I wake up from sleeping and I see that Draco is peacefully sleeping beside me, he's so precious. I then look at the time and see it is almost 8:30 we were gonna be late for potions!! Quickly wake sleeping beauty up and we head on to potions.
“We have to hurry Draco! Professor Snape doesn't appreciate it when students are late.” I say while we're practically running to potions. We got there right after everyone was already in class. Draco and I head to some open seats and Professor Snape asks us why we were late, we just said we had gotten lost. He obviously didn't believe us but it seems he already had enough today. While Snape was teaching I whispered to Malfoy, “Hey pretty boy, where did you learn that song you were humming?” he slightly chuckles, “My mother, she hummed that to me when I was ever having a bad day and it made me feel better. You looked like you needed more rest.” he replies.
“Is there something you both would like to share with the class, Diaz, and Malfoy?” Professor Snape asks bluntly in front of the whole class.
“No sir, Lilith was just helping me figure out the recipe. I'm sorry for interrupting.” Draco says taking the blame all though it was my fault.
“Keep quiet. Both of you.” he snaps and heads over to his desk. “5 points will be taken from both of your houses for your actions.
We both look down with shame and then start making the potion. I had to help Draco out a lot because he really didn't get it. He ended up almost blowing the cauldron up. This boy may be pretty but he's not the smartest. The bell rings for the passing period so I and I get up and escape before Snape sees us. I look at my schedule and see that I have spells next. Draco says he has that too surprisingly. I guess I will have a great start to my day every day for a year. We head to spell class and we are on time thank God. We are seated by the front with Harry and Ron.
“Hey, harry! How are you?” I ask smiling towards him.
“I'm doing great Lil thank you” he replies. “How are you, I heard you had Professor Snape in first class, was the old git grumpy?” he asks.
“You could say that; Draco and I were potions partners and he almost blew up the cauldron. So I guess he was a bit grumpy.” I say giggling a little. I look over to Draco and he looks a bit upset.
“Hey, are you okay Draco?” I ask concerned.
“Uh yeah why wouldn't I be” he replies. He sounds a bit mad.
“I'm sorry if I did anything Draco, is there anything I can do to help?”
“No Lil you're fine, don't worry about me anyways” he replies.
“O-okay, I'm here for you, remember that.” He nods and I go back to talking to harry. I make sure I'm holding Draco's hand because I think he was mad that I was talking to harry. I think he feels left out. I continue talking to Ron and Harry and then Professor Flitwick comes out and he is very short. He gets up to the podium and starts talking about how we're learning the levitation spell. I look over at Draco and he looks stumped. I helped him out and he became the first student in the class to lift the feather. A kid above me blew his feather up along with his eyebrows. Poor boy.
Class ends and Draco says he has Defense of the Dark Arts next, I had Math along with Harry. Harry headed to math while I said goodbye to Draco. I then catch up to Potter and we head to class.
𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓼𝓴𝓲𝓹
As I walk out of class I look for Draco, as he always is in my class or waits outside the door for me. I look down sadly and walk to the great hall for lunch. As I arrive I look to the Slytherin table to see Draco talking to some kids named Crabbe and Goyle. Draco looks up, seeing me but continues to talk to the boys. I sigh and look to Harry’s table, he makes eye contact and nods to me. I smile and walk over to his table and sit next to him.
“Hey, Harry,” I say and give him a smile.
“Hello, Lil.” He greets back. I look back to Draco, knowing he heard Harry call me the nickname he gave me. When I look over, I see Draco with an angry expression and shooting daggers into the back of Potter’s head. As soon as Malfoy sees me staring, he looks back to the other Slytherin students. I sigh and look back to Harry.
“What have you been up to Harry?” I question him as he finishes his lunch.
“Just classes really. I have the broom flying next so I'm excited,” he answers.
“That's awesome!! I do too!!”
“That's cool. I'm glad we do.”
“Me too,” I reply as I get called over by fellow Ravenclaws. “I'll see you later Potter,” I say, getting up and walking to Ravenclaw table.
I sit at the Ravenclaw table, as the team leader says they're looking for a seeker for Quidditch. I asked if I could do it because I think I'll do well. Oliver Wood then takes me out to the field. He teaches me the basics of Quidditch, he then gets to what the seeker does.
“Now there are two beaters, two keepers, and one seeker, which is you,” he explains.
“You have to look for this, the golden snitch.”
“I like this ball, it looks cool,”
“Yeah you like it now, but in the game, you have to catch it. It is quite hard to see in plain sight.” he replies “Once you catch it you win the game for Ravenclaw. For this match, you'll be going up against Slytherin. The boy Draco Malfoy is their seeker.’’ I froze for a moment. Great, I have to go against Draco…
Later in the halls, I see Draco sitting in front of the doors to the outside area where our broom class is.
“Hey, Draco.” I greet, stopping in front of him. He looks at me but looks around the hall.
“Hey, Lil.” He greets back with a straight face.
“Are you ready for broom class?” I ask him, looking down at my shoes.
“I guess.” He replies.
“Hey! Malfoy! You coming?”
“Yeah, I am Crabbe.” He responds, looking at me then walking away. I sigh and walk slowly behind, seeing he didn’t find interest in walking with me.
I walk outside and get in line like everyone else, next to a broom. I stand by Harry and Ron, as Madam Hooch starts the lesson.
“Stand on the left-hand side of your broom, put your hand out, and say ‘up’. Your broom will come to your hand. After this, you shall mount your broom, push upwards and hover the ground for a couple of seconds. You then will come straight down to the ground and wait for further instructions. Is that understood?” She explains. The class agrees and we all start.
Harry said up and the broom immediately went up, but as for Ron, it hit him directly in the face. Ouch… as for me it took around 3 tries to work. I then mount the broom, and it goes out of control. I'm going every which way, upside down. It then throws me off the broom and I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder. I then see Harry try to help me up and then I blackout.