Butterflies, I am afraid of its being. Not the butterfly itself, nor the butterflies in my stomach. I am afraid of the butterfly that's me. But before a butterfly comes a caterpillar, afraid and vulnerable. Then time comes when it has to change. It spins a cocoon and it hides itself to protect itself from being prey. That's me, inside that cocoon. With the only thing in mind, a fear for change, the future, and it's outcome, in this world and in myself. To change, we require a long amount of time and perseverance, for when this process is interrupted, that caterpillar may have abnormalities when it finally emerges. That's what makes a human very delicate and complex. Change may be the worst fear for everyone, for just a simple move may lead to catastrophic difference in your life. What have you been doing? Are you afraid to lose someone? or lose yourself? But don't cower, because when you find yourself, if you find out who you really are, if you decide to change and face that fear, then that caterpillar which is you, will change beautifully. Emerge from your shell, and face the world.