A statement no mother ever wants to hear! Arriving at the hospital took nearly an hour due to the distance. We found one daughter in the ER still covered in blood amidst the sea of white. It was a horrifying experience. A couple hours later, we faced the family of the girls’ friend who was also in the car and severely hurt. No one would share any details about our oldest daughter, Rebecca. That took several hours.
Reliving this story hurts every time I recall it, but the truth is, this is what led to the start of my business, how I managed to connect with the world’s number one leadership guru, John C. Maxwell, and what has enabled me to live my passion of helping others overcome their self-limiting beliefs and begin to grow toward the potential they have inside and the success they desire. To help you understand more fully, let me take you back to the story about the accident. Then I will share the three steps that really jump started my journey.
Rebecca was airlifted to the hospital after being hit by a full size pick-up truck. The force of the impact pushed her across the compact car, her head shattering her friend’s eye socket and breaking her friend’s clavicle in three. Needless to say, the head trauma alone was nearly fatal for Rebecca. Her broken ribs and punctured lungs are the first thing that almost killed her. Life was touch and go for a couple of weeks. We were told not to get our hopes up. When she did live, we were told she may never walk or talk again. There were blood clots throughout her brain. Two months later, she returned home – walking and talking!
The long story short, is that I was able to stay strong throughout the hospital stay. I communicated well via Caring Bridge and stayed connected. After 14 months though, I was exhausted. I got bronchitis and pneumonia. I didn’t get out of bed more than a couple hours a day for ten months! I ended up with post-traumatic stress disorder. I snapped out of it when I decided to pay the bills one night. There I read, “Final Foreclosure Notice”. I will never understand how a person cannot realize they haven’t paid the bills, have no sense of finances, or how so much time can pass within a family and not one of them realizes the severity of the problems. But that, my friends, is the rude awakening that started this business. I started ghostwriting at buy online essay service and things improved a bit. I have gone from financially ruined, physically and emotionally handicapped to living a life that I thrive in – one filled with prosperity!