I wake up and get into my robes. Today was a Monday and it was my first official day at Hogwarts. I walk down from the girl’s dorm and see my brother.
“Are you ready sis? You get your uniform today!” Draco reminds me.
“Yes I am Draco, and I didn’t forget. Should I owl mother and father to tell them?” I ask him while crawling out of the common room.
“I think you should. I'm sure they will be super happy.” Draco says walking next to me. “I have to go talk to Zabini, I'll see you in the Great Hall.” I nod and walk past the potions classroom. As I'm walking, I run into something and fall onto my butt.
“I’m going to guess you are sorry Ms. Bella.” A stern, cold voice says, causing me to look up.
“I am Professor, I should have been watching where I was going.”
“You have said that every time this has happened, now as this keeps happening I must tell you that you have detention with me after your classes.”
I nod “Yes sir.” He smirks and holds out a hand.
“I'll help you up, Ms. Malfoy.” I giggle and give him a little glare. “You must be off to breakfast, congrats on getting seeker Ms. Bella.”
“How did you know?”
“Your brother has a big mouth, Bella.” I nod in agreement as I blush slightly. Snape never just called me Bella, he always put Ms. in front. “Now as I said before, you must be getting to breakfast.” I nod again and I start to walk to the Great Hall.
Snape’s Pov
I was making my way to Albus’ office because he called me. As I'm walking there, Bella runs into me.
“I’m going to guess you are sorry Ms. Bella,” I say sternly, looking down at her.
“I am Professor, I should have been watching where I was going.” I nod slightly.
“You have said that every time this has happened, now as this keeps happening I must tell you that you have detention with me after your classes,” I say.
“Yes sir,” She says and I hold my hand out to her, smirking.
“I'll help you up, Ms. Malfoy.” She giggles, which is music to my ears, and then she gives me a playful glare. Which I earned after calling her Malfoy. “You must be off to breakfast, congrats on getting seeker Ms. Bella.”
“How did you know?”
“Your brother has a big mouth, Bella,” I say, she blushes as I call her Bella, without Ms. “Now as I said before, you must be getting to breakfast.” She nods and starts to walk to the Great hall.
I smile slightly and continue to make my way to Albus’ office. As I got there, I said the password and knocked on his door.
“You may enter Severus.”
I enter and question, “Why did you need me, Albus?”
“I need you to see something Severus, something that includes Bella Malfoy.” I nod and walk to where Dumbledore is. “You must drink this so you will see.”
I drink what he gave me and I sit. I start to see myself but in the future. I am standing next to a beautiful platinum blonde woman holding a baby.
“Isn’t she beautiful, Sevy?” The woman asks the future me.
“She is, just like you Bell.”
“Well, she has your eyes..”
“But she has your smile darling.” The woman giggles and leans into the future me.
I sit up straight and look to Albus.
“I'm assuming you saw what I wanted you to see?” He questioned.
“Does this mean Ms. Malfoy and I are..”
“Soulmates, yes.” The old wizard finishes. “I expect that if you do start a relationship while she is still in school, you keep it from the students and you tell her parents.”
“Yes sir, I will,” I say, still in shock. No wonder I have had a liking toward the young girl since she was a young child.
“Now, let's get to breakfast.” I nod and make my way out of the headmaster's office.
Bella’s Pov
I sat down at the Slytherin table right as Draco walked in.
“Hello, Bell,” I said hi and grabbed a piece of toast.
“Hey Bella, here is your uniform. Remember we have practice Wednesday and Friday till 8.”
“Yep, thank you, Marcus,” I say, grabbing my uniform and turning back around.
I heard the doors open and see Severus and Dumbledore walk in. I turn back around and listen to Draco rant about Potter and his friends. I was soon put into a trance when I got a whiff of potions and fresh parchment pass by.
“Bell! Bell! Bella!” Draco shouted to me.
“W-what Draco?”
“Are you okay? You seem off?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, just nervous about my detention.”
“Detention?! From who?!”
“Snape. He gave it to me because I keep running into him.”
“Ugh! Why must he be so stern?”
“I dunno, but he’s not that bad.”
