"UGH, How dare you, bloody cheater, and your a FAG too? what did I ever see in this mistake, no wonder your parents died, they didn't want to spend one more moment with you, YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED WITH YOUR PARENTS HARRY POTTER" she squeals loudly at me. I wince and lean farther into Draco. He puts his arms around me and glares at Ginny.
"He didn't cheat on you Ginny, I was helping him, AND he came towards me when he saw you, and you tried using the love potion on him, and where were you during the explosion HUH, I didn't see you running to go check on harry, OR YOUR OWN BLOODY BROTHER" He says defending me AND Ron. I sigh.
"that was a love potion? why the bloody hell would you give Harry a love potion" Ron asks sitting up. Blaze lays next to him sleeping peacfully. She stands there with her arms crossed.
"I did it because this bloody cheater, cheated on me With that huge git named Draco Malfoy and I didn't want to lose him because HES MY BOYFRIEND" She says getting another love potion from her pocket. I scoot farter into Dracos lap cuddling up against him enjoying the warmth.
"HOW DARE YOU HARRY, I LOVED YOU" she yells throwing the potion at me, tears running down her face. She misses and hits the wall. She walks over and grabs my arm ruffly. I let out a wimper of pain and draco firmly grasps me and holds me on his lap. I grip Draco with my free hand and hold him tightly. I start yelling in pain because she was pulling my arm. I hear a loud pop and I scream. Madem Pomfrey heard the noise and ushered her outside. Madem fixes my arm quickly after a little bit of pain. Before GInny is fully outside I yell to her.
"hey ginny" I yell. "Were over." I grab Dracos face and Kiss him. He puts a hand on the back of my neck, deepening the kiss. I shut my eyes and lean into it. He grips my lower back more. I move in closer to him and move my arms to his neck.
"Awwwwwww~" I hear two girls say. Malfoy leans away breaking the kiss, we both look over at the Pansy to see Harmione sitting up fan girling. Pansy is fangirling next to her.
"So what happened while I was unconious besides..." She gesteres over to us. "that..." I stifle a giggle.
"you should ask pansy who was crying, holding and kissing your hand waiting for you to wake up" I say. I get up and walk over to their beds. Draco pushes their beds together and I sit in the middle while Ron and Harmione scoot closer. Harmione looks at Pansy seeing if she actually was crying.
"I-I was worried" She says turning a little pink. Harmione's jaw drops and her cheeks turn pink.
"Alright, you lot are all clear to go back to your dormitories, I need to talk to the headmaster about the explosion" Madem Pomfrey says grabbing her clipboard.
"so what did the Love potion smell like Mr. Potter" Draco says teasingly. We all start getting up to leave.
"Well 'Mr.Malfoy' it smelled incredibly amazing and I love it, I also have a new favorite sound" I say.
"and what are they" He teases. I giggles and turn to face him. "The smell is your bootiful smell and your laugh. I love your laugh." He purposly laughs so I laugh with him. He grabs my hand, interlocks our fingers and starts strolling back towards the dormitory ward. We walk slow and talk. Every time we saw someone we quickly stopped talking and jolted apart. when we reached the moving stair case we turned to face each other. I give him a smile and start to walk away.
"wait!" I stop and turn. He walks over and kisses me. I kiss him back then mumble a quick bye. and walk upstairs back to griffin door tower. Smiling knowing that I will be very happy..