Waking in a cold sweat from another bone-chilling night terror, a warmer presence greeted his blurry vision. Bright afternoon light beamed in through the window across from him. Ivo sat upright. As he came to and his heart stopped racing from the fight or flight scenario he had dreamt up, the memories of last night flooded back to him. Bremira finally asked what brought him here. He was honest, there wasn't enough time to lie. He just wasn't sure how she'd react. Maybe part of him was hoping she'd want to be the one to go with him. Of course, she didn't, who in there right mind would have opted to take such a life-risking journey with a stranger? Not to mention this home of hers and the kid. He couldn't bring himself to uproot someone like her. Her response came as no surprise. Of course, he hadn't actually asked her to come he just explained his being here. She told him that she'd find someone, that it might take a while because she didn't know who it was safe to ask herself. She expressed worry of people finding out a human existed and was here in the kingdom. That maybe they'd turn him into the king, So he had to keep a low profile. He walked to the window and could hear running water from somewhere outside.
He scratched his stomach before making his way downstairs. He looked for Bremira and Samuel to no avail. The house was quiet. He decided to take a peek out the from door. Sure enough, as Bremira had told his last night it was a long jagged drop down into a winding river that was shimmering gold in the light of the sun.
she never had to worry about me going anywhere. He thought to himself.
He was a little bummed by this, hoping that maybe he could be closer to a town. He wanted to see how people lived here with his own eyes. Sighing he looked around. His view obscured by the large wall of jagged rocks far across from him. To the left of him in the distance, he could see the river flowing out to a far off clearing. Eyeing the upper part of the apothecary he noticed a wooden railing. Curiosity getting the better of him he swiftly jumped from the doorway to the windowsill next to it, from there springing himself towards the railing as he effortlessly pushed himself up and over.
The view from above was far better. He couldn't see any towns but he saw down through the fields that curved at an angle, past the wall of thorns he never thought he would venture through, and the vast world of sand beyond. Stretching endlessly, no life to be seen. It was almost hard for him to believe he had really been in such a barren place for so long and survived. Could he even bring himself to go back out there? To take someone else out there? He had tried once before and it had ended in tragedy. Memories started flooding back of the people he met and cared for along his trip and how many of them had perished in the uncaring hands of the desert. He gripped the railing as he stared out into its emptiness. It was no different than a black void to him, sucking the light out of everything and everyone.
Maybe I can just stay here.
He considered it for a moment before dismissing the idea altogether. Feeling that he couldn't trouble Bremira and Samuel more than he already had, he submitted to his mission once more. Not to mention she was in her own dangerous predicament and him hiding away with them could only make things worse. There was also the promise...
Right. I can't let myself be weak now. He thought
In one night he had almost been lulled into a false sense of security. He may have made it here but he had to make it back as well. He'd merely made it past the first obstacle of many.
Pushing those thoughts to the back of his head he looks around finally noticing the telescope in the corner of the balcony. making his way over to look through it, he thought back to the hours of sleep he had lost to studying the stary sky at night through his own telescope. he hadn't seen one since he was last in his own kingdom. Looking through it he looked back out to the desert.
Ivo guessed that they must have found him through this, having been so far out, no one could have seen him through their vision alone. Unless Airborns had some kind of special sight that he just never learned about. Turning the telescope in the opposite direction he thought maybe he could see apart of a city in the distance but once he turned to look he saw a magnified version of wings flying towards him. Panicking he dropped the telescope and tried to skitter back over the edge of the ledge, then realizing he dropped the expensive-looking telescope instead of setting it down properly, he quickly tried creeping back over to turn it right side up and planning to dive back over the ledge before he could be seen even if that meant falling. Ivo refused to cause trouble for Bremira and Samuel. he'd figure out how to break his fall or grab something on his way down and not die. He could think of it he got to that stage, that could work, right? But before he could reach the telescope he heard his name being called to him.
He turned to look seeing Bremira and Samuel flying towards him carrying many clothe bags. She waved to him beaming. Samuel on the other hand wore his scowl Ivo usually was most familiar seeing on him, obviously not enjoying the manual labor. Ivo felt relief wash over him.
Bremira and Samuel landed on the balcony to greet him.
"I see you found our hideout" Bremira exclaimed.
"It would be a better 'hideout' if you'd let me get a Majring set for it" Samuel mumbled
"Yeah, never. I'm not going to enable your bad habits." Bremira said plopping herself onto the ground and leaning against the railing.
