May 15, 2008
"Ugh! I can't do this with you anymore Abel, One minute you love me and you're the sweetest guy in the world, then all of a sudden you're treating me like shit! I don't deserve this!" She says throwing the last of her things in a bag.
"Val I'm sorry for whatever I did please let's talk about this!"
"I'm done talking!" She says picking up her bag and starting down the stairs. All I remember is going after her before everything goes dark...
The next thing I know I'm coming to in a police station...
"Mr. Tesfaye I'm trying to work with you, but you're not making this easy..."
"What's going on?" I ask looking around confused.
The detective sighs before walking out the door.
I'm sitting there for a while before the door opens again.
"Where's Val?" I ask starting to fear the worst.
This new guy doesn't say anything throwing something down on the table. At first, I can't tell what it is until I notice it's pictures of our living room, Blood was everywhere on the floor, walls, and couch.
"Why are you showing me this?" I ask tears coming to my eyes.
"You know why..." He says giving me a hard stare.
"I don't kn-"
"STOP WITH THE FUCKING LIES! YOU KILLED HER DIDN'T YOU!" He yells slamming his hand on the table. I flinch not saying anything.
"You're going away for a long time you sick son of a bitch." He says picking up the photos about to leave. My head starts to pound things going dark again. This time when I wake up I'm in a plain white room.
"He-Hello." I call looking around, A while later a kindly looking older women walks in a tray in her hand.
"You're awake good, time for your medicine alright?"
"What happened? Where am I ?"
"You're at Queen St. Mental Health Center... You don't remember what happened?"
I shake my head no. Waiting for her to continue.
"Honey you've been here for the last two weeks..."
"Where's my girlfriend? I have to call her and tell her where I am." I say jumping up.
"Abel, honey your girlfriend was murdered, That's why you're here you're a suspect in the case...
To Be Continued...