Consciousness lapped gently and benevolently at the edges of Wendy's mind. She felt her awareness float up from the deep recesses of her being. She didn't want to move, for fear the pain she knew she should be feeling would drive at her full force and cripple what little cognizance she had. She lay still, taking stock of bits of her body: a toe, a finger, her nose, an eyebrow. If she did it one small piece at a time, then maybe it wouldn't hurt as much.442Please respect copyright.PENANAP3rbEkfHT6
Her first real thought after finding each of her limbs intact was that she did not expect Heaven to be so warm. She decided to try her voice.442Please respect copyright.PENANAPzfxL4iwZY
"Maybe I'm in hell." It was rough and scratchy. Heat coated her and she was sweating profusely. She felt a bead of sweat drip from her forehead, sliding down her hairline towards her neck.442Please respect copyright.PENANAFjrKmigtwD
"'re in Neverland." A smooth, liquor-infused voice answered. A figment of her imagination, one that she brushed away like cobwebs.442Please respect copyright.PENANAaue8Lx44l7
Wendy's eyes fluttered open, bright white light instantly seared her corneas and she blinked back tears, raising a hand upwards to protect her vision. She sat up steadily and tried to get her bearings.442Please respect copyright.PENANApzKHqB5TTU
Once her eyes adjusted, the view drew a gasp from her lips. She was sitting on a white, sandy beach, looking out over a turquoise and gem-studded cove, the waters winking brilliantly in the bright sunlight. It was more beautiful than anything she had ever seen. 442Please respect copyright.PENANAVfrFi1V37t
"This can't be hell..." she tried again, her voice beginning to go back to its normal cadence.442Please respect copyright.PENANA1j0BRqhwGk
"Like I said...Neverland." The voice said again.442Please respect copyright.PENANAjT1F7n44IK
Wendy turned to her right and found herself staring into swirling, dark, spruce green eyes. Eyes that she recognized, but could not fathom their appearance here. The eyes belonged to the face of the boy...or man...she could not tell his age. This time she was able to take in more of him. He was crouched in the sand next to her, a little too close for comfort. His tan face was angular, with a strong solid jaw. His nose had a slight bump as if it had been broken at one point. Dirty-blond hair was tousled and spiked and he kept running a hand through it, making it stand on end even more.442Please respect copyright.PENANAYoaCP70ciQ
"'re the boy I saw looking at me through the window at the cafe," Wendy swore she saw him blush, but it was also hot so she couldn't be sure. He uncurled his limbs and stood, then reached out a hand. She accepted hesitantly and he pulled her up easily, she watched with reluctant interest the play of his muscles along his forearm. He was a few inches taller than she and wearing a different outfit than the one she saw him in at the cafe; at least, she thought he was. His white tunic was rolled up to his elbows and tucked into a pair of tan pants. And he wasn't wearing shoes. 442Please respect copyright.PENANAChNeVtt8Q9
"Where am I? How did I get here?" She tried to remember the events from what she thought was last night, but she had no idea what day it was, much less where she was.442Please respect copyright.PENANAtaUeyBMc0v
"Why did you jump off the cliff?" His blunt question took her off-guard.442Please respect copyright.PENANALhoMeDdRtj
"I didn't jump. I fell."442Please respect copyright.PENANArOfwhi1f9w
He rolled his eyes and gave her a pitiful smirk which made her bristle, "I don't care that you wanted to die, I was just want to know why."442Please respect copyright.PENANAKssDBnL6fh
"But I didn't!" She stamped her foot, feeling childish and out of sorts. She wasn't used to this direct line of questioning, wasn't used to the way he was staring at her, or how close he was getting. "I was running away from someone and I took a wrong turn, then the earth simply fell out from under me." She tried to take a step back from him, but he merely mirrored her move. "Could you...could you please..." she fumbled clumsily with the entreaty.442Please respect copyright.PENANADrEU5WMWTT
"Please what?"442Please respect copyright.PENANAfyic9LGSVl
Wendy cleared her throat and stood straighter, "Could you please back up sir, you're crowding me."442Please respect copyright.PENANAPlJQ6dDk1z
He tried catching her eyes, but she looked down at her feet and waited. Finally, he took a small step back and the breath she didn't know she was holding whooshed from her lungs. 442Please respect copyright.PENANApcmFSCWPH6
They stood in silence for a few moments.442Please respect copyright.PENANAPbLEpotcwN
" didn't jump..." He finally said, deliberating over each word.442Please respect copyright.PENANAiGq1XcwGB5
"No, I didn't." She wrapped her arms around herself. Even though it was unreasonably warm on the beach, she was starting to shiver. She was so afraid and confused.442Please respect copyright.PENANAU4hfoTjH13
"What is the matter with you?" He asked, watching her curiously as she tried to tamp down the emotions welling up inside her.442Please respect copyright.PENANAOcUeXcYS9K
"I don't know where I am...or how I got here. I don't know–"442Please respect copyright.PENANAKQnTvuVIGU
He snorted in disgust, "I told you. Neverland."442Please respect copyright.PENANALoCJeNiVIE
"Neverland?" She rolled the name over her tongue, "I've never heard of it. Is it an island somewhere?"442Please respect copyright.PENANAI87xQnpxt9
He swept his hand across the beach, "It is the name for the archipelago as well as the main island."442Please respect copyright.PENANAhyduYPn0Fl
"Near England?"442Please respect copyright.PENANAqQ6cciWlNj
He laughed, "No, not near England."442Please respect copyright.PENANAhj2LXmWR21
"Well, then how did I get here?"442Please respect copyright.PENANAjt23x0J4EQ
His smile was dazzling, it made her blush, but only for a moment until he opened his mouth and answered her.442Please respect copyright.PENANA4g3YmrWAQJ
"We flew."