After everything was cleaned up, Blake stood on the back of one of his employee's pickup trucks and thanks everyone for coming out. "As promised, you all receive one additional week added to your vacation. Just try not to all take it at once!" He smiled hearing the group laugh out loud. He was surprised Josie was still here, he saw her standing off to the side applauding with everyone. He knew his employees must have a lot of questions about who this mystery girl was but quite frankly it wasn't anyone's business.
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Blake hopped down off the bed of the truck and walked right over to Josie. "You hungry?" He asked.
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Just the thought of food caused her stomach to rumble. This morning she was in such a rush to apologize to Blake that she skipped breakfast. With it now well past 5 in the afternoon, she was starving. She nodded with a smile seeing where this was going. "Let's go." He said nodding with his head for her to follow.
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"Roland!" He called out to the man perched nearby on a picnic table. "Take the night off, I'll make sure Josie gets back safely." He then turned back to the woman by his side, "Up for a little walk?"
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"Sure." She smiled.
They took the 15 minute walk up Court Street and entered Faneuil Hall. The plaza was filled with street performers and tourists and was extra packed being a Saturday night. Blake suddenly grabbed Josie's hand as the crowd started to thicken. Josie flinched at first at the bold gesture but then relaxed as she felt Blake lace their fingers together. His large hand engulfed over hers and felt soft. He still had a few patches of paint on them and a few cuts from working outside all day but besides that they were perfect. Almost effortlessly Blake weaved them in and out of the crowd until they reached the far end of the plaza. A small wooden folded up sign that read 'Zuma's' in chalk pointed an arrow down a hidden away staircase.
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"You like Mexican?" He asked.
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"Yeah Mexican sounds perfect." She said just excited to eat for the first time all day.
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"This place is the best." He said still not letting go of her hand. Josie followed close as they turned the corner and came to a set of glass doors. It was a little cheesy decorated but the smell of fresh authentic Mexican food made up for it.
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"Well if you'll look who it is...Mr. Ashby!" A voice came from the behind the bar very sarcastically. A Spanish man about Blake's age came from behind the bar walking right towards them. "I don't know if I should bow or some shit!" The man joked pulling a smiling Blake in for a hug. Josie felt a ping of sadness when Blake let go of her hand to hug this man.
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"Oh shut up!" Blake responded rolling his eyes at the ball busting. "How ya been buddy?"
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"Been good my friend!" He answered his thick Spanish accent now coming through. His eyes then drifted to Josie, "But clearly not as good as you...who is this gorgeous girl?" He said raising Josie's hand to his lips and kissed it.
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Josie laughed at the gesture but was shocked when Blake pulled her back toward him quickly. "This is Josie...and don't even think about it!" Blake said pushing his friend back sounding jokingly but inside was dead serious. "Josie this is Jorge. He owns this shit hole."
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"Nice to meet you and excuse Blake's lack of manners!" She smiled giving Jorge a proper handshake.
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"It's fine!" Jorge laughed "I've known the prick a long time. I'm used to him." He then turned his attention back to Blake. "Back booth is open for you kids." Jorge winked.
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"Shut up!" Blake said shoving him aside noticing how red Josie was turning. "Bring over a pitcher of margaritas and get some fajitas, rice, and those pulled pork tacos started for us."
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"" Josie began to say uneasily but Jorge was already off to the kitchen. As Blake lead them over to the corner booth all the way to the back Josie leaned up and whispered against his ear, "I can't drink. I'm not 21 yet."
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Blake smiled and let out a small snort at the comment. "It's fine. Jorge doesn't care. Trust me." He said placing his hand on her lower back as she stepped up into the high top booth.
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Few minutes later Jorge returned with the pitcher and two glasses rimmed with salt. He poured a glass for each of them. "What happened to you Ashby, you look like hell?!" He laughed observing a normally put together Blake covered in paint, sweat, and dirt.
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"Redid Frog's Pond Park today." Blake answered then took a long sip from his drink. "When you gonna get your ass down there to help?"
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"Next one, call me." Jorge responded.
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"Yeah yeah." Blake said rolling his eyes.
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After Jorge left them alone, Josie took a welcoming sip of her drink. She smiled at the taste, it definitely was delicious. "He seems nice, how you know him?" She asked.
