Shin's devil smile is back again he never thought he will spill his secret this fast honestly at least even if Leo does not like this then he have a choice if his blind leaves or not looking at them right now they love that he's already finding whatever he like to do even if he gets a bit embarrassed by it's best that only a small enough of people knows about this right now.
Shin honestly when he first discovered that he was liking the idea of wearing this type of clothing he was super embarrassed and ashamed that someone as manly as him likes it but the support from the girls gives him enough confidence to try it and destroy the norm for him he kind of does not accept it yet but the more he keeps this up the more he loses the ashamedness that was plaguing his mind.
"What was the term for it?" Shin thought hard and good while glancing at Leo dressing up it was transsexual right? He thought it was high-key insane for him but he does not anymore why he resonates with more than any other ones "I never thought I like the idea of me being like that but at the same time it can be useful...?' Shin said to himself softly it was a great idea to have.
"Leo do you have any idea about transsexual people?" Shin asked curiously while staring up front.
"Hmmm... I know some but the explanation there is you like to be in a different gender than your original? Why do you ask Shin-Chan is it somehow resonates with you?" Leo tested while closing his eyes for make-up.
"Well I like dressing up like this but I don't know about having a different gender.... do you think I'm like that?" Shin answered a bit embarrassed but smiling to himself.
"Shin-Chan whatever gender you are it's fine by us even to Libra. But discovering yourself is a hard path to follow huh?" Maki-san comforted happily.
"Yeah it's hard but we can't confirm yet because you never show any signs about being anything girly!" Tamaki chimed in from the office surprising the three because of Tamaki's hearing.
"I guess... but do you think in your heart and mind that you are then?" I mean you do have confidence for it to be true right?" Leo tested again while Maki-san added lipstick.
"I'm not so sure but confidence and resolve is different right? I'm not too girly right?" Shin questioned a bit confused while glancing at Leo.
"That's true though maybe you are what we call trap then?" Maki-san answered curiously while smiling.
"A trap? Is it the same as transsexual then?" Shin asked confused even more now.
"A trap is what we call someone that likes wearing a different gender's clothing either boy or girl! There's two actually a trap for boys and a reverse trap for girls!" Maki-san informed happily while getting out Leo's clothes now.
Hmmm... maybe he's indeed like that? Or is it even more different ah... this is hard now even more in what they call Pride Month now! Shin look at himself "damn I too good looking girl to be considered as a boy then!" Shin thought hard they are many genders today and keeps him insane at how much of finding yourself was this hard and being part of LGBQ+ is a weird experience as well.
Glancing at Leo he nearly had a nosebleed actually never-mind that he actually has one now "damn he looks like an elegant moon princess or something even more greater than that!" Shin thought while being dead in the head in an instant he could say that he was grateful to have this too much cute and handsome boyfriend now.
Leo has a golden hair wig just like the sun and an oh so revealing clothing that makes Shin's brain fried to death and angel wings "Dear Lord please help me now he's way too cute and elegant to be considered a boy too!" Shin thought as he stared to Leo thinking something dirty and lose his brain cells too.
"Leo that's illegal and ya know it! Why did you put that on him now Maki-san!" Shin half yelled embarrassed as he got turned on.
"No worries Shin-Chan at least this one is not yours right! Ya know it's hard to find your size and looks!" Maki-san complained softly while adjusting Leo's wig.
"When are you going to finished there's 2 hours before the Aki mall event starts." Tamaki complained too while pacing can be heard at the office.
"No worries we're near finished already just the stockings now!" Maki-san added to the front of the door.
"Damn I could say that I have the looks to pull this off then right Maki-san? Do you think we should do this again?" Leo teased softly while Shin just sighed hard.
"If Shin-Chan likes then we can but thinking about it Shin-Chan if you are sure about being transsexual or trap then?" Maki-san tested happily to be informed.
"I don't know yet for sure but that's the only thing I know that has the term for whatever turned on for me!" Shin informed curiously while touching his chin.
"It's going to be fun when you will finally discover it and trust me at least ya look like a girl God help all the fans of this anime!" Maki-san joked softly smirking evilly while the two shivered in fear.
"Are you sure this contact lens are safe Maki-san it's scary as hell I'm super sure I might as well wear the eyepatch then.... right?" Shin asked nervously while staring at the lens he will be using.
"God I'm now grateful that I'm blind at least I don't have to wear any of those either way are we ready now Maki-san?" Leo tested also nervous too while checking out some details in his dress.
"Yup you're finally ready! Damn this a fun project to have let the world know you're the most beautiful girls and boys right now!" Maki-san encouraged excitedly.
The two nervously smiled at each other for encouragement for this event/mission walking out of the dressing area they were met with smiles and claps they both never thought that so many of them liked it and even cheered for whatever they did together right now.
Leo glanced at Shin right now and he can't help but smile as well his fire user finally has a supportive people around him that will help him and destroy that nervousness around him Leo loves the way even how many times you look around everyone supports Shin he was scared about not knowing whatever the reason for Shin doing or going through hell just like that but now he kind of admired it.
Shin looks around and smiled brightly even if you say he's oblivious as hell but he's emotionally smart too so... when he saw this reactions he knows this way not fabricated or faked at all it was real and supportive care Company 8 yet again proved that they can accept whatever happens with their members.