“Oh? Is that so? Does my sister fancy a certain professor?”
“W-what? N-no.” I stammer out.
“Hmm. Whatever.” He scoffs, turning back to his other Slytherin friends. I smile and turn to look up at the staff table, seeing that a certain professor is looking back at me. I blush as I see Snape smirk.
After classes: 6 pm
I sigh as I make my way to the potions classroom. I was scared to be in a room with the professor I might be falling for alone. I sigh again when I make it to the classroom. I knocked and waited for an invitation.
“Come in Ms. Bella.”
I enter and sit at the desk closest to his desk.
“Now since you didn’t do anything bad, I’m just going to have you help me grade papers.” I nod and stand up.
“Where do you want me to grade?” I ask, looking to the ground.
“Right here would be fine Bella,” Sev said, pointing right next to him.
“Okay, let me just grab a chair.” I grabbed one and brought it over to his desk. I sat down and took out my silver-colored quill.
“Here are the papers. They are first year’s so I expect you to know all of the stuff.” I nod and start grading.
I didn’t pay attention to my surroundings while I was grading so when I heard Severus’ velvety voice right behind me saying it was time to go, I jumped.
“Are you okay darling?”
“Yes, Sev I am.” I paused, releasing what I just called him. “Oh I’m so sorry professor, I meant to say, Snape.”
“It’s okay Bell. When we are alone you can call me Severus.” He said with a slight smile. I nodded and looked up at him.
“I must be heading off to the Great Hall, Draco is probably worried.” Sev nods and pulls out my chair. I stand and he whisks it back to where I got it.
“Thank you for helping me grade Ms. Bella. Now you go eat, see you in class tomorrow.” I nod and leave the classroom.
When I get to the Great Hall, Draco’s head is the first to snap my way. He gets up and runs to me.
“Oh Bell, where have you been?” He asks, pulling me into a hug.
“I told you I was in detention with Se-Snape.”
“He kept you that long?”
“I was helping him with first year’s papers..” I said walking with Draco to the Slytherin table.
“Oh okay. Anyway, did you owl mother and father yet?”
“Not quite, I think I want it to be a surprise. Can you owl them and ask them to come to the quidditch game we have next weekend?”
“Sure thing! Love you, sis!”
“Love you too,” I say giggling.
The next day: Potions class
“Good Morning students, today we will be going over Amortentia. Who would like to go first?”
Harry raises his hand, “I will sir.” Sev nods and Harry walks to the front of the class.
“Tell us what you smell, Potter.”
“I smell lavender with a hint of peppermint.” I look to Sev to see his reaction and he is glaring at Potter.
“Very well, next?”
Draco then whispers to me, “I dare you to go sis!” I scoff and raise my hand.
“I’ll go next, professor.” He nods and I walk up.
“What do you smell Ms. Bella.”
“I smell the nice soothing smell of fresh parchment and some potion ingredients,” I say and Sev nods.
“Anyway, let's be done with that. I would like you to brew this potion to the best of your ability. You will have no partners, this will be a one-man job. You may begin.”
“That smell seems oddly familiar sis. Like a certain professor.” I roll my eyes
“Can we talk about this later?”
“I guess, but don think I’ll forget!” I roll my eyes again as I get to work.
As the end of class nears, I finish and look around. I see that no one else has finished and I Hold my head high.
“Good job Bell.” I hear a velvety voice whisper. I turn
“Thanks, professor,” I say, turning back to my work.
Before Supper: Slytherin common room
“So sis, are you gonna tell me why you smelt Snape?” I nodded and brought him into the empty hall. I looked around to make sure no one was near and turned to him.
“I think I-..”
“You think you fancy him?!” I nod and look to the cold, hard dungeon floor.
“I just feel different around him, Dray, like he thinks I'm not just some scared little girl.”
“I feel like you should talk to Dumbledore about this, get his input.”
“Okay Draco, I will,” I say nodding. Draco nods as well.
“Are you excited about your first match next weekend.?”
“Yes, yes I am!”
