I closed my eyes and braced myself for the impact. Nothing happened. I opened my eyes and looked. Time had stopped, I was floating, and there was this weird blue light.
The blue light came closer, there was a flash. The rope reconnected, the guards disappeared. It was as if time had reversed and I who was supposed to be dead had resurrected.
After the light disappeared, I picked up my bow and shot the arrow. Acting quickly, I climbed the rope and swung onto the tree. Hiding all traces and signs of me being in the area, I looked back at once. Signing, I jumped from one branch to another, occasionally stopping just in case there were any guards patrolling the area. I ran away as fast as I could, not turning back.
I nearly died, whatever that blue light was, it was a miracle. Little did I know that this “miracle” would happen again and that there would be a price to pay.
. . .
A clock, the bell? I opened my eyes, it was already noon. I overslept, again. I got up and walked down the stairs to the door. Someone was there, whom?
I yawned and opened the door. “What brings you to the Linden’s Manor?”
“War, there’s a war raging on, we need to protect the palace. One child from each house above the age of fifteen will be taken to serve the king. Young sir, you must be sixteen, am I not right?”
“I’m sorry, but the Linden’s are out. They won't be back till tomorrow evening. I’m just here to look over the house and keep it clean.”
“Wait!” The soldier grabbed my arm. “The Linden’s son is only fourteen, if I’m right. Meaning that in his place you will go.”
“Sir, please, I can't, if I were to leave without the Linden’s knowing they would be concerned,” I yanked my arm away from the soldier.
“Bah! Who cares if they aren't here, we’ll just leave them a note saying that you were taken to be a soldier for the king’s army.”
This soldier was really starting to irritate me. “Sir, for the last time, I am not going! I will not leave until the Linden’s are here. So you’ll just have to wait till tomorrow evening, like I had said earlier.”
The soldier drew his sword and pointed it at me. “Look here, there’s a war brewing up, we don't have enough soldiers, it is the king’s orders!”
It was no use, I was going to have to go back to that terrible place. After killing my brother and leaving his head for all those to see, what is the punishment of those who dare to betray the crown. I never stepped foot in the capital since that day. Now here I was on my way to the palace, to serve the king.
How long has it been since he killed my brother? Six, seven years? I didn't want to cause a commotion, I would have to leave with the soldier. I looked at my hair, the black dye was starting to wear out. Tiny strands of silver started to show, I’d have to dye my hair again before I go.
I looked at the soldier then sighed. “Yes, fine, just give me some time to ready my stuff.”
“Five minutes.”
“Five? No, ten. Look here, there's a chance that I might not come back alive, right? That is if there even is a war. So please give me time to leave a proper note and to get my stuff.”
The soldier sighed. “Seven, no more.”
I ran back into the manor and to my room, I grabbed my satchel and filled it with what could be considered important. Then taking some parchment paper and ink, I scribbled down a note for the Linden’s.
By the time even minutes was over I was already out of the door and ready to go. The soldier lead me to where the others were.
“Right then, I’ve got another one. Let’s head out, it’ll be a long trip.” he mounted onto his horse and yelled what seemed like a victory call.
The rest of us followed, by foot. Were they crazy? They had horses and they expected us to get to the capital by foot? It would take at least a day or two by horseback, but by foot, it could take up to a week or so.
Well, they weren't paying attention, a perfect chance for my escape! Yes! I walked over to the back and then started to run at full speed away.
“What do you think you’re doing?” A firm hand gripped my arm.
I tried to push them away, but I wasn't strong enough. I reached into my satchel, and pulled out a knife.
“Look here, good sir. I don't the time for this. Let go or face your death,” I glared at the one who gripped my arm.
The man smirked then motioned at someone. “Take this one.”
Before I knew it, I was surrounded by some guards. I lunged with my knife, aiming for a weak point. Then I felt all of the air knocked out of me, one of them had punched me hard. My hands went limp, the knife dropped. I dropped down to the ground, coughing… blood.
I looked up, these people , they weren't guards, they were knights, the Imperial Knights. No wonder they were so strong. “Hah.” I laughed.
Once before at the palace I had sparred with an Imperial Knight, but his strength was nothing near this, or maybe it was because I was just but a child and he was just going easy one me.
I got up, staggering, I reached for my knife. If these people are really the Imperial Knights, then it’s over for me, they would find out who I am, they’d kill me.
They’re eyes widened the instant I got up. From the look of it, anyone who faced this punch would probably pass out. Well, it seems like they’re in for a surprise.
Before I could grab the knife, I started coughing up blood. Curses, at this rate I’ll die from blood loss. I tried to stand again, but fell back down immediately. My vision grew blurry. I heard voices, but they were so distant. A figure stepped forward and hit me on the neck.