Bremira awoke in a jolt from a dreamless sleep. Or at least she thought it was dreamless, she couldn't quite remember. She stretched as her eye's adjusted to her surroundings. her body ached, it was then she remembered she had fallen asleep in a chair next to.... She looked over to the examination table. It was empty. The sheets were on the floor and the man was gone. Bremira rushed to her feet, her head spinning from the sudden movement. Where had he gone? If he had left the house... No, that was a straight drop, he didn't have wings to go anywhere. But he could have maybe scaled the cliffside. Oh god. Was Samuel okay? Maybe he was right and this man was dangerous! Bremira rushed out of the room.
"Samuel!" She called out, her voice hoarse.
She rushed up the stairs to Samuels's bedroom and flung open his door. There he was sound asleep, undisturbed. Bremira let out a sigh of relief. She leaned against the doorway. Okay, so he hadn't bothered Samuel, that's all that mattered to her. But where had he gone? She quietly shut Samuels door. She slowly crept back down the hallway. She could hear her heart race not knowing what kind of person she could be faced with. As she turned to go back down the stairs she saw him. He had started walking up the stairs but froze once he saw her. her breathing hitched. They both were at a standstill, she could tell he was examining her.
He looked different. He must have washed the lotion she had lathered him in off, his face was cleanly shaven and his hair was shorter. It was a sloppy cut, but it somehow didn't look awful on him. she could see his features better in the light of day, he had a narrow jawline. He was also a lot taller then she had originally thought when she had been lugging him around for the better half of the night. He had half a loaf of bread in his hand and some crumbs on his face and shirt. Wait, where did he get clothing from?
His expression was confusing. She couldn't tell what emotion he was feeling but she was sure he could tell hers.
"Um, I..." he tilted his head for a second in visible confusion before almost excitedly proclaiming proclaiming "Hungry! ...Sorry. Hello." His husky voice broke the silence tinged with an unknown accent. His words rolled off his lips in such a mesmerizing fashion.
Bremiras eyes grew wide as she realized he had just greeted her in her tongue. Granted it wasn't perfect but he knew it. How many more times could this stranger surprise her like this?
"Hello." She whispered back in shock.
If he couldn't read her expression before, there was no doubt he could now. A small smirk graced his face, was he amused?
"You.. Just, You-" She fumbled to find the words to say to him. She had so many questions but which was the best one to ask first?
His smirk grew to a wide toothy smile before reaching out his hand to her.
"I understand," he said.
His smile shone brightly, she was surprised his teeth weren't as dirty if he had really been out in the sea of sand for as long as he seemed to have been.
She took a breath, shakily walking down, and took his hand. It was rough callus yet warm and welcoming.
She finally spoke, she wanted him to understand one more thing.
His smile dropped and for a small second, a look of utter surprise showed on his face but was quickly replaced by a brighter smile than the last. He grasped her hand in both of his shook vigorously. He bellowed out a hardy laugh that almost made her jump out of her skin. Soon she found herself smiling and laughing with him.
She had said hello.
As she looked up at him she saw that he was crying. He hadn't stopped smiling and she wondered if he even noticed the tears running down his face. He chuckled brought his hand to his forehead. He looked down for a minute before looking back to her. He began speaking at a speed Bremira couldn't quite catch.
He stopped and nodded.
"Sorry" He stilled beamed at her in disbelief.
Before anything else could be said a door opening could be heard from the top floor and quick footsteps before Samuel stood at the top of the stairs with a labored breath. He looked at Bremira then the crying smiling man across from her, he cringed his face.
"What?" was all he could manage in his confused and newly awoken state.
Bremira looked at Samuel who clearly wasn't awake enough for this interaction and then the tearful man who looked like he was suppressing a laugh. She pursed her lips and clapped.
" To the kitchen."
She grabbed the man and hearded him there, Samuel slowly following behind eyeing the man. As they got seated around the table. They all got a good look at each other. Samuel still in his pajamas with his glasses slightly laying crooked on his face, the scruffy-looking man with strange patterns on his skin rested his head in his hand looking fairly carefree and Bremira which at this point looking more exhausted then either of them with knots and tangles in her hair and bags under her eyes. Bremira pointed to herself
Then at the glaring boy with his arms crossed
The man repeated back pointing at each of them respectively.
"Bremira, Samual"
He then smiled giving a thumbs up
Samuel broke his stare at the man and looked over to Bremira.
"Is he a fucking idiot or something?"
"Watch it." Bremira threatened with a glare.
"Id.. Idiot. Idiot!" The man laughed
"Did he just call me an Idiot?" Samuel asked angrily jabbing a finger at him.
"You are an idiot and he doesn't speak Eshlin very well so it might be a new word for him. So shut it."
Samuel sat back in his chair slumping down and resumed his silent judging of the stranger before him. Bremira brought her focus back to the man.
Bremira couldn't contain her excitement as she giggled at the response she had been hoping for.
Samuel broke his silence.
"He has to be lying, humans are just a myth! Even if they were real is it possible that any of them really survived in the Sea of Sand? We were taught that we are the only beings able to live here because we are out of reach of the monsters!"
"Use your eyes Samuel, we both know he doesn't have wings and he speaks Advich fluently! When I was bathing him he didn't have any scars indicating that he may have had torn off wings!" She retorted
Ivo spoke up "You bathe me?"
"Well he seems to know what that much means." Samuel smirked at Bremira who was growing flustered.
She coughed reccolecting her self and straightened her posture.
Ivo chuckled, he didn't know exactly everything they had said but he found their interaction endearing.
"Ka.. Katen zevu shesla ri estre itebi." Her Advitch was a little rusty but she hoped he understood.
"Ren katen itebi." Ivo responded with a gentle smile.
"What did you guys say?" Sameul asked feeling slightly left out.
"I said that I have much to ask him and he said: And I, you"260Please respect copyright.PENANAUqkRrCSJ2T