"You shouldn't be able to see me."
It takes a moment for these words to register in my mind. So often had a stared at those mesmerizing, ice blue eyes, that coming face-to-face with their setting was more than enough to slow my mental processes. I feel my face turn to one of concern even as the idea comes to the forefront of my mind.
"What do you mean I shouldn't be able to see you?" I ask. Certainly not the most enlightened response, however one seemingly amusing to my counterpart. A slow, sad smile spreads across the tall man's face.
"Because," He said, matter-of-factly, "No one sees me. Except you apparently. Interesting, isn't it?" He tilts his head slightly to the side, those cool eyes seeming to analyze every freckle on my face. "Well I suppose it wouldn't seem interesting to you. After all, you are quite unaware of my condition." He did not sound as I had dreamed that he would, the many days we had spent riding the bus together. It was the #4 bus, the one that runs straight through this town from the old mill site to the new university where I attended classes. He always got on a few stops after I did, but usually he got off before I did. So of course, when he got off at my school, I struck up a conversation. Surely here was common ground.
"What is your... condition?" I ask, suddenly feeling foolish. Every sentence that I have ever spoked to this man has been a question, as if he represents all things that I cannot ever begin to understand. At the very least, he himself I something I don't understand. He smirks at the look on my face, hands tucked into the pockets of his long black pants. Maybe I've been watching too many scary movies recently, but as he leans slightly back, towering over me with his height that easily exceeds 6 feet, and that look on his face, some part of my mind jumps to a conclusion. "A vampire?" I ask myself. Surely not. After all, vampires aren't real. He's definitely not staring at my neck. Seemingly entertained by some unrealized reaction of mine, he asks
"What're thinking so hard about beautiful?" The blue eyes piece my skin like icicles into soft snow. The debate continues in my mind. Surely he's not a vampire. Don't they usually have red eyes? Maybe I should just ask. Yeah I'll probably look like an idiot, but maybe he'll find it charming. I can be charming, right? The words escape my mouth before I even begin to think of them.
"Are you a vampire?" I feel like slapping a palm to my forehead. If you're going to ask such a thing, it should at least be carefully articulated, not just blurted out. He smiles softly at me.
"Don't worry, your blood is safe with me." He winks at me, boldly reaching to take my hand. I let him, my cheeks flushed. "You're very...interesting to me" He says slowly, looking into my eyes. I take a deep breath, choosing this moment to reiterate my first question.
"Do you want to go get some coffee?"
He watched the girl carefully as they walked together towards the downtown center, thinking to himself. She was a human, but she could see him. That could only mean one thing: He had tasted this girl's blood before, and yet somehow, she had lived.