"SAY YEAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH"I sing in the car. I singing along with Show Me How you Burlesque. The sax does the beat. "say yeaaaahhh" I sing. Live goes "yeaaaaaaaaaah." "SAY YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAH" I sing loudly. Live gasps. "ROSEY YOU HIT THE NOTE" She squeals. "Hit it up, get it up, won't let you rest, Hit it up, get it up, this is not a test, Hit it up, get it up, gotta give me your best, So get your ass up, show me how you Burlesque" I sing and live sings along. We start weaving back and fourth dancing in our seats driving home with dad in the front. The song ends as we pull into the drive way. I hum as I slam open the door struting in with liv doing the same behind me. "MOTHERRRRRRRRRRRRR COME HERE I HAVE A SUPRISE FOR YOU AND RILEY" I yell.
"alright alright Im comi-" She stops. She stares at him for two mintes straight. "BABY WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" She squeals loudly running up to him and hugging him. He picks her up and she kisses all over his face. I he turns a little pink and sets her back on the ground. Mom clears her throat then looks at him. "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN FOR EIGHT YEARS OF OUR LIVES." He was taken up by the yelling and he laughed a little.
"I have no excuse I just didn't think I would be a good father" He says. 396Please respect copyright.PENANAUWrj3M652b
I head upstairs to relax. I flop on my bed when my phone starts ringing off the hook. I pick it up. "hello?" no one speaks. I just hear breathing. 396Please respect copyright.PENANAiC8oYm9HoF
"I love you......" they say softly. Then they hung up. I reconize the voice but I don't remember them.... who was it? eh.... I put my phone down and lay back down. I toss and turn trying to sleep but I can't. I decide to pick up my phone and play Symphony by Cimorelli for a while on repeat. I eventually am able to sleep.
Blood, fire, death, promises. I jolt up sweating and breathing heavily. I pick up my phone quickly and check the time. 11:02 pm. I decide to go down and make a midnight snack. I make some lucky charms cereal and start eating it at the island in the kitchen. My phone vibrates, I look at it to see who texted me. It was my second, Kat.
Kat: hey are you up?
ye, why? something up?:Me
K: yeah kinda.... look can I come over I need to talk to you...
of course my door is always open lemme get the address: Meh. I go out the front door and look at the number on my door. 396Please respect copyright.PENANAg7rBepeoXr
**** ***laer street: Me. I put my phone in my pocket. I realize I haven't taken a shower yet so I run upstairs and take a quick shower blow drying my hair quietly. I put on some lose shorts(high waisted) and a orange choose kindness shirt. I put my hair in a messy bun and put my glasses on. I put in grey contacts because I hate my eyes. after Im done putting in my contacts I feel my phone vibrate again.
Kat: Im here. I open the door and let her in. Shes wearing a black tanktop and white high waisted shorts. She takes off her shoes and trails after me her red hair dangling near her waiste in a braid. We sit on the couch.
"So whats up Kat" I ask looking in her eyes. They look familiar but I don't mention it.
"Well..... my mom wanted to talk to me after our meeting, I was walking home with my girlfriend and I kissed her after she walked me home" She started. I just looked at her listening closely. "Apparently my mom saw..... she said 'who was that girl' and I said 'it was my friend' and she didn't believe me so she... s-she..." she couldn't say it. She covered her face with her hands sarting to cry. I move closer and wrap my arms around her. she curls up and starts telling me the story again.
"S-she pulled o-out h-her gun on m-me...... a-and s-said 'if you d-don't tell m-me w-who she w-was I'll b-blow your b-brians out' so I told her how she was my girlfriend. a-and l-later t-that n-night I h-heard a s-scream f-from d-down the s-street w-where m-my g-girlfriend lives and m-my m-mom w-was gone a-and so was h-her gun" She sobs. My eyes widen. "s-she m-murdered M-m-m-m- Mailey." She puts her head on my chest. my eyes go from suprised to anger immidiatly.
"Mailey as in the fourth best Mailey?" She nods slowley and buries her face deeper.
"A-after m-my mom c-came h-home s-she k-kicked m-me o-out" She says softly. "Ally m-my s-shit i-is o-on the c-curb o-outside." I hug her closely until she falls asleep from crying so much. I remove myself from her and go outside to pick up her stuff. I carry it to an empty room next to mine. I go back to Kat and stroke her hair. aparently a peice got caught on my nail and I tugged and her hair came off. My jaw drops as her red hair falls off releavling light brown hair.