Grandma headed down to the basement below her. She turned on a switch leading to the downstairs portal. She knew that she needed to save her. She knew that she needed to rescue Alexis. She knew that she needed to bring her back to the time that she had last seen her.
Opening up the portal, the machine started to come to life. She held onto the bell in her hands, which felt like they were coming apart as she wrapped them around. This was the only way, and she knew that there was no other around it.
"Grandma!" She could already hear footsteps coming down the stairs. She sighed as she looked into the ball of energy. It was too late. Far too late for anything to be made right. This was the only way that she and Alexis could truly be together again at the end of the day.
Cassius rushed downstairs just in time to see the whizzing ball of energy begin to fizz up and disappear into the space around him. "Grandma?" he called again, this time his voice started to settle down into a low whisper. Gone was his grandma for good. Gone was she from the present day. Into the darkness of space and time was she headed, hoping that somehow--some way--she would be able to reverse the effects of what had happened and rescue her own Alexis. All that Cassius really saw when he returned was a little plank of wood on the ground. Walking up to it, he saw that a letter was addressed to him.
"Dear Cassius,
Indeed it has been many a time since the last time that I had ever spent time with you. I need to go back. I need to find her again. You may not understand, but I have a friend back there that I need to save.
Alexis, someday you will meet her. Someday she will come into your life, and you will come to understand why I left. Someday you will come to understand why I was so unhappy. It is because of this loss.
From now on, I would like you to refer to me by the name of Trish. I have to go back. I am sorry.
Your gradma,
His eyes gazed off into the glowing ball of electricity flowing out of his reach, suddenly coming to the realization that everything that he once held dear was disappearing out of his grasp. With the sudden stalwart nature of maturity, he chose to let her go. He released his grandma to let her find what she needed most.