Saturday, match day: Quidditch pitch
“Today we will be going against Gryffindor, as you guys already know.” We all nod. “I would also like to give a big shout out to Bella, for being ready for the game.” They all start clapping and we line up, me next to my brother of course. He decided he wanted to become a beater, matching his persona really well.
“And here comes the Slytherin team with their new seeker, Bella Malfoy!” I smile and fly out, looking to the stands to see my mother and father, wearing smiles on their usually stern faces.
“Now guys, no rough play.” Ms. Hooch says, eyeing the teams. She smiles and goes to release the balls.
“There goes the bludger and not far behind the golden snitch!” Everyone is in their ready position, along with the Gryffindor seeker and I flying higher than the rest. “The quaffle has been released!”
I sit and watch as the game starts with Gryffindor taking the ball, then their shot being blocked and Slytherin now has the ball.
“Never thought I'd see the day where I got to go against the twin of Draco Malfoy.” I hear Potter say.
“Shove off, you’re just worried that I'll be better than you because you know I am.” I scoff out. Looking into the stands, seeing my mother and father next to Sev.
“We’ll see about that.” As soon as I heard Potter say that, I saw the snitch.
I went racing after the snitch, soon being followed by Potter when he felt me fly past him. He was fast but I was faster. I went flying around the pitch, chasing the snitch while dodging the bludger many times. I hear the Slytherin team cheer me on as I speed after the golden snitch. I watch it fly over to the staff seating area. I speed over to it and reach out, grabbing it. The Slytherin house starts screaming their heads off as they see I caught it.
“And it seems as though Bella Malfoy has caught the golden snitch, bringing in a win for Slytherin!” I smile down at my parents as they smile back clapping slightly. I look out the corner of my eye to see Severus Snape smiling slightly while clapping. I dismissed it though, seeing that he was probably only doing so because his house had won.
I float down, meeting my eager teammates on the ground. I smile when they pick me up and start chanting my name. Once we get back to the common room they sat me down and we all enjoy ourselves by the fire.
“I'm so proud of you darling.” I hear my mother claim, walking up behind me, along with my father and Severus.
I smile and turn to hug her. “I'm so glad you guys could see my first game.”
“We wouldn’t miss it, even if we didn’t know until Severus over here told us.” I giggle and look over to my professor I have grown so fond of.
“Thank you, professor,” I say, gleaming.
“Any time Ms. Bella.” I smile again and turn back to my parents.
“Well done sis didn’t think you could do it.” I giggle and give my brother a big hug.
“We both know I'm better.” Draco rolls his eyes and turns to our parents.
“We are also proud of you Draco, your father, and I both.” My mother says, bringing Draco into a warm, loving hug.
“We are sad to part, but we must get back to the manor. We have some.. Business to attend to..” My father states. I nod along with Draco, watching our parents leave the common room.
“Hey sis, I'm gonna go talk to Blaise.” I nod and turn to Sev as Draco walks away.
“I'm so proud of you Bell.” He tells me. “Have a good rest of your night.” He says with a slight smile.
“You too Sevy,” I say, walking up to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek while on my tippy toes. I smile and with that, he turns and walks away.
Draco walks up to me. “You should probably talk to Albus soon, Bell.” I nod
“I’ll go right now.” He nods
“Goodnight sis, sleep tight, and dream of your Snape dearest.” I blush and roll my eyes.
I exit the common room and I make my way to Dumbledore's office. Once I get there, I whisper the password to the gargoyle and make my way up the staircase. I stop and knock on the door, awaiting my invitation.
“Come in Ms. Bella.”
I walk in and walk to his desk. “Professor, I must tell you something and I don’t know how to handle it..”
“What is this something?” He asks with a glint in his eye.
“Is it possible you may have taken a liking to your potions master?”
“H-how did you know?” I ask
“I see the way you look at him and the way you blush when he calls you Bell. I have eyes everywhere Ms. Bella.” I nod.
“How should I take the situation?”
“Tell him.”
Tell him?! How could I possibly do that?”
“You now have detention with Severus Snape for a week. I will tell him later tonight. You are dismissed.” I nod with my mouth open in shock. I turn and make my way to the common room. Not ready for this week.