Thick dark clouds casted shadows onto the ground beneath me, or perhaps it was the dense canopy that strangled each ray of light that attempted to break through them, I couldn't tell. The unforgiving wind beat against my face as I ran, my bare feet seeming to catch on each fallen tree trunk and thorned shrubbery I passed until they were covered in blood and cuts. Like a man imprisoned by the alluring call of a siren, I ran until my lungs were on fire and my legs were aching for me to stop. I couldn't even begin to tell you how I ended up in this situation. So much had transpired that I don't even remember what triggered any of this, but perhaps that was a lie. Maybe I did remember.
I just wish I didn't...
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The metallic taste of blood and horrified screams that buzzed in my ears long after they had stopped. That's what comes to mind when I think of it. I was a servant in Count Oberraeh's household. He was a pompous man with long lanky limbs that made him tower over everyone who had the displeasure of meeting him. The terror of having him lock eyes with you from across the room was truly horrifying. His discoloured skin was pulled tightly against his weary bones, making him seem malnourished and frail, yet if you listened closely in the dead of the night you would be able to hear him taking his frustrations out on whatever poor soul had crossed him that day.
Somehow, probably due to my own horrendous luck, I had found myself in the count's chambers one night. When I arrived, he was collapsed onto the ground and unmoving. His body was still warm. I could feel it when I knelt beside him and took him into my arms. Then, all too quickly, the warmth began to fade, until finally, he was cold. I was so confused that I had barely taken notice of how the Count's clothes and the bedsheets had been absolutely drenched in blood. The walls, the dresser, everything had been stained scarlet. Like he had decided to dance around and paint the room like some kind of idiot before collapsing at the edge of his bed when the blood loss finally got to him. Its pungent metallic smell stuck to my skin, seeping its way to my tongue, where the taste of death lingered.
By the time the Countess had found us, she was convinced that I had killed him. It was shocking, to say the least. How could I have done such a thing? I always respected the Count. He was a kind and generous man who always looked out for his servants. I would never have committed such an act of betrayal against him. Unfortunately, nobody believed me. Though I suppose being covered in his blood didn't exactly help my case. Regardless, I knew I had to escape. Before the Countess could sick her guards on me, I dropped the Count on his pathetically blading head and leapt from the balcony. When my legs hit the ground, gravity decided to yank the rest of me down with it and I tumbled down the hill that was outside of the Count's chambers.
I didn't have time to think about the pain that shot up through my legs when I tried to stand again. When I looked up, I could see the shadows of the Countess ordering the guards to give chase. Without a second thought, I took off into the forest. Part of me was confused as to why they were making such a fuss about this in the first place. It wasn't like that oaf of a man would even be missed. The wind against my face as I ran was replaced by cold droplets of rain that turned the soil beneath me so soft and mushy that my shoes began to get stuck in the mud. The sickly sweet smell of gun powder filled the air, adding to the pandemonium as I dropped to my knees in an attempt to rip my shoes off.
I continued to run through the forest. Thankfully, the muddy ground slowed my pursuers down as well. I didn't know where I was going. I had been running for so long that it seemed like there was just no end to the forest. At some point I found myself hoping that my pursuers would tire before I did. My streak of bad luck appeared to have finally broken when a familiar voice began calling out to me.
The voice was hushed and panicked like they were desperately trying not to catch the attention of the guards while still trying to be loud enough for me to hear. I was pulled aside where we were hidden by a small growth of vines and bushes. I looked up to meet the face of my good friend or rather only friend, Sasha. He had worked as a junior under me in the Count's manner.
"How did you find me?" I whispered.
"When I heard what had happened I ran after you. I made a fake trail for the guards to follow. It should give us enough time to get out of here."
"I don't know how though! This blasted forest goes on forever!"
"I know a secret path. Follow me."
I began to follow Sasha. His boots barely made a sound as he met my anxiously quickened stride. He lead me to a small crevice in the cliffside. It was just narrow enough for us to barely squeeze through in single file, but turning to look behind me proved to be quite difficult. We shuffled through the cliffside in silence for quite some time. At first, I didn't mind it as it gave me time to catch my breath, but once the adrenaline began to withdraw and I had a moment to reflect on what had occurred, some rather unsavoury thoughts appeared to take root in my mind.
I had just become a criminal and wrongfully so! My entire life had been dedicated to serving the man I had just been accused of murdering! How could it possibly make sense for me to throw away my only source of security like that? I have no family, I have no other home, the Count provided that for me! Perhaps, I should return to the manor and try to explain everything once the initial shock wears Countess seemed to have made up her mind. Blast that stubborn wench! Yes, that's right! It was all her fault! Had she an ounce of the Count's decorum then perhaps I wouldn't have found myself here! She deserves to rot with him! A fitting fate for a pathetic couple.
I felt my heart begin to pound against my ribs painfully. I could feel the way my lips quivered, but I was unsure if it was due to the cold or my rage. I gasped, attempting to take a breath. It's alright. Sasha is on my side. Sasha and I had become friends right away back when he had started working at the manor just over a year ago. He knows I am innocent of these accusations. He'll help me. Before I could curb the smile that crept onto my face, another thought hit me and something suddenly felt off. Why hadn't Sasha asked about the incident? In fact...he hadn't said a word since telling me to follow him.
"We're here."
My head snapped up, my gaze landing firmly on the back of his head. He had managed to slip out of the crevice, but he hadn't turned around. I could see the lanterns that illuminated the town from around his head and beneath his feet, I could make out where the muddy terrain faded into a cobblestone path.
"What's wrong? Move so I can get out."
Sasha reached back and grabbed my wrist, yanking me forward and out into the open. It was so abrupt that I lost my footing as I stumbled forward and landed on my hands and knees.
"What the hell! What was that f-"
"Good work Sasha. Here's a little something for your troubles."
The sound of coins hitting the ground shook me from my stupor. I looked over where it landed next to me to see Sasha picking up the little bag and tucking into his cloak. He glanced at me and grinned.
"Sorry about this Chris. It's nothing personal. You understand right?"
My mouth opened and closed, every question I had dying in my throat as I was hauled to my feet again and cuffed. I was too exhausted to fight back when I was walked over to the carriage. My eyes never left Sasha's. I'm sure the look of utter desperation and betrayal on my face is what made him roll his eyes and ask to have one last moment alone with me. When he approached, all I could manage to croak out was a weak,
"Oh Christoph, I had always thought you were rather smart but it seems I was mistaken about you...I never distracted the guards. I just told them to wait here for us in exchange for a bonus!"
He smiled and dangled his bag of coins in my face like it was nothing.
"I know. I believe you."
"Well someone has to take the fall."
In the midst of my panic, a moment of clarity hit me. "....what?"
Sasha smiled again, but this time it was dark and twisted. "Did you ever stop to wonder how I was the first to hear of what had happened?"
"You...but—you didn't..."
"But I did. I killed the Count. Then I rung the bell to call for a servant and hid. I was rather lucky you were the one to hear it. You're the perfect scapegoat! You were always isolated from the other servants. You were always either completely on the Count's side or on your off days, completely against him, nobody is going to take the crazy loner seriously!"
The look in his eyes made me want to heave my insides onto the floor of the carriage. Instead, all that came out were strained sobs. He hadn't even granted me the privilege of knowing why he would commit such an act in the first place. He simply pat my back hard and slammed the doors shut. The last thing I saw from beyond the rusty bars on the tiny opening at the back of the carriage was Sasha waving goodbye with the same disgusting smile on his face. I didn't know, nor could I even begin to explain how everything managed to get this messed up, but perhaps that was a lie. Maybe I did know.
I just didn't want to believe it...