Harrys P.O.V.
"how did you find me" I say.
"I saw you running away, why were you running" he asks in his thick british accent.
"I- I had to run, they were gonna find me" I say, trying to hold back tears.
"who? whos gonna find you? why are they chasing you" He says bending down to check on me.
"The dementors, they followed me, my wand its in the dormitory" I say starting to shake. He looks around and then picks me up bridal style. I was in nothing but pajamas and a tank top, it was below 30 degrees outside. Draco wraps his coat around me and zips it up so Im pressed up against his warmth. I grap his neck and cuddle my face into his chest feeling warm. He starts heading towards teh stairs but goes down.
"whiskey brain" he says as the potrait to the SLYTHERIN common room opens up. He steps threw adjusting me to feel more comfortable. I start feeling drowsy so I lean my head on his chest and let my eyes fall closed.
A few hours later "says in spongebob french accent*
"why is Pottah here draco?" "where the blooody hell did he come from?" "draco you have serious explaining to do before I grab the headmaster." I blink my eyes and sit up yawning. I look around for my glasses trying to see where they were.
"oh let me get them pottah" He says grabbing my glasses from in the desk drawer. He puts them on me and I blink and start looking around. Im in the slytherin dormitory. I look down to see Im wearing a slytherin giant sweatshirt and black sweat pants. Guess I was in a deep sleep last night.
"WHO CHANGED ME" I squeak out, turning a bit pink I might add.
Blaze and Pansy start giggling madly as they point to draco. I turn even redder and then ask "where is your closet and where are MY clothes?" Draco grabs my hand and drags me to a walk in closet and grabs my clothes. He doesn't let go. so I decide to drag him out.
"can you walk me to my dormitory" I ask kind of embarassed. He nods slowly and I start dragging him. When we reach the fat lady I quickly say the password, Dilligrout, and go drag Draco to my dormitory. He was wearing a t shirt and pajama bottoms. I go to my closet that I share with Neville and Ron. They were both asleep. I open the door and walk inside. I grab my hat and oversized griffindor sweatshirt I got from Mrs. Weasly last christmas who said "give it to someone you deeply care for." so I turn to draco.
"Close your eyes Malfoy" I say sternly. He immideatly closes them. I pull his arms up and put the sweat shirt over him. it fits him perfectly. I smirk mentally thanking Mrs. Weasly. I adjust the hood a little then put the hat on him. I giggle and tell him to open his eyes again. He looks down and turns pink.
"what the bloody hell harry, please don't tell me I have to wear this" he says complaining. I nod and lead him out of the dormitory. we walk halfway and I stop.
"I have to get back before Ron or Neville wakes up and finds me missing" I say a little sad. I start lowering my head because Malfoy is actually really fun to hang out with. I lifts my head with his index finger and pecks my cheek. I turn red as he turns on his heel stalking away In my sweatshirt and hat. I turn to head back and get into my dormitory to get a little more sleep. I sleep for about five minutes then I hear squealing from next to my bed. My eyes shoot open to see Harmione and Ron towering over me.
"why the bloody hell are you wearing that monstrosity Harry" Ron spits out at me. I move back a little as Harmione starts rambling.
"why don't you lot shut up, its not my fault that he was there when the dementors came and you weren't. and why are you lecturing me when you have a major crush on pansy, and ron why are you complaning when you have liked blaze for two years" I practiaclly yell. They both turn red muttering a sorry. I start trying to say something else but then our dormitory exploded. I scream because the roof colapsed over my bed.
"HARRY" Harmione screams out. Ron hurries out trying to find someone to help. I let out tears as my leg is consumed in rubble. Some one rushes in with Proffesor Mcgonagall. I see bright blonde hair and realize it was malfoy. He saw or heard the expolsion.
"Malfoy you carry Mr. potter to the hospital wing at once I need to make sure everyone else is alright" she says very sternly. He makes a movement to pick me up but I let out a wimper. He looks at me and I look at the pile leaking out blood. he starts removing the rubble covering my leg and then picks me up. I let out a loud cry as Harmione gets hit in the head with other explosion.
