As Quentin and Page approach the door. Page pulls out the key to open the door, but it was left open. There, floating entrapped by the sphere’s light is Elrik; hovering motionless. “ELRIK! No it’s all my fault no no!” Page screams and runs forward trying help Elrik. Quentin enters the room quickly and rapidly looks around. He grabs the sheet from her bed and yells. “Take one side, we need to get both the sphere and your friend down!” Page nods and grabs the other side of the sheet. “On 3. 1… 2…3. Go!” They launch the sheet over Elrik and the sphere then pulls it down. Elrik is pulled down with the sphere in handsand falls to the ground with a clunk. Quentin picks up Elrik and places him on page’s bed. “We need to get out of here. This object and your friend are not safe around here.” He says looking at Page, she walks over to where the orb dropped and picks it up. “Your right.” She says placing it back in her bag. Quentin gets up and starts heading towards the door. “I’m going to get help.” Page looks over. “Wait!” She says with worry in her voice. “Is anyone in your group a healer, I don’t want to start a ruckus in town.” He looks at her and goes. “I’ll get someone.” Quentin walks out and returns with the human in armor. “What did you do?” Quentin replies. “We need you to make sure he’s ok, Griff.” He says in a gruff voice. Griffin sighs and checks Elrik. He comes back after a few minutes “He’s ok, just unconscious. I’m not seeing any major. injuries. Besides, his small burns I already healed.” He says, glancing over at Page. “But this is going to cost you after all I had to heal him and you are obviously hiding something. Sooo—.” Quentin cuts him off. “You could travel with us? If you want.” He says with a soft smile, Page replies. “I’ll go with you guys on one condition: you provide protection for my friend and myself.” She says firmly. Both agree. “Ok, but we need to get out of this town by nightfall or word will travel fast and you’ll be doomed.” Griff says.Page nods and then asks, “Shouldn’t we do an introduction to your group members, before I join your party?” Quentin replies anxiously, “Yeah. Let me call them in, real quick.” He runs to get the half elf and the goblin. “What’s going on?” Asks the half elf, she looks down at the Elrik on the bed and says very no. “Oh, we’re dealing with a sleeping beauty problem eh?” All at once Page, Quentin, and Griffin shake their heads. “Artana, we have two new members who will be joining us on our journey.” Griffin says, Artana looks at Page and then at Elrik. “So we’re kidnapping Briar Rose over here?” She asks, very confused. Page walks up to Artana and the small goblin and introduces herself to them. “Nice to meet you, I’m Artana and mo is Spoon.” The goblin named spoon pops out from behind Artana and waves. They talk the rest of the night about what to do. After they packed and planned; the flame owls, Page, and an unconscious Elrik head off on the ember lit road, hopefully towards an answer to their questions.