"Mira, it's freezing here," Ronnie complained as she walked out of the bedroom into the living room, shivering, and sat down on the couch beside me. "Did you call maintenance today about the broken thermostat?"
"No," I replied, trying to stare at her and at the TV at the same time. "I didn't know we had a broken thermostat."
"I told you this morning before you left for the library," She said. "The heat doesn't work and I just had to take a cold shower."
"I'll call tomorrow morning," I said, chuckling a little, trying to sympathize with her. "It actually feels warm here to me. But, hey, go and put on some clothes if you find it that cold."
I was wearing a sweatshirt and a pair of track pants so maybe that's why I didn't find it cold.
"I have clothes on," Ronnie said as she turned sideways on the couch, almost laying down, curling her feet up in under of her ass.
"You're wearing a Winnie The Pooh nighty. That's not clothes," I said, continuing to watch a show on the Discovery Channel. "You know, there's a blanket in the hall closet, right."
"No, I didn't know that," Ronnie answered me. "I'll get it when I warm up enough to actually move."
"God, you're such a child," I said, putting the TV remote down on the coffee table, as I got up off the couch. "I'll go and get it for you."
"Thank you," Ronnie replied in a pouty sounding voice. "You're the best."
"Yeah, whatever," I muttered as I walked around the corner and grabbed the blanket or if the closet. "Don't you forget it either," I said as I sat back down on the couch and covered us both up.
"Thank you," Ronnie said as she pulled the blanket up over her neck and leaned against me. "I thought you said you weren't cold."
"I wasn't until you started talking about it," I replied, turning my head to look at her. "What are you doing?"
"You're hogging the blanket," Ronnie said, almost whining now, as she stared back at me. "So, I'm using you to get a little body heat."
"We need to invest in an electric blanket," I said, sighing heavily, pulling the fleece blanket up around my neck too now. "And you need to invest in some warmer clothes."
"You're right," Ronnie replied, getting a little more comfortable under the blanket. "Or, you know, I could just borrow yours."
Whatever," I said, scoffing at Ronnie. "I can't believe I've been putting up with you for almost a week now."
"Putting up with me," Ronnie said loudly, causing me to turn my head and stare at her. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing," I said, grinning at her, putting my feet up on the couch and bringing my knees up to my chest. "I was just teasing you."
"I bet you say that to all the girls," Ronnie playfully said, giggling at me, as she spoke directly in my ear.
"Not all of them," I answered her with a few giggles of my own. "Just the hot ones with big tits."
"Well, in that case, you must spend a lot of time standing in front of the mirror," Ronnie said, giggling at me again.
"Please, my tits aren't even that big," I said, feeling my face becoming a little hot now. "You have bigger tits then I do, sure," I told her before I realized what she said. "Wait a minute, you were staring at my tits?"
"No more than you were staring at mine," Ronnie replied in a playful but defensive voice as she turned her body a little more towards mine. "Be honest with me," She said, speaking in a much softer voice now. "How long have you known?"
"Yeah, that's way too much blood and guts for me," I said as I leaned forward and grabbed the remote to turn off the TV. "I'm sorry. What was the question?"
"Seriously," Ronnie said, blinking at me. "I asked you how long..."
"I know what the question was," I replied, chuckling a little at Ronnie. "Um... Honestly, for about two years now," I said, knowing exactly what Ronnie was talking about. "Why?"
"No reason," Ronnie said, speaking in a softer voice now, cutting me off before I could finish speaking. "I was just wondering."
"Well, now you know," I answered her in a soft voice. I almost stopped breathing as Ronnie's arm began moving in under the blanket. Seconds later, I felt her hand on my stomach under my sweatshirt. "Ronnie..." I whispered.
"Mira..." She whispered back as she began lightly scratching her nails across my stomach.
The next thing I knew, Ronnie's arm came flying out from under the blanket as she put her hand on my cheek, pulling my face closer to hers, kissing my lips. It all happened so fast I had absolutely no time to react. Even if I had time to react I probably wouldn't have anyway. It was the greatest kiss I ever shared with anyone in my life. The way Ronnie twirled her tongue around mine was already making me wet. The kiss only lasted about ten seconds before I was forced to break it just to catch my breath, but it was long enough to convince me that there was no way that was Ronnie's first time kissing a girl.
"Wow," I said, breathing heavily, as I stared into Ronnie's eyes. "Where did that come from?"
"I... I don't know, Mira," Ronnie replied as she threw the blanket off her. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."
