Alfie hid under the couch for while, he heard the bullies talking about a new kid who just moved to the neighbourhood, he knew they were talking about him, he had to get out of the Fort before they found him, alfie had to make a plan but then he heard something, one of the kids had sat onto the couch while talking, alfie was almost squished but was small enough to fit underneath it, then he heard a voice, " dude the couch has a lump in it! Is there a rock underneath it or something? I should check," alfie worried now, he had to get out before they found him, a few minutes passed and Alfie managed to escape into the forest a bit farther away from the Fort "oh thank goodness I made it out.. I should get home, Oliver is probably worried about me now," alfie looked around but didn't realize someone was behind him, "he's gonna worry more once he finds out what were gonna do to you, but your not allowed to tell anyone" alfie looked behind him, there were the group of bullies, they did not look very happy with alfie, "l-look I'm sorry for looking around your Fort p-please don't do anything to me.." Alfie said about to tear up from being so scared, "look fellas he's trying to get out of his punishment for snooping around in our Fort, sorry kid but when someone snoops around in our Fort we can't let them get away with it.." The bullies looked at alfie and gave the most evil smile that alfie ever saw, " w-well what are you gonna do with me and why can't I just run right past you right now?" Alfie said trying to get defensive and doing his best to be strong and not get upset, "oh boy we got one of those again guys, looks like he can handle the special punishment.." The bullies agreed with the leader, alfie was worried now, what did they mean? What were they gonna do to him.