1. Look in the Mirror – Looking inside was one of the greatest challenges I have ever faced. With the help of a personal coach, I weeded through all of the muck – all of the lies I had once believed, the things others told me about myself that covered all the good others had told me. At the time, I believed I was just an average individual with nothing very unique or special. I learned that I am special. I have gifts and experiences that others don’t. I had already worked hard to build two successful businesses. I was a leader. I had learned to connect. I learned that I had much to give!
2. Live Life Intentionally – I realized that if I was going to pull myself out of the horrific slump I was in, I had to make some choices. I had to be intentional with my time. I had to take time out to think long and hard. I had to reflect on where I had been and where I wanted to go. After much exploration, I knew that I needed to continue to be intentional with my choices so that I could grow.
3. Lift the Lid – John C. Maxwell talks about the Law of the Lid. He says that leadership ability determines a person’s level of effectiveness. I realized that I wasn’t very effective where I was at. I needed to extend my reach to those who could help me. I began meeting weekly with a new friend circle – a few ladies with whom intimate conversations could be held. They were older than me and one of them had a business similar to mine. I also started meeting with other local groups filled with professionals from many different industries. Before long, I grew exponentially!