Alfie was really scared, he didn't know what they were about to do to him, then one of the bullies picked him up, "w-what are you doing!" Alfie yelled at them, "oh you'll see kid you'll see.." One of them said, alfie notices the leader had went somewhere, then he came back from the Fort with, the knife! The same knife alfie saw in the cushion, he realized what they used it for now. "Please don't hurt me I-I'm really sorry for snooping around your fort!" Alfie was about to cry at this point, he was terrified.. The bullies were gonna do something with the knife and alfie had no clue, what he did know is he was scared and he wanted to go home really badly, "we're not gonna kill you but we're gonna still hurt you." The leader said smiling evilly at alfie, "oh but I don't want to get hurt, say why can't we all just say sorry and be friends? Please." Alfie tried to convince the bullies to let him go but they weren't gonna budge, "sorry kid but if someone is snooping around our Fort we have to punish them," while the leader was talking to alfie he got cut off by a sudden voice, "ALFIE ARE YOU IN HERE?" It was jack, he was here to save alfie, "JACK!" Alfie tried to yell but one of the bullies covered his mouth stopping him from yelling, "shut up kid" the leader said angered at him, "oh no alfie! Are you ok?" Jack said popping out of the bush from behind the leader, "mmmhm!" alfie couldn't talk but he mumbled something, "it's ok I'll help you!" Jack said picking up a large stick to try and fight off the bullies, "give me my friend back." "Sorry jack we can't do that cause little alfie here was snooping around in our Fort," the leader said giving an evil smile once again, "wait I see someone in your fort!" Jack lied to get the bullies away from alfie, the bullies and the leader ran into the Fort and looked around, "now alfie we have to go!" Jack picked alfie up by one arm and pulled him out of the forest, "where do you two think you're going?" The leader said with the knife in his hand, "ok alfie we gotta get to your house right now!" Jack said to alfie who stood up and was ready to run, "let's go" the two boys ran as fast as they could to alfies house but the leader was right behind them, "HEY GET BACK HERE," the leader yelled at them, he was not happy, jack and alfie made it to the house and slammed the door behind them locking it, "oh I am not going back out there ever again." Alfie said with jack agreeing with him, "what's going on you two?" Oliver said to the boys, he didn't look happy.