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"Jorge? Played baseball with him in college." Blake answered.
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"That's right, I forgot you played in college. Trevor said you almost made pro." She said taking a few chips and dunking them in the salsa.
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Blake cocked his eyebrow at the 'almost' part. He wasn't much of a bragger but he was one of the best in the country back then. "I would have gone pro." He corrected. "I had dozens of scouts looking at me before my parents died."
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"So you gave up your dream?" She asked sadly.
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"After they died, I knew I had to take over what my dad built. Didn't feel right handing it over to anyone else." He explained.
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"Still though, you not only mourned your parents but also your dreams too." Josie said reaching her hand across the table and squeezing his.
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Blake stared down at their hands and used his thumb to gently rub hers. As he did this he processed what she said. He had never thought of it like that before. "The plan was to always take over, just a lot later in life. Got a jump on it, I guess." He said with a forced smile.
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Josie sensed Blake wanted a change in subject. "This is so good!" She said pointing to her glass that was now half gone. "I have too much, you're gonna have to lug me outta here."
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Blake reached over for the pitcher and immediately filled her glass back up to the rim raising his eyebrows playfully. "Drink Up JoJo."
"Man you were so goddamn annoying as a kid!" Blake was laughing. "You followed Trev and I around everywhere!"
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Drinks were flowing, they were halfway through their second pitcher of margaritas and the food had been devoured quickly between the two of them.
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Words were starting to become a little slurred for Josie, who was not used to drinking. "Remember that time, I caught you in the woods behind our house drinking and smoking?!" She blurted out laughing hysterically.
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"Remember?! Umm yeah, you little shit! You ran back to the house so fast to tattle on us. My dad grounded me for the rest of the summer. I had to go to his office everyday and type all his office memos and do his filing." Blake exclaimed laughing at the memory.
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Josie was in tears from laughter. "I don't think Trevor talked to me for weeks after that, he was so pissed!" Blake continued to laugh until he saw Josie's mood change at the mention of her brother. "Have you talked to him?" She asked.
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"I checked in on him yesterday." Blake said as he spread sour cream on the last pulled pork taco.
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"He okay?" She asked worried.
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"He's doing fine Josie." He answered. However by the look in her eyes he could tell she wasn't convinced. The way her dark eyes were piercing his light blue ones was almost like a dark storm invading the sky. She wanted answers and at this point Blake didn't feel like lying to her any longer. "Your dad has an old client, Vito Bucitella."
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"I've heard the name before." Josie said relieved she was finally getting some information.
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"I guess your dad owes him quite a bit of money for gambling. He vandalized your parents house when they were gone and when Trevor showed up, he threatened your whole family." Blake said. Even though it wasn't the entire truth, Blake already said too much. Anything else would devastate her and Blake refused to be the one to do it.
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"So what now?" Josie asked.
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"Now I am to make sure you're safe while Trevor deals with everything else." Blake said.
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"But everyone's okay?" She asked.
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"Yes everyone is good." Blake said now having to full out lie. He couldn't tell Josie that her brother had started working for Vito to pay off their dad's debt. For now Trevor was as safe as he could be at the moment and that's all he would tell Blake when they last spoke.
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He saw the uneasiness in Josie's eyes and quickly jumped up to sit next to her on the opposite side of the table. Very softly he cradled her face against his hands and looked into her dark chocolate eyes. "I will keep you safe JoJo."
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"I know you will." She whispered starting to feel hot. Not sure if it was the alcohol or the fact that Blake was so close to her, needless to say when Jorge came back over to check she was welcoming to the distraction.
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"More margarita amigos?" He jumped in.
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Blake looked at her for an answer. He didn't know if she was over the night with all the information she just got. "Can I actually try the berry sangria?" She asked pointing to the advertisement for it on the table.
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"Excellent choice!" He smiled. "Ashby?" He asked.
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"Dos Equis." Blake answered with his body still pinned to the woman to his left not taking his eyes off of her when he answered.
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After their drinks arrived Blake decided to lighten the mood and take advantage of the liquor courage he currently had. "Let me ask you something.." he said smiling.
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"Okay?" Josie said brushing all thoughts of her fucked up family problems away.
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"You really truly honest to god have never had sex before?" He asked.
