halfway through grade one, I switched schools. I had just turned 6 and already, i had come to the conclusion that in order to not be bullied, i would need to make myself seem more “cool”. So when it was time for me to start back at school, I came armed with a new new confidence, that maybe, just maybe, I could make a friend. I did, but after grade 1 ended, i no longer went to that school. We had moved 12 hours away. That’s when I met my dad.
our new house was close to the school but we walked the opposite way to a bus stop, that would take us back up the slope we had previously walked down to get to the school.
The new school was okay, i wasn’t bullied a ton but it wasn’t until grade 4 that i met my crush, he had moved at the start of the year and as we played together and hung out more, my crush grew, and grew.
My mum got pregnant with twins however and our only option was to move to a bigger house, the next town over. When I told him, I was trying my hardest not to cry, and I almost did, but he started crying.
I tried my hardest not to move but it was inevitable.
He had given me his phone number, but to my dismay, it was abandoned in the packing u and moving, only to be found a year later while looking through my things. Anxiety beat me on that front as I imagined every horrible situation possible. From grade 6 to grade 9 my best friend teased me about my wish to see him in walmart again or at all during my frequent trips to the next town over. Grade 9 was intersecting however, i was dragged to a youth group and through that youth group, gained an even closer knit group of friends. A majority of us were nerds, as was the youth group the next town over. So a Nerd Night was made. Initionally, me going, wasn’t something I was going to do, but my best friend said she would only go if I went, so, I went. Turns out, my crush was in that group as well, I just didn’t know it yet. As we got to their youth entered we were welcomed and a movie was thrown on, with a a board game going on in the background. We all introduced ourselves, but his name never reached my ears. However when it came time to order pizza, we were paired up and he re-introduced himself. This time, I caught his name. After freaking out internally, and planning our pizza, I headed back towards my best friend, who, once she heard about it, freaked out and started to tell everybody about my crush. We got in trouble for being too loud, but that never stopped us from freaking out.
As the night went on and on, we got closer and closer, were urged to kiss, by pretty much everyone there, to which we only hugged, during the rare moment of them not looking.
We exchanged numbers, and accounts for social media.
But everything comes to an end, and we soon were on our way home.
The next morning, it seemed a dream, but a good morning text from a certain someone made me realize it truly happened, and with immense awkwardness, a text was sent back...
”hello, how was your sleep?”
and as an afterthought
”good morning by the way”
our relationship progressed and he asked me out.
just like that crush turned to boyfriend.
and to this day, there’s still some awkwardness... but now, there’s a cure...
wanna know what it is?