''Death is an angel with two faces: to us she turns a face of terror, blighting all things fair: to others she burns with glory of the stars, and love is there"
A new day was about to begin in a few hours, a new day means more deaths. I quietly lay upon my so called bed. A place next to to heaven, everything in here seemed so stable. I couldn't feel the time passing, but every time I closed my eyes. I would see his beautiful face.
It was my time to visit again, I decided not to think much about the boy who was a distraction. This time my visit to earth was different, I had to take the soul of a young girl who had committed suicide.
There she lay on the floor, with blood pouring out from her wrist, the girl with blonde hair could see me in my grim reaper form, wearing a dark black robe with a skeletal body holding an hourglass and a scythe. Such a matter of pity that she couldn't see me in my angelic form, with sparkling green eyes, black hair and a black gown. I could easily sense her fear.
''Grim reap...per '' she stuttered. ''Please don't kill me'' she begged for her life. I stood there with scythe in my hand, I laughed. It had been so long since I had taken soul of a person who had tried to kill themselves. They seemed so vulnerable begging for mercy.
''I am sorry, I don't want to die, please don't kill me, I will never try it again...please '' said the girl wailing in pain. I was now starting to get annoyed.
''WEAK, you are weak to end your life'' I spat.
Without wasting any time I took away her soul, and sent it to the soul creator
The body of a thin girl with blonde curls, with cuts on her hand, was lying lifelessly.
Everyone feared her, called her grim reaper, as she was the one to all the sorrows and she was the most painful truth in the world.
When I got out of the house, I couldn't believe my eyes..... it was HIM, he was standing in front of me, I could recognize his brown hair and piercing green eyes.
''Myra, Myra'' he kept calling out while knocking at the door. I couldn't believe my fate. I just realized that Myra was the girl, whose soul I took away.
I never wanted him to discover the truth, everything seemed so surreal. The thought of him seeing Myra's dead body made me feel responsible, maybe guilty. Guilt and remorse were feelings unknown to me. I don't know why but I couldn't bear the thought of him being sad. I was currently standing next to him, his expression was of despair.
My mind screamed turn around and walk away, but my actions were contradictory. I did something no one could have thought off.
I entered inside Myra's lifeless body and ran across to open the door. There he stood looking up in surprise, I could feel his gaze set on me.
''Hi'' he said.
I was confused, could he see me?, I thought to myself?,
''Why is there blood on your clothes? What did you do Myra?'' he asked is worrying tone.
I looked at myself and then the situation got clear . I realized that I had committed a deadly sin. I stood there baffled and looked into those those green eyes. They seemed watery, I kept staring deep into them. They were my only cure, and the reason behind this sin.
''You tried it again didn't you? Didn't you Myra?'' he said almost in a whisper. He lifted my hand and touched those cuts.
''I am sorry, it was my fault,..my fault'' he kept repeating in a defeated voice.
I wanted to tell him that the girl standing in front of him wasn't Myra, it was death before I could say anything. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and whispered ''I love you'' gently in my ear. On hearing this I completely froze, the world spinned and time felt eternal.
No one had ever said this to me, after all who loves death.