Squall’s End . A beautiful, busy town located on the coast of Vera. A tall, skinny, human girl in her teens with bright red hair that fades to orange in a light gray cloak walks through the marketplace after dark, while fidgeting with something. The Girl quickly turns towards the front of the Turtle Rock inn & tavern, not paying attention.She suddenly runs into a fairly tall half Orc. The object she was fidgeting with falls out of her hands and rolls across the ground. In front of the Orc lies an object that he quickly notices, a metallic sphere with peculiar symbols upon it. Without a word the Orc bends over to grab the object but feels a hand grab it right before he could. The girl quickly gets up and looks at the Orc. The Orc looks down upon her and says in a gruff voice, “I don’t think you know how valuable that is in your hands.” The girl looks at the sphere confused and replies. “It’s the last thing I have from my father. I’m sure you would understand it’s very valuable and precious to me.” She said trying to make herself sound like it mattered to her a lot. The Orc stops for a moment and backs up. “What’s your father’s name? I might have known him and I could give you more information about the sphere.” He says, not breaking eye contact with the object. The girl puts the sphere in her satchel, and the Orc looks up. She replies, “No Thanks. I know enough about it,” And places her hand on the satchel. The Orc takes steps towards her, and the girl starts to walk forward towards the inn, ignoring the Orc. As she starts to walk closer and closer to the inn she hears heavy footsteps behind her. So she starts to quicken her pace. The Orc continues to follow her, she turns around and demands. “Why are you following me? I need to get back to my room, so excuse me.” The Orc upsetly walks away. She turns back around and sighs; then walks into the inn. “Hey Page, how was your day out?” A voice says coming from the back of the dimly lit tavern. “Hey Elrik. It went good. I got your supplies, and yes they’re still in one piece. Although someone noticed that strange object I stole off of a guy a couple of weeks ago. I don’t know what it means still, but they recognized it.” Page pauses. Elrik starts talking to someone who’s behind the bar with him. “Hey Luise, can you cover for me? I need to talk to Page real quick.” The slightly older gnomish woman nods and a tall elf with curly brown hair and slightly sun darken skin, steps out from the bar. “Did someone finally recognize it?” He asked. Page tilts her head. “Kinda, I think they were just trying to steal it though. but the good news is that while I was out I bought more books to study so I can try to read the glyphs on there. So when I do, I’ll finally get out of this town.”She exclaimed with a big smile on her face. The elf looks at her and says. “I’m glad to hear you're not giving up on this, after what happened.” Her face starts to give an anxious look. “Elrik, I think this is all a bad idea. What if the sphere is super important, and Me taking it made something in this plane worse or even unruly.” She starts to panic. “I knew, I should have just stayed at the academy. They could have taught me more that might have helped me. But no, I had to mess it up by running away after the news.” Page says frustrated as her eyes start to cloud, Elrik quickly grabs her hand. “Page, it’s not your fault. People can’t always hold everything that is poured in our cups. Stress and anxiety is something that we just naturally have and the best thing to do is take care of yourself. Look you didn’t mess up anything, look you made a friend who provides you free food and a room to stay? And hey, if you need someone to talk to I’m here. Remember you are an amazing friend and I’ll be down here if you need me.” He says, trying to make her smile, she looks up at him and softly replies, “Ok , I’m going to go upstairs to study. Let me know if you need me to go anywhere to grab something for you guys.” Page opens her satchel, and takes out a carton of eggs and a bag of flour, then hands them to Elrik. “Thank you very much, mademe.” He replies curtsying. Page laughs for a moment and then heads upstairs. As she reaches the top, she starts walking down the long hallway tracing her fingers against the dusty walls with old paint that just peeling off; Until she gets to her room. "Room 9 just at the end of the hallway." She always said to herself. Just as she reaches for the door knob, out of the corner of her eye a group of adventurers walking down the hall talking, slowly edges closer to her. Page quickly takes out her key and inserts it in the keyhole, trying not to draw attention to herself. The group draws closer, she turns the key and holds her breath.