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Josie wasn't expecting this question and almost spit her drink out. "Blake!" She scolded with a laugh.
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"No no, I'm serious. Sexy hot thing like you... I just can't wrap my mind around this!"
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"Oh my god!" Josie shrieked, "You did not just call me sexy?!"
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Drunkenness was starting to take over Blake. "Yes Josie, I called you sexy! Am I a guy? Yes! Do I have eyes? Yes! Did I use them today to check out your ass about 50 times today? Hell fucking yes I did!"
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"Jesus Christ Blake!" Josie said through her dying laughter.
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"I'm just being honest." He admitted. "Tell me how far have you gone with a guy?"
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"I've fooled around before but just never sex." She said not understanding why Blake cared so much.
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"What's your definition of fooling around because I guarantee it's different than mine." He responded.
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Josie's face was turning red again, "Blake I don't know. Like making out and having him feel my boobs." She said but in reality she wanted to climb under the table and die.
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"That's it?" Blake asked in total shock. He did that shit in middle school. His eyes were starting to glaze over and Josie could tell he was pretty drunk now. "So you've never actually seen a dick?"
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That question threw Josie in a fit of laughter. "Oh my god! You need to stop!"
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"Just don't know what you're missing." He shrugged motioning to the bar for another beer.
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"Winnie says that all the time. She tells me that I need a...." Josie began to say then paused.
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"Need a what?" He asked.
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"Nothing, never mind." She responded deciding it was a bad idea to say it.
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"No, you need what?" He smiled.
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Josie covered her face in embarrassment before speaking. "A vibrator." She blurted out.
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"I agree." He smiled taking a long sip from his beer. "Can't believe you don't have one." He teased.
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Both were feeling the effects of all the alcohol and now leaning in even closer to one another. Blake's hand was now on her thigh squeezing gently. Josie placed her hand over Blake's and rubbed back and forth. "Sometimes I think about just doing it. Seeing what all the hype is about." She said with a soft laugh. Blake's face was so close she could feel his breath. He took his other hand and brought it around her back and rested it on the booth behind her.
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"20 years old, I feel it's time." He whispered a slight slur to his speech.
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"You never know." She whispered back.
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"Yeah..ya never know." He replied.
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Things had taken a turn to a place neither expected. "Wanna head out?" Josie asked.
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"Yeah, we should get going." Blake answered. "Jorge!" He called out. "We're all set to square up."
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"On the house Ashby!" Jorge yelled over. "Have a good night and don't be a stranger around here!"
The two were certainly drunker than they thought as Blake called the car service he used when Roland wasn't around. He decided it was best to leave his car back at the parking garage since he clearly wasn't in any condition to drive it.
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Blake was a bit taken a bit when Josie snuggled into him while they waited outside the bar. He didn't object and just held her supporting the two of them on the cobble stones.
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When they arrived back at Millennium Tower Blake kept a tight grip on her since her feet were pretty wobbly. "Thanks for a great night." She whispered sleepily into his chest. Blake didn't respond he just smiled.
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"Think you can make it the rest of the way?" He asked when the doors of the elevator opened into Blake's penthouse.
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"Yeah I'm good." She laughed as she slowly and carefully made her way to the guest room.
While in the shower, Blake's mind was racing a mile a minute. He wanted her; wanted her bad. However as he washed the soap off his body he couldn't help but think he didn't want her the way he usually wanted a woman. It wasn't just sex he wanted. When she was snuggled into him, he was the most content he had ever been in his life. Quickly he tried to abandon those thoughts, Blake Ashby didn't do anything other than sex.
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As he dried off he couldn't stop thinking of her. Blake anxiously paced his bedroom thinking on what to do. "Fuck it." He finally said out loud throwing some pajama pants on and heading out to the hall. Once Blake reached the first floor he resisted. What was he doing? With a frustrated growl he went to head back upstairs but then changed his mind again.
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Without another thought he walked down the hall and knocked on Josie's door. After a minute she groggily answered. "Blake? What's wrong?" She asked rubbing her eyes.
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"What would you do if I kissed you right now?" He asked watching as Josie's face went from tired and confused to wide awake and stunned. "Josie?" He asked again, "What would you do?" He asked taking another step closer towards her.