“Squad three, report in…Squad two report in…” Nathan looked at the five guards in the room with him. “Don’t let your guard down!”
The Minister was breathing heavily. “M-M-Mr. Liberator…a-are you sure we’re safe?”
“I’m positive…though go in the safe room now. Seal the door when you get in.”
The Minister nodded and ran towards the safe room. Nathan took out a sword and checked his equipment one last time. A few seconds later, the sound of a thud outside the door alerted Nathan and the guards. One of the guards started shaking visibly. Nathan motioned for the guards to raise their weapons. The door quietly and slowly opened. “Fire!”
The guards unleashed a barrage of bullets. Motioning for them to stop, Nathan slowly stepped forward, sword raised. “N-Nathan, I-I wouldn’t get too close to the—hck!”
Nathan quickly swung his sword up, barely parrying a knife from hitting his head. “Seems like you’ve come Assassin.”
The door quickly flew open, and Malcom speedily dashed into the room, slicing the hands off the closest guard. Screaming in pain, the guard collapsed onto the ground. The next guard raised his weapon to fire, only to be stabbed in the eye, followed by the heart. The next two charged him at once, only to be simultaneously cut down, their chests gushing blood from several deep gashes.
Nathan faced Malcom. “Your speed…it’s superhuman.”
“I AM an Enslaver after all. It wouldn’t be a good thing to be slow.”
“Having a sense of humor after murdering several people?”
“Better than being a stoic monk. Sorry though, I’m afraid you won’t be alive much longer to hear more of my humor. Direct orders from the Grandmaster.”
“’Grandmaster’ huh? What exactly is your organization? What are you planning on doing?”
“I don’t have to tell you what we’re planning, or how deep we are in each government. Now, stop stalling.”
Malcom, in a blur, was in front of Nathan, knife closing in to his face. Nathan expertly parried the blow, followed by a slash from the right. Malcom dodged the blow and flipped backwards, his head hitting Nathan’s jaw. Stumbling backwards, Nathan quickly regained his balance and dashed forward, keeping up the offensive. Malcom parried each blow as quickly as Nathan swung his sword.
Nathan faked a blow to the left and instead stabbed forward. Malcom’s knife blocked the stab, but didn’t separate from the sword. A battle of strength ensued. Nathan tried to bring the sword down to slice Malcom’s hands. Right before he was successful, Malcom quickly released the knife from the sword and slashed Nathan’s arm.
Nathan stepped backwards, blood gushing from his wound. “Your reflexes are even more impressive than what the report indicated.”
Nathan took a deep breath and took a defensive stance. “You’re not so bad yourself…but you won’t beat me! The Minister WILL live!”
Nathan started staggering to the left and to the right. Malcom smirked. The Drunken Man technique…not many people can perfect that technique. Finally a worthy challenge!
Malcom dashed forward and swung his knife towards Nathan’s head. However, Nathan’s head disappeared from Malcom’s sight, instead appearing to the right. Malcom swung his knife again, and again, his head disappeared. Malcom again swung his knife in the direction of Nathan’s head, only to be met by a sword. Swing down, Nathan cut Malcom’s fingers. Malcom jumped backwards, creating space between them.
“I guess I underestimated you a bit…sorry, but I’m the one winning this fight.”
Malcom took out a smoke grenade and pulled the pin. Slamming it to the ground, the room quickly started filling with smoke. Nathan struggled to breathe, but tried to maintain his focus. Nathan closed his eyes and improved his focus on hearing. Concentrate! Concentrate! CONCENTRATE! Nathan swung his sword to the left. *Clang*
Malcom swung his knife again, again being parried. Malcom grinned. Using his hearing to determine where I am huh? Malcom stepped back and took out a second knife. Let’s see if you’re prepared for this!
Malcom charged forward. Stopping right before Nathan, Malcom swung his right arm towards Nathan. *Clang*
Nathan smiled It’s worki—hnk!
Opening his eyes, Nathan saw a knife in his left side. Staggering backwards, Nathan tried to swing his sword towards Malcom, only to be parried and knocked backwards. Malcom swiftly cut Nathan’s hand, causing him to drop the sword, soon followed by a knife being planted into his chest. Collapsing to the ground, Nathan started gasping for breath. Malcom stood over him. “So it’s true. The rumors of Liberators being strong fighters were actually true. Thank you for providing the organization with this information. Here’s your payment.”
Malcom removed the first knife from Nathan’s side and thrust forward towards Nathan’s throat. Nathan closed his eyes, seeing his life flash before him. His fifth birthday, his graduating high school, his being recruited by the government to be a liberator, and his meeting Celine. Nathan smiled slightly. I’m sorry Celine…I said I’d be back…I said I would call you tomorrow. I can’t keep those promises…I love you…
*Gnk* The knife entered Nathan’s neck. Falling backwards, Nathan hit the ground hard. Malcom leaned down and touched Nathan’s neck. “…he’s dead. Now…for the finale.”
Malcom got up and walked over towards the back of the room and towards a metallic door. Opening a control panel, Malcom studied the device. Walking back to Nathan’s body, he searched until he found a key matching the slot inside the panel. Walking back over, Malcom put the key in the slot and twisted it. The metallic door opened, revealing a frightened Minister in the corner. “Oh no…oh no…noooo…this can’t be happening…”
Malcom slowly walked over to him. “So…you’re Minister Gerrett…you’re not as bold as the reports stated. Then again…when people’s lives are on the line, their personalities change.”
“Please…have mercy on me.”
Malcom kneeled in front of the Minister. “Minister Gerrett, you have been charged with digging up information about the society and exposing the identity of a fellow Enslaver. You have been found guilty. Your punishment…is your eternal silence.” Malcom, in a flash, thrust one of his knives forward, stabbing the Minister in his right eye. Minister Gerrett screamed in agony and writhed around the room. “That was for Enslaver Two.” Malcom thrust the other knife forward, stabbing Minister Gerrett’s heart. Malcom watched as the spark of life left the Minister’s left eye.
As he left the safe room, knives in hand, Malcom flicked a knife forward, hitting the last surviving guard who had his hands cut off, killing him. Malcom took out a communicator and pressed a familiar contact. “Enslaver…I assume you bring me good news?”
“I do sir. Minister Gerrett is dead. The Liberator here, Nathan, is also deceased. He won’t be causing us any more problems in the future.”
“Very good. You’ve earned a rest. Head back to headquarters and relax. We’ll have another mission the day after tomorrow.”
“Yes sir.”
Malcom turned off the communicator and took one last look at Nathan’s body before leaving the compound, blood soaking every piece of clothing on his body.