'Run!Don't let go of each other. Mommy loves your' their mother told them clutching her shot leg that was oozing blood.
The twins ran and kept running without looking back.Everyone was also running trying to avoid being shot by the intruders.The twins were just six years old and therefore weren't able to run so fast but they ran as fast as their little legs could take them.Emma didn't think about playing with her neighbors,neither did Emily think of the new bicycle her mom bought for her.
'Emma!' Emma heard her neighbor call.
'Don't listen to her,mommy said to run' Emily told her but Emma couldn't find it in her to ignore so she stopped and looked back.
The moment she looked back, she saw her neighbor's head beign seperated from her body. A little girl could only take that much, she fainted.Emily with the conviction that she had been shot began to cry.
'Emma! Emma!' She shouted shaking her but her mother's voice rang in her head.
Emily stood up and continued to run as tears rolled down her cheeks.
After the attack, a family passed through the village. They saw corps and shaked heavily with grief wondering what had happened there. The wife of the family saw Emma and noticed her chest heaving.
'She's alive!' She shouted calling the attention of her husband and her three children.
'Let's take her to the hospital' She shouted.
The father and eldest son helped to carry her into the car not minding her muddy clothes.