"So are you all moved in?"
" Yes dad and the movers are on there way i should get going..."
"I can take a hint princess, I'll talk to you later love you."
"Love you too dad bye."
I hang up looking around my empty apartment with a sigh. I decide to be at least a little productive going to my bag and pulling out my case files for my new patient, since our first session was tomorrow. I wasn't sure why the hospital was so insistent on me just working with him, but i wasn't complaining all my other jobs were with several patients at a time which could be draining. I'd like to say I became used to some of the darkness surrounding this job but sometimes it opens doors to your own demons... This case I knew would be especially difficult since it's tied in with a murder. I almost declined due to my mothers murder ten years ago. But things were becoming a little too mundane for my tastes so here I am. Away from New York and in a whole different country, Canada was definitely going to be a huge change for me.
I take a deep breath and slowly open the file surprised by the photo staring back at me. The young man is this picture doesn't look like he would harm a fly let alone the brutal crime he was being convicted of. He's good looking with unruly hair and sad captivating eyes. For a moment I can't stop myself from looking at him feeling as though he's looking through to my very soul. Fortunately the doorbell rings breaking me out of my reverie. I quickly close the file and put it back in my bag , The next few hours are spent in a flurry of boxes taking my mind off Mr. Tesfaye completely...
That night I decide to pull out his file again, reading through everything this time.
PATIENT NAME: Abel Makkonen Tesfaye
AGE: 20
BIRTHDATE: February 16,1990
PLACE OF BIRTH: Toronto, Ontario
ETHNICITY: Canadian, Ethiopian
LANGUAGE: Amharic, English
PROCESSED: May 29, 2008
PRIMARY PSYCHOLOGIST: Melanie Price( As of current date) Previously:TBD
DIAGNOSIS: Depression, Anxiety, Dissociation disorder, PTSD
MEDICATIONS: Elavil- 2x daily
NOTES: Found at the crime scene of Valerie Harris, Discovered to be in an ongoing catatonic state with no recollection of the nights events. Currently not under investigation/ No indication of guilt...