"God is this princesses I see right now such beauty!" Arthur complimented softly while the two lovers blushed.
"Ah~ the girls outdone themselves yet again you are right indeed Arthur-kun such beauty indeed if you were girls damn every single boy would ask for your hands now!" Obi-san teased hard while the two lovers just can't help but sigh.
"If that were to happen I won't let it at all he only has one boyfriend and I don't share!" Leo proclaimed hard while all of them except the two laughs softly.
"Yes Leo-kun you won't share I know that just please don't attack any people there ok ya there for mission and fun ok!" Vulcan chimed in walking up front the office.
"Ok then princesses whatever you want I will do it even if you are Shin-Kun or Leo-Kun I serve anyone that looks good for my score." Arthur cut through softly while staring at Shin for a moment.
"God Leo-Kun this hard I don't like this contact lens they don't look good on me do you think so?" Shin whispered softly to Leo.
"Nope this looks good enough it matches with yours eyes I wish you could have this as your own contact lens as well." Leo comforted half excitedly while giving Shin a bright smile.
"Don't ever think about that! You're way too much and you're too kinky as hell for your own good you are indeed going to hell now!" Shin nearly half yelled while the others go back to their own works.
"Ok you two here's your tickets and cards that you will be giving out one of you will be going around for any signs of Evangelist or anyone sus, right now." Hinawa finally spoke up.
"HAI SIR" Both of the lovers half yelled now.
After a while meetings have ended and breaks are given out the two sighed in relief that they will be able to go their mission spot now Leo checked out the cards and tickets "So Aki Mall huh? This was popular for events like this so... why they are a hot spot for any enemy attacks then?" Leo thought hard and good this was weird to say but well they have many people so that means more infernals right? A hot spot then?
Walking through the chapel to the outside/gate they can't help but see a lot of people smiling and talking right now they have a certain road now? It will be easy to get there cause of the guides and people having the same dress/cosplay as them looking around for a moment "damn they are excited about this!" Leo thought half excitedly.
Shin glanced around so much that he had a whiplash trying to get used to the high heels right now "I've never gotten a high heels before it's actually very comfortable and makes me look high enough!" Shin thought happily looking at Leo now he was shocked that his blind actually knows how to walk in one right now.
"I should probably thanks the girls for this they are so comfortable I'm already liking this now!" Shin said happily while they walked outside of the building.
"It's cute right ya know I should buy you some of those brands huh? Maki-san might actually have some of those too!" Leo said equally happy as well while Shin stared at his shoes
"N-N-No that will be way too much and that's also not be used for a while so not for months maybe when it's Halloween ya can do that!" Shin half complained while pouting at Leo.
"At least you can admit it then! I wish someday I can finally see walking around confidently with a dress or short skirt I am grateful that the girls there supports you very much!" Leo encouraged softly while kissing Shin's cheek happily.
"I sure hope it will be like that someday but seriously every single short skirt that Maki-san buys is way too short even for me trust me when you saw it you might as well die in hell!" Shin half complained again while smiling at the warmth and coldness of Leo's lips.
"Wait!? Maki-san buys you girl's clothing? So... you're telling me that you try out short skirts when you admitted it? Damn you're a brave princess then!" Leo half yelled in shock.
"I know! But those skirts were way too comfortable for me to use around the place and the dress I've used before ya know the Company 1 that was bought only for me and I can a-a-admit I've used it ever since! Shin admitted slightly embarrassed but happily.
"Hmmm... that's so cute I like it I might as well take a picture whenever you have that on or better just do it with that on!" Leo teased softly while Shin blushing hard.
"I will fucking pretend I didn't heard that right now!" Shin complained while pouting again.
Walking around the city trying to find Aki Mall people stares at them lewdly or just plain fanboying? Fangirling? Leo smiled and waved even gives a blown kiss encouraging people to come and meet them together Shin glanced around feeling a bit embarrassed but he thought "This for the mission and I don't want our cover to be blown this fast now".
Saying to himself that these people must known everything about this particular one cause of how many people nearly flocking around them right now at least Leo is keeping him safe from flashing for everyone to see as well "I kind of like this dress it hides everything that should not be seen right now!" Shin thought kind of embarrassed but in happy tune.
Finally arriving at the front of Aki Mall it looks neat as hell "Damn it looks good enough....?" Leo said to himself curiously it has way too many cosplayers going in and out of the place half of them cheering and giving out cards and promos for whatever company they have right now "It seems like we have some scouting to do for each area we see while exploring here!" Leo whispered to Shin while he just nods in response.
"Where do we start Shin-Chan or Kurumi?" Leo half teased while looking around and his hand going to straight to Shin's hand.
"I think we should try to spilt up and survey the area but the problem here is there are many people so... they know about whatever we are wearing so we should be careful ok!" Shin said seriously while looking around for sus. places.
"That would be a great idea... I've been suspecting some weird places here and why this the most popular we should probably find some weird things here as well." Leo said slightly confused.
"It's slightly making nervous about an Evangelist attack and people dying here I don't want to fight here at all!" Shin whispered in nervous tone while devil's smile on his face now.
"I guess our mission starts now huh? I do hope there will be no enemy attacks here or else we will be all over the news for being like this!" Leo complained hard while looking around.