~~~~~KATIE'S POV~~~~~
'Katie!' Mom called.
I grabbed my bag and ran to meet her at the table.
'Good morning Mom' I greeted as I pulled out a chair and sat.
'Good morning darling' She replied smiling.
'Mommy!you always shout when I come late to the table' Tom my five year old brother groaned.
Tom was the last born and he was very stubborn. I always complained whenever it was my turn to wash his clothes because he was very rough. There was this time he fell into the mud with a new white shirt mom bought for him. I feigned sickness to get out of washing it.
'Cause there's no reason for you to be late' mom replied placing a cup of mango juice before me,my favorite.
'And there's a reason for her to be late' He asked pouting.
'Today's her election so we should let her take her time' mom replied and I smiled.I loved her so much.
'Whatever,I pray she doesn't win' he said and I frowned. I knew he meant the opposite but mom smacked him across his neck.
'Ow!' He shrieked making all of us laughed.
I looked,around the table grinning from ear to ear. I loved my family a lot,I don't think I can live without them especially Melissa. We were both seventeen,both the eldest at home. Our seniors,Sis Margaret and bro Steven were at the universities so we were the second in command. We were nonidentical twins,we shared everything with one another,she was my bestfriend. She was the quiet one,I was the loud one so we kinda complemented each other. I felt really anxious about the election but I had Melissa with me,my joygiver,my energy booster,my vibe giver and my P.A.
'I don't think I have to go over how it is done. Let the voting begin' the principal said. She looked like she couldn't wait for the election to be over so that she could return to her office she spent so much money on.
I sat beside the stage,my fingers crossed and my eyes searching for Melissa. When I saw her she held up a cardboard that read 'KATIE SHARP AS PRESIDENT'. I smiled , surprisingly as usual my mood was lifted and I started to have hope that I might really win.
The voting went round and round and soon came to an end.
'I'll count the votes,contestants will announce the opponents votes at the same time' the principal said and began to count the votes before all the students. It took a few minutes but finally the votes had been counted.
'Katie Sharp and Nathaniel Daniels' the principal called.
We both stood and were given a piece of paper each.
'400' and '276' we both said simultaneously.
I broke into a smile, I had won. Finally my dream since middle school was accomplished.I looked beside me to see Nathaniel smiling as well confusing me to the core.