The mission seems very weird both of them thought "Why should we wear disguise if they know we are from a group that is widely know at this point!?" Did they actually got scammed again even Leo now?? But Obi-san seemed to be very serious about this maybe it's steer away Evangelist away from them then they would never out him this fast right?? Besides it's even weirder if they called in Libra just for a scam then??
Shin looked around so much again "Huh I sure hope we don't encounter Evangelist here I don't want to burn these beauty now." Shin said to himself while glancing at Leo he seemed to enjoying himself way too much now I just fucking hope they don't do anything stupid here like going around the weird places and dying there at the same time.
Leo smirked to himself might as well distract the people and then explore but honestly he enjoying this Halloween Event now well he can say he knew some of the people walking around right now glancing at Shin and seeing that there's the same devil's smile again "He must be extra nervous cause he never outed himself this fast right now?" Leo thought curiously while giving Shin a pat on the back for encouragement.
"You ok there Shin-Chan do you want to explore a bit for now it seems like you're uncomfortable with something are you sure you're ready with this?" Leo asked worriedly while Shin nods at him.
"Yeah I'm ok it's just that what if we are going to fight here and lose contact with our group leaders I mean it will be unlikely but it's hard not to think about it right now!" Shin hurriedly said while fiddling with something.
"Don't worry about it we are more than capable to connect back and I'm super sure that there will be some more back ups around here OH we should probably check for that for now!" Leo comforted half seriously.
"I'm not so sure about the back ups part but attacking Aki Mall not for the pillar but for something else that's weird even for the Evangelist now!" Shin half complained while walking around.
"Maybe there's a pillar somewhere near there just like in the Hajima Special Skill Headquarters as well ya can't be sure now this a big place for someone to have one too!" Leo said in a weird tone.
"Adolla Burst is a weird state/fire now ya can't be sure indeed!" Shin agreed happily while a nervous smile on his face appeared.
"So... Shin-Chan we are currently at the first floor from the ad there are 6 six floors in here some of them having a specific type of naming to it this one... is called Ladies Floor..." Leo trailed off while smiling at Shin grew excited.
"L-L-Ladies f-f-floor that means there bras and panties here right!?" Shin asked trying to hide the excitement to no avail.
"Damn if you like this place so much then let's buy you some then God your looks must be heaven then!" Leo gushed over while handling out his hand.
Shin just sighed and looked around excitedly "God...! This place is a beauty oh~ I hope I can find something good here!" Shin said to himself walking around he's already used to the high heels and the dress even if there are so many frills that makes him kind of sad but damn it's so comfortable and cozy to touch he can even imagine Iris-Chan or any of the girls wearing this and him having something different from this.
Shin thought that maybe he can go around the place thinking of what to buy next for whenever he's inside their office "Oh~ I can already see a cocktail dress over there I wonder if that will fit either of us?" Shin said to himself almost dreamy but at the same time extremely fucking nervous devil's smile and the happy one fighting for dominance right now,
Leo glanced at the excited sight of Shin he can't help but feel happiness overflow his body at how Shin just stared at dresses and outfits "He must be thinking about how beautiful it feels on his body and personality then?" Leo thought excited as well hmmm they might as well enjoy a bit of me time and go to pick whatever outfit Shin decides to wear next now but he can say that Shin has a good and bad taste at looks needs practice then?
"Shin do you want to pick an outfit for you maybe on day offs enjoying your me time might be a good idea while exploring?" Leo asked half worriedly while giving Shin a thumbs up.
"Are you serious!? We can actually do that!? What about our leaders even the mission!?" Shin said shocked as hell while holding Leo's hand softly.
"Yup it would be very good distraction to have and there are some areas that has a person all alone and the places we are currently will go through it will be hassle if we don't have any fun with it now!" Leo encouraged.
"So we can count the shops and if your eyes can single out Adolla Burst users as well!" Shin said half excitedly while staring somewhere.
"Yup! But the problem is we don't have any history at this mall in particular I do wonder what type of fire user we will able to see now?" Leo said curiously as the people grew in numbers.
"I think ya know maybe they are in holiday as well but a group like that... Eh that means that perverted boy will be in this floor then!? Are you sure this will be good idea to stay here??" Shin complained softly while looking around for that boy.
"Oh~ that will be absolutely unlikely Shin-Chan even if we are that fucking lucky then we will have a problem cause of the network Evangelist has on everyone." Leo answered back while petting Shin's head comfortingly.
"That means more infernals here right?" Shin asked seriously while smiling at the soft hands in his head.
"Yup! I might as well reward you here then? But only one person in a big and public space will be harder task to have for a infernal to appear then... but a problem for us too winning and losing then?" Leo trailed off while checking for a clear space.
