I don't question her words. I don't even think before running.
With my hands still tied I attempt to make my way through the forest. Less than a minute I've already tripped over a stick. "I need to untie my hands or I'm dead," I mutter to myself before realizing I need to stay quite.
I crawl around on the ground before I find a big stick. I put it in between my hands, against the rope. I use my weight to push it down while pulling my hands up. No movement whatsoever, hands still tied and still being chased by a homicidal maniac.
Okay, I need a new plan. I quickly find a sharp stick and attempt to cut the rope. It's a slow process, within a few minutes I'm finally free of the rope.
"Okay, you're five minutes are up. Ready or not here I come and I'm bringing the dogs," Just as I'm about to get up I hear the psychopaths voice. She's really making my life into a game. Wonderful, just wonderful.
I'm only about twenty feet away, the dogs are going to find me within a minute or two. I only have two options, stay here and let the dogs chew me to bits for her amusement or run through the wildness and unknown of the forest, getting caught eventually. What's the point of trying if I'm going to die anyway?
I can't think like that. I can't. I have to survive for them. I have to survive for my daughter and for my wife.
I slowly get up and start running in a random direction. I ignore the pain radiating from my head, the soreness of my wrists and the twigs digging into my bare flesh. I only focus on getting home to my daughter. I need to get home and read her a bedtime story. Where right in the middle of the second Harry Potter book. She's become obsessed and if I don't get home soon, she'll break her promise and start reading it without me.
I focus on the good memories of my family. I ignore the sound of dogs barking in the distance. I ignore the memories of my family shunning me, I focus on my new family. I ignore the death of my brother and remember him sneaking out to talk to me after our parents banned him from seeing me. I ignore that my wife is dying and remember when we first met. We ran into each other and I spilled my coffee all down her shirt, when she had an important job meeting in 5 minutes. She couldn't stop yelling at me and I fell in love with her adorable mad face.
The barking gets closer, as I get more tired.
I come to a complete stop, looking at the sight in front of me. The trees have cleared and I'm left on the side of a cliff, with no escape from the psychotic maniac chasing me.
"Hello there, Daring," I hear her curel amused voice. I slowly turn, ready to face my death. Realizing all I've experienced and accomplished in my life, I know I'm ready to join my brother in the next life and watch over the loves of my life.
I close my eyes and take a step backwards, off the side of the cliff into the unknown.