"What's Majring?" Ivo asked curiously.
"Just a game for people who enjoy losing money." She sarcastically responded.
"It's a gambling game but I'm good at it" Samuel exclaimed proudly.
"Is that why you still can't beat me?"
"You beat everyone so that doesn't count, you're a waste of good Majring talent."
They never failed to entertain Ivo. Any time they entered the room together their banter brightened it. At least to him.
"What are you smiling about?" Samuel said glaring at Ivo.
"Anyways!" Bremira chimed in. "We got you some stuff after work today."
Ivo perked up, he hadn't expected them to get him anything.
"Mostly she did."
"Don't be so Humble Sam, you helped pick out all the clothes" She said teasingly.
"Thank you, sam!" Ivo said while bowing.
"Whatever, I'm going to go make food" He turned his back towards both of then jumped on the railing and dropped off, disappearing from sight.
"He's warmed up to you more then he's letting on, don't let his attitude fool you."
"Ah, I see. It's not like I'll be here forever. I understand feeling suspicious in this situation. I don't blame him for having his guard up, I would too." Ivo said, as he stood leaning against the railing on the other side of the balcony.
"I don't think it's that deep with him. He might not fully trust you but it's as much distrust he'd show any stranger in this kingdom." She finished up separating his things from the others they bought.
She handed him a stack of folded clothes.
"It's not as fancy as the silk we found you in but it's still pretty nice for commoners clothes here. We also got you a few sets to cycle through, not sure how long you planned to be here."
He took the stack and unfolded the white cotton shirt and dark blue pants to get a better look. The Cotton shirt was beatifully made with gold embroidery of birds and olive leaves running down both sides of the sleeves. The dark blue loose pants were also gold at the seams.
"Thank you, you didn't have to get me something so expensive."
"It wasn't that much like I said they are just nice commoner clothes."
They both left the roof and made their way back inside. Ivo changed into his new clothes and met back with Bremira and Samuel who were talking away in the kitchen. Bremira looked up as he entered.
"Looks like it fits!"
"They are perfect, just loose enough. Did you also take my measurements while I was unconscious?" He teased
"Actually, I did" She smirked
He laughed and Samuel rolled his eyes.
All of a sudden a rapid succession of knocks came from the door. Startling them, Bremira jumped up and whispered to Ivo
"Stay quiet and stay in the kitchen."
She rushed out into the front of the house to open the door. All of a sudden a very loud whaling voice came from a middle-aged woman who pushed her way into the shop, not minding to tuck her grey pidgin like wings away as she came in knocking down the coat hanger.
"Bremira! I'm dying, I can feel it!" she cried
Bremira breathed a sigh of annoyance and relife.
"Hello Mrs. Sumble. What's the issue?"
A sweaty wheezing Mrs. Sumble slumped her body against the front counter
"Yesterday, I was talking with Mr. Sully" She paused to catch her breath. "You know, him he's the carpenter from the Quartz district, usually always a bit red in the face squinty little eyes, quiet awful breath and-"
"Yes, I know him." Bremira said cutting her off before she went into her usual insulting description of others.
"Well, he said that there was a new flu going around one that caused your armpits to itch and your eyes to get dry and, oh well you see I-I think I have it! I need you to fix me before I die, he said you can die from it, you know." She stated very sure of herself.
Damn it Mr. Sully. Bremira thought
Mr. Sully was very fond of messing with Mrs. Sumble, a lot of people were. She was usually very rude and gossiped a lot but was also very melodramatic so it never took much to get her going. And with how rude she is no one holds back much despite Bremira telling them it causes her more trouble than anything. She couldn't just tell her it wasn't real either, she'd just insist on being 'fixed'."
Bremira gave a forced smile "Alright Mrs. Sumble, I'll go get the medicine for that specific ...illness and give you a quick check-up." Bremira left behind the counter to grab some sugar pills.
"You're such a doll dear, thank you. I'm rather thirsty, I flew here in quite a rush."
"I'll get you some water in a second Mrs. Sumble" Bremira shouted from the back medicine room."
"Oh, no need dear, I know where the kitchen is by now" She chirped making her way down the hall and to the kitchen.
Bremira shot out of the backroom
"Wait!" She shouted.
It was too late, Mrs Sumble opened the door and stood facing Samuel and Ivo at the dining table playing a card game.
"Shit" Samuel whispered seeing her there.
Mrs. Sumble stood with eyes wide and mouth agape staring at Ivo.