I yawn and sit up to see a sleeping cat. Well two sleeping cats. I pick up Hym and carry him down the stairs and walk to the kitchen. I set Hym down on his little scratching post/bed. I grab an apple and start eating. I hear Hym mpurr loudly and some munching. I look over and see him eating his food.
"awwww" I say. I go over and pet him. FUCK FUCK FUCKITY FUCK FUCK FUCK. I stare at Cat in a large t shirt covering everything slipping off her shoulder. I turn abruplty back to my kitty. I stand up and cover my eyes and waltze outta the kitchen. I flop on my bed and put a cool rag on my head. My phone starts ringing. I pick it up.
"hello you have reached my voicemail please leave a message" I say. "ha ha very funny lil girl" He says.
"Hi dad, what cha need, school starts in an hour" I say going downstairs kissing Cats cheek on my way down. I start getting out the pankcake mix. I make pancakes as he explains how he feel down stairs and broke his leg.
"alright, I'll visit you after school, bye dad" I say cheerfully. "alright, love you sweetie."
"Love you two. byeeee." I hang up the phone. I set down the whisk and pick up my phone. I scroll threw all my apps and finally find spotify. I play surrender by: Natalie Taylor and hum along. I connect my phone to the speakers in the kitchen and then pick up the whisk again. I mix then set both the bowl and whisk down trying to get out a pan. I finally get it out and turn on the stove as I pull out the oil putting a little more oil than the recipe asked for. I hum along as the song changes to wolf in sheeps clothing by: Set it Off. I finish the pankcakes and set them stacked on a plate. I put out the maple syrup and walk upstairs to my room. I don't see Cat so I just shrug and go take a shower. I walk out in a towel and get dressed. put on a pair of large black sweatpants, a black tank top and a red and black flanal. I blow dry my hair and comb it out. I should re dye it, the natural color is coming back. I comb it out leaving it down and wavey. I run my fingers threw it and reach in my pocket for my phone. Also gone.
I must have left it downstairs. I grab my back pack and walk downstairs. I hear my music playing still so I walk into the kitchen to see Liv devoring my pancakes with Cat by her side. I roll my eyes and pick up my phone disconnecting it from the speakers.
"you girls enjoying my pancakes?" They nod quickly and continue eating.
"get ready we have school in....." I look at my phone. "Ten minutes." They look up and rush upstairs. I laugh and put my phone in my pocket. I wait on the couch as I hear Liv come down.
I look up and see her in a black high wasted skirt, white tucked in button up shirt and suspenders. Her hair in french braids ending at her neck falling into pig tails. She has glasses on and her mask. Her hair has two little strips hanging in front of her face. I snort.
"what the fuck are you wearing" I laugh. She rolls her eyes and puts on her backpack. Her starts getting a pair of red converse on as Cat comes down in a pair of white ripped jeans, a black crop top and she is putting on my hoodie. Her hair is in a high pony tail with two strips of her hair in front of her face.
"what is it with girls and two strips of their hair in front of their face" I ask. They both shrug as Cat gets on a pair of checkered vans. I look at my phone and see we are a little late.
"were late bitches" I yell jumping up. they look at me then we all bolt out the door. We try to keep a steady pace, rushing to the school. I reach the front of the school and see everyone already in class. SHIT SHIT SHIT. I run to my class and open it. everyone stares at me.
"what the fuck is everyone staring at, if you don't stop looking I will personally beat each and everyone of your ass's" I say out of breath. I walk slowly to my seat and sit down.
"detention, Ms. Alexopoulos , and once your little friend gets here she also has detention, after school three hours, you will be cleaning out the Gym" The teacher says. I groan loudly and slump. a few minutes of the boring teacher yacking about math problems Liv and Cat run in out of breath.
"detention for you Ms. Catherin and you as well Ms. Legacy, tardies will not be tolorated in this classroom ladies, be on time" She says rolling her eyes. She turns back to the chalk board while I write a note and throw it at the teacher.
Dear, fat face
I highly enduce that you should stop yacking about pointless things and get your fat ass into a gym instead, so make sure when giving love to your teensie weensie little girlfriend down in san jose that you loose the weight for sure so that you don't get dumped. Oh wait! you already did fat ass. long titty no nipple having as bitch. 2+2 not knowing what the fuck it is bitch, cross eyed crying down your back fat booty ass bitch. so suck it up. loose the weight. and stop yacking about pointless shit that we will NEVER need to learn in life. you need to close your mouth, loud ass fucking bitch
~your worst nightmare bitch.
"who ever threw that paper, your moms a hoe" Some comedian in the class yelled. I giggle and stare at the teacher waiting to see her reaction. She turns to us.
"who. threw this paper." She says shakily. Everyone whispers because no one actually knew who threw it. Oh wait- I did. She looks at all of us.
"do you all think these words are funny" She says angrily grabbing her glasses. "loud ass fucking bitch, fat ass, long titty no nipple having as bitch, 2+2 not knowing what the fuck it is bitch. cross eyed crying down your back fat booty ass bitch." At this point she is shaking with anger. I recorded it from the loud ass fucking bitch part. the bell rings so I quickly pick up my bag and walk out of the class. The teacher is sitting at her desk. I laugh silently and continue walking. I walk to my chemistry class.
"Hello class, welcome back. I hope you remembered the project that we are starting today. you will have partners, no you can not choose your own. I have them all sorted out already" he says grabbing his clip board. He says a couple of random names.
"um.... how do I say this name...... Konstantina? and Jake you two will be paired." I groan loudly.
"hey dork face I go by Rose" I yell at him. He scribbles something down and then glares at me.
"Detention Konstantina Carter Alexopoulos" He says with a smirk.