“So this is the city of Nevarre huh?” Malcom slowly walked through the city gates and into the market district. It had been two months since he was assigned the job of traveling to Nevarre and impressing the recruiter. Taking one last quick glance at the instructions he was given, Malcom tore the piece of paper in half and threw it in a nearby garbage can. The Liberator recruiter can be found at the tavern in the market district. A planned bar fight will occur…and I’m going to be the one to single-handedly defeat the attackers. Sounds easy enough…but there will probably be more tests.
Malcom shifted what side the small backpack he was carrying was on and walked through the market district, trying not to attract any attention to himself. It didn’t take long for him to spot the tavern. Entering, Malcom sat down at an empty table and ordered a drink. Looking at the time, Malcom took a quick sip. Thirty more seconds…
Malcom quickly scanned the room, spotting the five men who were supposed to start the fight. There’s the fighters…but where’s the recruit—
Immediately, Malcom spotted the man he was supposed to impress, sitting at a table, staring down at a half-filled bottle. For a recruiter, he sure looks like he had a bit too much to drink.
Looking back at the time, Malcom braced himself. Here it comes.
One of the five men sat down next to the recruiter. “Heya mate, watcha doin all by yerself? Come on, come join us. We’ll have a lot of fun.”
The recruiter gave the man a disgusted look. “Sorry sir, but I prefer to be left alone at the moment. Please excuse me.”
The recruiter stood up and began to walk away when two other men stepped in front of him. “Where ya goin? We just want to talk.”
“Go talk with someone else.”
The last two men joined the first man. “Aw, ya scared of us?”
Malcom watched the scene unfold. That’s my cue…let’s go.
Standing up, Malcom walked over to the scene. After looking at the recruiter, Malcom glanced at the others. “Are these men bothering you sir?”
The recruiter nodded his head. “They are.”
Malcom stared at the others. “If the man wishes to be left alone, leave him alone.”
“What are ya? Our mother? Do you want to give us a bath and read us a story before bed?”
The other men began to laugh. “Time to teach this man some manners.”
One of the men charged in, fists swinging towards Malcom’s face. Deftly dodging the punch, Malcom landed one of his own to the man’s jaw, followed by a roundhouse kick on the left cheek, sending the man flying.
“Get him!”
The four men charged at the same time. Malcom quickly side stepped out of the way, before charging back at one of the men. The man tried to punch, but Malcom was faster, sending a fist towards the man nose. Blood poured out of it as he howled in pain. Two of the men attacked at once, both trying to overpower Malcom. Like a ragdoll being tossed side to side, Malcom sent both flying in just a single kick.
“That’s it! Time for you to die!”
The last man took out a knife and charged. Swinging wildly at Malcom, the man tried desperately to land a hit. However, Malcom dodged every swing, soon grabbing on to the man’s arm. Twisting it, a horrible snap was heard as the man dropped the knife. Malcom then punched the man in the face, sending him crumpled to the floor.
The other men who were still conscious looked at Malcom, feigning terror. “Beat it guys, and don’t forget your friend here.”
They nodded and collected the other man, scurrying out of the tavern. Malcom turned to the recruiter. “Are you alright?”
“Y-yes I am. That was an amazing display of skill. How did you learn to fight like that?”
“I…was left on the streets most of my life. I learned to fight on my own, for my survival.”
“I see…you trained yourself well then. Can I convince you to do me a favor please?”
“What kind of favor?”
“You see…I was here drinking my sorrows away because…I recently lost my house. I had the money, but it was stolen from me a while back by a gang that runs the south section of the market district. Could you collect six hundred atos for me? That would be enough to pay back my debt and get my house back. The thugs won’t just let you take the money though, so you’ll have to fight them.”
“I see…and since you don’t look like the fighter type…you want me to do it?”
“You are correct. If you collect more than six hundred atos, you can consider that your payment.”
“Alright, I accept your task. Will you stay here then until I get back?”
“Of course. I eagerly await your return.”
Malcom nodded and left the Tavern. And here’s the test to earn the recruiter’s trust. The south side of the market…it’s run by the Deret Clan if I remember correctly. Should be a simple task, earn a couple hundred atos as well.
Meanwhile, back at the tavern, the recruiter made a quick call on his communicator. “This is Recruiter Villar. I chanced upon a man who already has some fighting experience and is currently on my test I gave him, though he doesn’t know it. I will report back whether he has failed or passed the test.”
“Very good. We await your report. With any luck, we could gain a talented fighter to combat the Organization.”
The recruiter nodded. “Hopefully we do. Villar out.” Turning off his communicator, Villar took a quick gulp of the drink in front of him. “I forgot to ask him what his name was. Oh well, if he survives, I can just ask him when he gets back.” Picking up the drink, Villar raised it slightly. Here’s hoping he passes the test.