"Wait, Ronnie, stop," I said as she quickly got up off the couch and bolted towards our bedroom. "Ronnie, why are you sorry? You have nothing to be sorry for."
My heart was racing a mile a minute as I remained seated on the couch, staring down the hallway towards the bedroom, trying to process what just happened. After a few minutes passed I got up off the couch and headed into the bedroom, carrying the blanket with me, shivering when I got there because it was so cold.
Ronnie was already in bed, facing the wall, with the light turned off. After taking off my sweatshirt and track pants, I threw the extra blanket over Ronnie and, even though it was only a twin bed, I climbed in right behind her.
"Mira, what..." She began to mumble. "What are you doing? Go get in your bed."
"No, I'm not," I replied as I put my arm around her waist and moved my body as close to hers as I could. "You're right, it's freezing in here. I'm taking back my body heat."
"Mira, this bed isn't big enough for the both of us," Ronnie said, struggling a little bit finally managing to roll over and face me. "You won't be cold if you go and..."
"Just stop already. You know you want me in your bed as much as I want to be here," I said in a soft seductive voice. "You can't just kiss me like that and walk away. That's not fair."
"I know and I'm sorry," She replied in a low voice as she exhaled slowly. "I never planned for that to happen."
"Shit, this bed is small," I said as I threw my top leg over hers to gain some leverage. "Whether or not you planned on kissing me, you did. I just... What are you sorry for though?"
"I don't know," Ronnie replied. "I just... I shouldn't have kissed you like that, Mira."
"Ronnie, there was nothing wrong with the kiss. I'm actually glad you kissed me," I said, moving my hand in under of her nighty and placing it on her ribs. "That wasn't your first time kissing a girl though, was it?"
"No," she finally replied after about ten seconds of dead silence. "But, it was my first time in over a year, honest."
"Week, I think you're a great kisser but, you know, since you're being so honest with me," I said, trying to choose my words rather carefully. I didn't want to offend Ronnie but, at the same time, I wanted the truth. "Are you a lesbian, bi, straight... What?"
"I don't consider myself to be straight and I... I don't really consider myself to be a lesbian either." Ronnie answered me. "I know, it doesn't make sense but I..."
"It makes perfect sense. You're a pansexual," I replied, breathing slowly, slightly moving my hand up and down over Ronnie's ribs now. "A very hot pansexual."
"I'm sorry for kissing you and walking away earlier," Ronnie said as she placed her hand on my thigh. "I should've been upfront with you from the very beginning."
"Sure. What were you gonna say when I walked in?" I sarcastically said to her. "Hi, I'm Ronnie. I'm a pansexual, and we're gonna be roommates for the next four years."
"Oh, my God. I don't sound anything like that," Ronnie said as she began laughing at me. "I just... I don't wanna be just another hot chick with big tits, you know."
"What are you talking about?" I asked her and then it finally dawned on me what I said to Ronnie earlier. Listen, you'll never be just another hot chick with big tits."
"That's what my ex-girlfriend said," Ronnie replied in a sombre voice. "Well, not in those exact words but..."
"Was she your first lesbian, I mean, pansexual experience?" I asked, trying to show Ronnie that I was legitimately interested in what she had to say.
"Yeah, she was. She actually came out of the closet to me even before I knew that I was, you know, hiding in a closet." Ronnie replied. "We were best friends ever since second grade, Mira, and when she dumped me last year, I promised myself I would never date another girl again."
"That's not fair," I said. "You can't let one bad experience ruin your entire life. I mean, just because things didn't work out between you and your ex-girlfriend, it doesn't mean that it won't with someone else," I pointed out to her. "Besides, I'm not a girl. I'm all woman."
"You're right, you are," Ronnie said as she finally slung her arm over my waist. "So... You really think I'm a great kisser."
"I do, but my opinion was based on one single kiss that lasted about seven seconds," I answered Ronnie in a soft voice, taking my hand from under her nighty, placing it on her cheek. "That's not entirely fair, is it?"
"Excuse me, it longer than seven seconds. It was at least nine..." Ronnie replied in a soft voice without barely moving her lips. "Your right, it's not fair. I guess the question now is... What are you gonna do about it?"
I didn't even answer Ronnie. Instead, I pressed my lips against hers. I was the one who initiated the kiss this time. It progressed a little faster than pouty first kiss and it was definitely a lot more intense and intimate.
"Wait," Ronnie whispered as she broke the kiss again. "I better not regret this. Just... Promise me that I'm not going to..."
"I guarantee that you won't regret it," I replied to her. "Now, shut up and kiss me already."