Addilyn pov-
I'm thrown back into my room as blood runs from my shoulder, I tried to leave again, but of course his drunk ass caught me again. I weep in pain with my back against the floor. I look over at the dirty mattress and think about if I would have just ran faster I would have gotten out. I was kidnapped 6 years ago when I was 10 and every moment in this house has been a nightmare, every single second of it. I really just want to go back to my family. The door bangs open and he comes back inside, I’m not really sure why he took me but for whatever reason it was really stupid. He drags me by my hair over to the wall and slams my head against it, I scream out in pain as he steps on my hand he slams his boot down multiple times and then he throws me into the book case that in my room I grip my left side in pain. He slams the door shut and walks out and leaves me in pain all alone, I just want to go home. Is that too much to ask. I just decide to let the tears fall and not even care if I'm supposed to be strong. I have been since I was 10 years old and I was taken and it wasn’t my fault. I tried so hard to get away but of course I couldn't, I was a 10 year old being chased by a 30 year old man. I miss home so much, I still remember my best friend Lola. I really did love her like she was my sister. I still remember my other best friend Ryder, fuck i miss him so much.
The one thing I miss the most is feeling the fresh air in the morning, what fresh cut grass smells like, how the sand feels in between my toes, my 5 brothers. Yeah that's right I have 5. I'm the youngest, and the only girl my brothers were so protective of me all of the time, and they loved Ryder like a brother and Lola like a sister. I bang my fist on the floor trying to fight away this pain that grows deeper and deeper in my body. I hear him coming up the steps once again, will he ever give me a fucking brake.
What he doesn't know is I know how to pick locks, how to hotwire a car, how to make and take out stitches, how to break a door down and my other useful things.
He is leaving at night and it will be my time to try and get out, if I can. I have so much hope that I can actually do it and get out of this house and get home. I may only be 15 but I'm smarter than most people think I am, of what that idiot takes me for. I hear the front door slam shut and this is my time to leave, I wait for 130 ticks of the clock on the wall, because there have been times where he has tricked me before and has beat me until I was half dead, I pick my lock and quietly open the door. Am i actually gonna make it out of here?
Will I really get to go home?
Well let's find out if i can really go home and go back to my family. I want to be hugged by my mom and dad again, I want my brothers and me to mess around, I want to sleep in a real bed again, I want to see my best friends again. All Together I really just want to get back to my family. I really want to breathe in fresh air once again, I want to feel the wind in my face. I want to run in a field and just be myself and be free, maybe i really will get to go home and do all those things again but i have to be smart here.
“ Come on addy you can do this, I know you can do this “.
My brain tells me I can do this so I know I can, I try to be slow and steady, all I know is I can't get caught because he will kill me. I know for a fact it won't be a quick death either, he will make it slow and painful. I walk down the stairs and I go over to the control box, I use my tiny screwdriver to take the bolts off. Once I got the panel off and let out a breath I didn't even know that I was holding in. I then look at the chords, okay so white and yellow are always safe, never disconnect blue or red. Because those will set off the alarm and he will kill you. I start to cut the white and green wires, I wipe the cold sweat off my forehead and I sigh as I see the alarm didn't go off. This I am so thankful for at the moment. I cut the next green wire and then the alarm disconnects, thank fucking god im not really sure how much time I have left before the basterd gets back.
I put the panel back onto the box and then I put the bolts and screws back on. I breathe out and hope for the best. As soon as I turned around, he was right behind me. He slaps me hard across the face and then bangs me into the wall, pain shoots through my all ready sore body. He then drags me toward the basement door and I try to get out of his grip, I already know he is going to throw me down the stairs and I can't stop him because if I even try he’ll beat me even worse. He takes the screw driver I had been using and he stabs it into my arms, I cry out in pain as he does that. He lifts my body up and throws me hard down the stairs, I keep my head from hitting anything.
I scream in pain as my ribs and left arm now feel like lava is being poured onto them, my arm is now broken and possibly a few of my ribs, like what the hell. He comes charging down the stairs at me, I try dragging my body away, but I'm in too much pain to do so.he stomps on my fingers and then my broken arm. I scream out in pain begging him to stop hurting me but he doesn't, he continues with this torture. He climbs back up the stairs and leaves me alone in the basement, I was so close to leaving. But now I know he might actually kill me.