neptune.
"One day, I'm gonna see one of her shows!"
"Aren't you way too young to be allowed into the red district?"
"I'm too young for a lot of fuckin' things. I'll find a way. One day," She looked up at the billboard again and sighed dreamily.
"You'd think those damn hologram billboards would be the cause of these annoying blackouts with how much power it sucks up." I turned and started to walk again.
Looking behind me I saw Nova still standing there staring at the billboard. Her jewel was in her hand, she played with it between her fingers.
"It concerns me, sometimes, how much you know about these things, Nova." I teased.
"At least I know something," she teased back.
When we got onto the tram it was completely devoid of people. Rightfully so, who in their right minds would want to travel to The District? Both of us watched the sectors and district of Neptune flash by outside our windows. Digital signs glared with advertisements promising special features of the latest and newest hoverboards and hovercars, specialized drinks that could make your hair change to match your mood, even a rare vitamin that can make you change your race.
Then there was the large royal family portrait Chief Commanding Emperor Zedekiah Donegal with his daughter, crown princess Cordelia Luna Donegal.
Cordelia Luna Donegal, the crown princess and future heir to all of Atlantis and someday, maybe even all of Oasis. Ivory skin, lily pad green eyes, and a delicate smile that would make anyone feel welcomed. Almost made you forget the atrocities her family and name had done to us all.
But again, no one could deny her rebellious spirit and voice for change.
"Hello! Oasis to Xander?" Nova waved her hand frantically in my face.
She crossed her arms and stared at me. Her warm, tawny eyes then turned to the hologram of the royal family. Her lips moved but I couldn't hear what she said. It was probably something snarky.