"HARMIONE" I cry. Ron hurries in and lets out a dry sob. "harmione... why my best friends" He sighs. Pansy and Blaze came in rushing after they saw Malfoy running towards the commen room. They stop to see ron and Harmione on the ground. Another explosion hits ron on his side. He lets out a loud cry and tries getting up. He tries getting the unconious Harmione to get up too but he colapses and Harmione just lays on the ground. Her eyes were shut, that is a good thing. She mutters something and all the rubble picks up and becomes the dormitory again. then her head falls to the side.
"Malfoy let me get them let me stay with them" I say trying to get to them. He looks at me worridly.
"I can't, blaze, Pansy, and Neville will be able to get them to the hospital wing for now let me take you" he says looking at me with watery eyes. I nod and let him take me. I let out a wince of pain as a running by student trying to see what happened ran into my leg. He yells at the boy to be careful or else. He quickly walks to the hospital wing where he yells at Madem Pomfrey to hurry.
"OH DEAR MY CHILD what happened" she yells worriedly. She motions for Malfoy to follow her to a bed. He lays me on there. She motions for him to leave to do her work.
"let him stay" I demand. She looks at me. "I need to do my work child otherwise you won't heal." I look at him starting to leave. "I won't let you work unless Draco stays Madem." She sighs. "fine he can stay" She says giving up. He grabs a chair and sits next to me. Madem Pomfrey starts cleaning the giant cut she found after pushing up the cloth. I cry in pain as she puts this burning cleaner on my leg. I hear rustling then Madem Pomfrey hurries getting Harmione on a bed with ron by her side. Blaze and Pansy sit beside them. Pansy grabs Harmiones hand as Blaze strokes Rons hair. Ron turns pink and Harmione doesn't react. Pansy is softly crying and kissing Harmiones hand waiting for her to wake up. Malfoy grabs my hand so I look at him.
"its gonna be alright Harry, it won't be to long" He says rubbing his thumb in circles on my hand. I give him a small smile and lay my head on the pillow. Madem Pomfrey mutters a spell under her breath to me and I start feeling drowsy and immidiatly fall asleep.
9 hours later *says in spongebob french accent*
I hear whispering and then a presance on my side. I turn to feel who it was. I feel long hair, a round nose, and curves. I let out a huff and turn back onto my back. The girl whispers something to Madem Pomfrey. I hear shuffleing then I feel something being held up to my face. I didn't want to drink it. it smells like Malfoy, and it smells wonderful. Its a love potion. I turn onto my side not wanting to drink it. I feel another presance, this time short hair, no curves and abs? eh. I move my hurt leg a little to see that it wasn't in pain anymore. I hear a deep laugh. and smile. I think thats my new favorite sound. I move closer to where the sound came from. He lays on the bed next to me. I wrap my arms around his waiste, hugging him. I smell malfoy again, but this time it isn't in a drink form. I hug him a little tighter. I hear another deep laugh. then I hear a couple people laughing at him. I let out a giggle trying to open my eyes.
"I know your awake~" he teases. I try to sit up. Draco notices this so he p.sits up, pulling me up and putting me on his lap. I lean on him trying to open my eyes.
"I can't wake uppp" I mutter/complain. He whispers something to madem pomfrey and she mutters a spell and I am able to open my eyes. I blink a couple times. I look around for my glasses. Then I look at malfoy and see something round on his face. I grab the round things and put them on my face.
"thank you for keeping my glasses warm for me" I say sarcastically. He does and UwU movement. I roll my eyes and look around. Harmione is up and chatting away with Pansy, Ron is cuddled asleep with Blaze by his side. And I am sitting on Malfoys lap with my head on his chest kinda sleepy.
"you bloody cheater, how dare you. I loved you" screeched Ginny loudly.