October 13, 2001
"Mom I saw him do it!"
"Abel you are being ridiculous! I'm supposed to believe that Frank not only murdered someone but buried them too!
"It's true I followed him to this house , I saw him put something in his car , now it's gone!"
"He has taken care of both of us , He treats you like his own!"
"Samra I'm home..." Frank calls from the living room.
"Go upstairs now." She whispers fear crossing her features.
I start up the stairs looking back giving her a look begging her to believe me, but she doesn't look at me all her attention on him...
I go in my room and lock the door sitting on the floor so I can listen.
"Frank we need to talk..."
"When did you start telling me what to do?"
"I'm not..."
"No go ahead I want to hear what's so damn important."
"Abel said he saw you-"
"I should have known it had something to do with that damn boy... ABEL COME DOWN HERE NOW."
"Frank he's asleep he didn't feel well..."
"What did he see me do Samra huh?"
"He says he saw you put something in your car he said it looked like a body..."
"This is ridiculous , I support ya'll and this is the fucking thanks I get? You coddle that damn boy , don't worry I'll whoop some sense into him..."
"That's not necessary! I'll talk to him!"
"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF ME!" He shouts followed by a loud thud. "
My mom cries out in pain making me jump up and run out the door forgetting everything else... When I reach the bottom of the stairs my moms huddled in the corner Frank standing over her pointing a gun in her direction.
"STOP!" I yell making him turn around.
He looks at me a smile on his face. Before returning his attention back to my mother.
"So you lying to me too?" He says grabbing her hair making her cry out , he takes the butt of the gun and hits her in the face knocking her out.
Before I know it I'm running at him catching him off guard , and knocking him to the floor, the gun skids a few inches away. Both of us lunging for it, A loud bang rips through the quiet house. Frank falling to the ground in shock blood spraying from a wound his chest.
My vision starts going dark when suddenly I hear my mom talking quickly.
" Abel honey the police are on there way give me the gun and go upstairs ok, honey please!" She shouts shaking me.
Finally I snap out of it handing it to her.
"If the police asks I did it do you understand me?"
"Mom no!"
"Yes now go."
I sit at the top of the stairs , only there for a few minutes before I hear someone burst through the door.
My mom walks out slowly with her hands in the air.
"It's ok ma'am you can put your hands down , is Franklin Myers here?"
"He's..." My mom starts but doesn't finish sobbing loudly.
"We got a call form a neighbor saying they heard a domestic dispute followed by a gunshot."
"Yes he tried to shoot me, I managed to get the gun away from him but he attacked me again the gun went off and hit him, he's in the kitchen."
He nods signaling to someone outside. The Emt's rush in and go inside the kitchen with a gurney.
"Ma'am are you aware that Frank is wanted for the murder of two women back in the states."
"N-no I wasn't."
"We've been trying to catch him for a while now we believe he is also responsible for the murder of a young women here. We've been trying to find him for some time now, but he changed his identity and has been flying under the radar. We received an anonymous tip from someone who witnessed him placing what looked like a body in his car a few days ago."
My mom finally notices me looking up. The cop follows her gaze looking at me also.
"It's ok son you can come down." He says giving me a small smile.
I do hugging my mom tightly causing her to cry more. I'm about to break free when she stops me blocking my eyes from the emt's coming back through the gurney now covered in a white sheet... I watch my mom finish telling the cops again what happened before they finally leave.
I'm about to go to my room when she stops me.
"Abel honey I'm so sorry I didn't believe you, Thank you so much you were very brave."
I nod giving her another hug before going upstairs. I go to my room about to open the door when it flies open a bloody hand reaching out and grabbing me...
I scream, falling out the bed with a painful thud. Suddenly my nurse Claire is in front of me trying to calm me down, after a while the screams die down and I'm able to focus on her.
"Abel honey it's ok it was just another one of your nightmares you're safe." I look at her not saying anything , getting up from off the floor.
"Should I ask Dr. Turner to give you something to help you sleep?"
I shake my head no.
"Ok if you need me I'm at the nurses station tonight ok."
I nod watching her as she leaves. With a sigh I go over to my desk and start writing , Knowing I wouldn't be going back to sleep tonight...