Wendy stood on tiptoes to peek over Petyr's shoulder. A tall, broad man with long black hair twisted in a braid; dressed in tan pants and moccasins, bare-chested and covered in paint or tattoos–she wasn't sure which–stood tall and proud against the treeline.
"It's Tigerlily," He said, eyes never leaving Petyr, "She's missing."
She could almost feel the tension coiling in Petyr's back.
"Missing? Are you sure she's not out wandering? Collecting herbs? Hunting for treasure? Have you tried her Place in the Hallow?" John's voice seemed to hover on the edge of panic but he reigned it in well.
The warrior flickered a glance in his direction and sneered, "You have no business knowing that place. And this issue does not concern you."
"Right now, apparently it does since you came to us for help." John snapped back.
The man jutted his chin in Petyr's direction, "I came for his help."
"And I'm busy. Look for your princess on your own." Petyr turned away from the man and that is when the warrior finally noticed Wendy.
He took her in as Petyr created a barrier with his body, his lips pulled back in a fierce grin. "Busy with another? So soon?"
Another? Wendy felt the creepy tendrils of apprehension and uncertainty. This was not the first time another girl had been mentioned in reference to her, but now it was coming from someone outside of their small group.
"And what do they call you girl?" The man asked. Petyr tried to push her back towards the ladder leading back up into the trees.
Wendy stood her ground, the Indian, which is what he seemed to be, did not appear to mean any offense by his comment. "My name is Wendy, Wendy Moira Angela Darling."
The Indian pressed a closed fist to his chest, "I am Wind Hawk."
Petyr gripped her arm and tried to force her back again, "Wendy, up the ladder. Now"
"Why? Why won't you help them? He said their Princess is missing. You can fly, it shouldn't take you long to do some sort of reconnaissance."
Wendy looked up at Petyr and gently laid a hand on his chest. She wasn't sure why she did it. Maybe it was to stop him. Maybe it was because she wanted to touch–no, no that wasn't it.
He was warm and she could feel his heartbeat thumping against her palm. Petyr looked down at her hand, then followed her tapered fingers to her wrist, up her arm, and to her face where he locked eyes with her. His, like green emeralds, held her hypnotized. She felt like she could drown in those eyes.
His own callused hand came up to cover hers and instead of pushing it away, like she thought he would, he pressed down, holding her hand prisoner against his chest.
"Petyr, why won't you help him?" Wendy asked again.
Petyr leaned towards her, his lips hovering over hers. So close.
"Petyr, please." John's voice pierced their moment and Petyr dropped his hand and stepped away from Wendy. Not again...
Wendy turned and saw pain emanating from John. Her confusion prompted a snort from Petyr.
"Him and Tigerlily..." then he shook his head in disgust.
"Well, then we must help."
"We?" Petyr quirked an eyebrow at her.
"Yes, of course. I want to help too."
"This one is a fighter," Wind Hawk called. Wendy had forgotten he was there. "Just like–"
"FINE," Petyr yelled, cutting off Wind Hawk, who merely smirked. "Fine, I will check some of her hideaways. John, you will take the Lost Boys and check out Mermaid Lagoon and Cannibal Cove. I want to know if Hook's men have anything to do with this." John nodded and the boys immediately gathered together, faces grim. "And Wendy, stay here."
Wendy's shoulders sank, "What? But I can help!"
"No, you'll only be a burden and hold us back. We need to move quickly. If something has happened to Tigerlily, we need to act fast."
Wendy was angrier at how rational he sounded than being called a "burden". She pivoted on her heel and marched towards the ladder.
"Wendy," Wind Hawk called. She stopped and glanced back at him. He closed the distance between them with long silent strides. Petyr moved to stand between them but Wind Hawk stopped short of her. Then he flicked out his hand, tossing something to her.
She caught it deftly and opened her hand to find a small black feather tied to a blue beaded string.
"I am in your debt. If you ever require assistance, come to tribal land and show that talisman." His smile was broad and genuine, and Wendy returned it with a shy one of her own.
"Can we leave now?" Petyr growled, his hand coming up to brush against her back.
Wind Hawk laughed loudly, "You try too hard young flyer, but you give yourself away."
Wendy blushed, afraid to ask what he meant. Then she began the brief climb up the ladder. Once she reached the top she looked down to see the backs of the Lost Boys disappear into the forest.
"Wendy." Petyr was hovering just in front of her and the platform.
"Yes, Petyr."
He dragged his hand over the back of his neck, eyes dodging her intent gaze. "Your wrist?" He gestured towards her hand.
She shook it gently, testing it. "It's fine, feels better already."
He swallowed and flew slightly closer. "Just, don't leave the tree...please."
The strained please at the end almost ended her resolve, but she buried the feeling and merely replied, "I'll be safe."
Petyr nodded then flew away into the sky.
When he was out of sight, Wendy, hopped back down the ladder, practically sliding on the rope and made her way in the same direction the Lost Boys had gone.