I have this gut feeling maybe he has blocked my number since I didn't tell him in the first 5 messages, who I was. I was way too excited I guess, that I literally forgot to introduce myself.
Two weeks ago, in the cafeteria, I heard a few girls speak about how Zac is single yet again. I couldn't contain my excitement and straightaway started to look out for his social media. I have sent a follow request on Instagram a few months ago, but he hasn't accepted it yet. I wonder why? Does he hate me already? Well, that would be very unfortunate. Maybe I should make a move without any technology. Just walk up to him and put everything out on the table. Be frank, you know?
Here I am, standing in front of the basketball court pretending I lost my earphones and looking for it. Its been 15 minutes, he didn't come out yet after his practice. So I decided to grab a milkshake from the vending machine.
As I turn around, I see Zac walking towards me, looking down at his phone screen. Holy Shit!!! HERE I AM STANDING WITH A MILKSHAKE IN ONE OF MY HANDS AND MY PHONE IN THE OTHER. I SHOULD DO SOMETHING FAST.
What if he already saw my text and recognizes me?
Did I look super desperate through text?
What if he is coming towards me to tell me to stay away from him?
All these thoughts cross my mind in that millisecond. And here he was standing in front of me with a huge grin. Wait, is he really grinning at me, or is it just another dream of mine? Am I daydreaming again?
"Hey, aren't you Gina? We were in history class together long back when we were in 8th grade? Been so long, just saw your texts and here you are."
Well, that's unexpected.......