"Ok then... but the more public the better right? So why should they worry about having an infernal to appear here than do it and make us find it like this?" Shin tested softly while Leo smiled in response.
"That's right! Creating an infernal here and leaving as it is will be the biggest chance that we will end up failing to save more people than kill... and my eyes have so much limit on many people!" Leo said almost worried while Shin nods.
The two decided to check some shops for Shin "I could never actually say no to Shin huh damn you guys are so right now!" Leo thought half happily while holding his fire user's hand more tightly now he commented at how soft was it but right now their relationship taken up a notch the whole word takes a cute and perverted tone the more he thinks about it the more his heart grew more founder and happy now.
Arriving at a shop that has so many cocktail dresses glancing at Shin right now he's so excited yet so nervous encouraging him to walk with me inside "It's just like whenever I mentioned the company but so different at the same time I do wonder??" Leo said to himself worriedly it's new but not pleasant at all it's like suffocating in so many ways right now,
Shin looked around so much a nervous and happy smile on his face slowly getting bigger as their time spent grew longer he already can see the different outfits on him now "Oh~ that pink and blue sundress looks so adorable I hope I can buy that!" Shin thought while walking around even touching the material for it Maki-san taught him how to pick the material and style for it she says that the first rule too.
"Hello there you are Kurumi and Mayuri right? Do you want to check on dresses I can see your friend holding one right now!" The seller said in an extreme polite tone while staring at a excited Shin.
"Yes I do want to know your opinion on some of them we can't try them on for now but you can based them off with his body type!" Leo encouraged while the seller happily nods.
"Leo! There's a sundress with glasses oh~ I would like to know if there are many like that pretty please lady-san!" Shin said excitedly almost jumping up and down.
"Body type huh? He seemed fitting to have a loose type than tight... maybe one with more teat it will show off more of his looks with his sunny personality as well!" The seller said happily while Shin and Leo smiled in response.
"Thank you Seller-san I wonder how much the dresses are?" Shin asked happily while looking around.
"The dresses are at a discount today cause of the event but normal it will be more pricey in any shape or form." The seller added while watching the two go around.
"Wonder if it will fit Shin perfectly or maybe I can have that beauty for a thank you gift for the girls then? Seller-san what sizes do you have for most of them?" Leo asked curiously while staring at Shin.
"Small, Medium, Large and XL but there are also all sizes but I think it will look weird on Kurumi-Chan if we can I will have her try the teat types too!" The seller slightly gushed over while Leo glared at her softly.
"Wait!? I can try this on!? Oh~ Mayuri-Chan let's do that please it freaking looks so comfortable and it even feels like that too!" Shin gushed over while Leo sighed and nods for it.
"But you will be responsible for it if the dress gets dirty or even destroyed it will be your fault and I know you already liked it so don't start stripping right now ok." Leo warned but in a fond tune.
"Ah~ Mayuri-Chan you also like this don't worry if I destroyed this in the later Halloween I know that those girls have one in stored for us I not going to strip yet I will be doing that in a private room!" Shin said while his eyes lights up with happiness.
"Dammit he's way too cute now maybe I should let him for now but I will try to keep his taste better in dresses." Leo said to himself while the seller finds a dress.
"Leo~ can I buy something please~?" Shin asked while Leo stared at him hard.
Leo can't answer the question because A. he's currently dead in the head right now or B. It's a weird question to ask even by Shin's standards while that's happening the seller found a dress a beauty in fact for Leo and Shin's eyes it's a light red dress with roses as a decoration "It's looks so small and transparent for me but seeing Shin's eyes right now I can't say no either!" Leo panicked while his fire user happily nods and smiles brightly at the two.
The seller smiled brightly as she handed out the dress to Shin the look on his fire user's face is so cute it's like child having a gift or Santa Clause arriving Shin thought "Oh Fuck~ it's so soft and transparent this is already dreamy as hell Maki-san would just say nice!" touching the dress like flower he can't help but smile and think of what he will look like if he dress up like this.
Shin can't help but slightly jump from excitement and thanked the seller so many times that Leo has to stop him he followed the seller around the store for more different designs of the dress looking right to left and the happiness even more overflow as he see more of the dresses "Oh~ that one has a vibe to it's like more outside one though?" Shin thought hard it might be a good one or bad depends on the style though.
"Mayuri-Chan I saw something good the cocktail dress to the right Oh~ God the beauty~" Shin slightly gushed over while smiling.
"Oh~ that's great! What else do you like there Klaus-san said about using his money for this!" Leo said while giving the seller an encouraging smile.