I roll my eyes as the teacher gives me a pink slip.
"take that to Mrs. Joelson after school and spend two hours in detention" He says walking to the bored. I groan loudly and put my earbuds in listening to perfect two. I lip sing along. I hear yelling then a smash, then I hear a door slam. I look up and remove an earbud.
"hey.... psst... what happened" I whisper to the person next to me.
"not really sure but, Jake was pissed that he is paired with you and he and the teacher got into a huge fight and smashed a text book threw the window" he whispers as the principle walks in.
"ladies and gentlemen, you will each be sent into my office to see what happened and if you lie, you will be having detention for three weeks. first up is ...... K-kon-" she says. I interrupt her
"ahem... I go by rose Ms. Jhonnson" I say standing up. I grab my bag and walk behind her to her office.
"so.... Ms. "Rose" what happened" She says taking a seat with her legs crossed and her finger tips pressed together.
"I don't know because I had my ear buds in and I was drawing a picture of a dinosaur chasing my teacher. I named it 'lunch'" I say with a smile. She rolls her eyes and waves me out of the office. I walk to the library and see Cat.
"why hello beautiful~" I tease quietly wrapping my arms around her. She smiles and grabs a book.
"well Ms. pervert. I was just getting my book, wanna go to the lawn?" She says going to the librarian to check out her book. I grab her hand and we walk to the lawn together. I sit with her and talk for a while till the bell rings. We start getting up to head to class.
"hey Rose, where were you, you didn't walk to class with me like you usually do" Liv says running up to us.
"oh sorry, there was an accident and I went to the office then came here" I say picking up my bag to head for boba. "wanna go for boba with me?"
"sure, you know how much I love boba" Liv says adjusting her bag.
"I'll catch up with you later cutie" I say kissing her cheek. She hugs me then waves and walks off. I grab my phone and we walk arms linked to the store.
"hello how may I help you" the lady at the front desk says.
"oh, may I please have a strawberry boba and one blueberry boba please" I say handing her a twenty.
"of course honey" she says getting out my change and handing it to us. I take a seat with Liv as we wait for our boba tea. We chat about random things for a few minutes. After about five minutes our drinks arrived.
"enjoy ladies" She says turning on her hell with a wink. we get up and leave heading back to school. I pull out my phone and put on Stand out Fit in, I play it out loud humming along.
"big boys don't cry, shoot low aim high, eat up stay thin, stand out fin in" I sing along dancing a little. I bump Liv playfully as she giggles.
"Im going to skip, wanna head to the ware house"I ask as we approach school. I puts her index finger on her chin thinking.
"sure why not" She says shrugging. I squeal and grab her hand and drag her to the ware house for some training. I pause my music and call my fourth.
"hello" She asks out of breath.
"Me and Kathy are going to train, can you come spare with me?" She sighs and I hear shouts and gun shots.
"yeah sure, I just robbed a convenient store and the po po are after me, get ready for the police to show up, and Ill hide the cash in the usual spot along with the candy I wanted" She says running. She hangs up as I un-pause the music and get into my work out clothes. I hear the door slam and lock so I walk out of the locker room and see raven pulling off her wig and taking out her contacts starting to change into workout clothes. There is a loud bang at the door.
"OPEN UP POLICE, WE KNOW KARA ANDERSON IS IN THERE" They yell. I walk over after running around the warehouse a few times to work up a sweat.
"hello" I say opening the door. I take a sip of my water.
"hello young-" He stops and looks over me. He leans on the door way and smirks.
"why hello you young ladies~, have you seen a dark blued hair, green eyed criminal have you" He says running his fingers threw his hair. I roll my eyes.
"nope, Im black/white haired, Kathy is brown haired, and Raven is Blonde" I say adjusting my hair.
"may I have a look in there" he says smiling.
"do you have a permit" I say smirking.
"well no but-" I interrupt him.
"then leave, and next time you come here and hit on me, you'll be fired" I say innocently. His jaw drops and I slam the door in his face. He stops the door with his foot. I draw my gun.
"leave. now. never come in my warehouse un invited" I say as liv and raven come beside me with their guns and knives in their hands.
"do you have a permit for those weapons" He asks drawing his gun.
"yes we do, and if you don't leave right now I will get my mace" I say reaching for my pocket.
"do you even know how to shoot that gun little girl" he says bending down. I aim up and pull the trigger causing a loud bang.
"leave old man before I shoot you" I say aiming the gun at him.
"shoot me and you will go to Juvy little girl" He says.
"for what? self defense because you have a gun pointed at three minors who were in their warehouse exercising when a federal officer trespassed on MY property, yeah see how that works out when they find out you were hitting on me, trespassed, and pulled a gun on us with no proof we didn't do anything" I say pulling out my mace. He puts his finger on the trigger. I spray the mace and shoot his arm. "KATHY 911 NOW" I yell. The officer grabs his radio.
"OFFICER DOWN OFFICER DOWN, I NEED BACKUP" He yells. I kick him as Liv is on the phone with the police explaining what happened. I hear sirens and the police cars show up with guns.
"raven grab our weapons and put them with the loot" I whisper as Raven grabs our guns and knives throwing them under the boxing ring.
"COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP" A female officer yells. we come out with our hands up stepping over the officer. "wha?- officer Jose, these are just teenagers, no weapons." he stands up rubbing his eye with his non shot arm. He walks over to the female officer and shows her the gun wound. More officers show up and talk to us.
"so what happened" He says. I start explaining how he showed up and tried to come in our warehouse without a reason or permit and pulled a gun on us when we were using our weapons as self defense because he was hitting on me. Another officer shows up.
"an officer approached us asking for a girl named Kara Anderson when my name is Rose, she is Kathy and that's Raven, and then tried hitting on me, then when I closed the door he stopped it and we pulled out our weapons as self defense and then he INSULTED me and said I couldn't fire the gun, but I shot the roof, he put his finger on the trigger and I sprayed him with mace and shot his arm and we called 911 because he was telling us not to move and has his finger on the trigger aiming it at us" I explain to the sheriff. He nods and puts the rogue officer in cuffs and transports him to the hospital under a criminal surveillance crew.
"you girls go back to your work out thingy and enjoy your afternoon, do you want to press charges or...." he says. I look at them. They nod and walk back in.
"yeah, we don't want to be silenced if he pays us to keep quiet, like someone did a while back" I say. He nods and walks back to his car. I turn on my heel and walk back inside shutting and locking the door.
"that was close girls." Raven grabs boxing gloves and hands me a pair then gets her on.
"training in progress, now let the fights begin."