"Excuse me." says a voice from behind, Page enters the room and turns around to see who’s there. "Um hi?" There, walking up towards the door is a tall grey tiefling with hazel brown hair; in a dark green trench coat. He says. “Oh hello, I have a quick question for you. Um do you by chance know your way around town ? My group and myself are in need of either a guide or just some directions.” The Tiefling says slightly nervous that they would once more have the answer no. Page looks at the tiefling and replies very aloof. “Yeah, I know my way through the ins and outs of this town. Where are you trying to go?” The Tiefling happily responds, “We’re trying to find somewhere that carries some supplies for our journey. You see a very rare object has recently gone missing, so me and my companions have been tasked to find it!” Page quickly looks over at the party the Tiefling was talking about. Which consists of a blonde human male fair in height and armor, a female half-elf with black hair in a purple robe, and finally it took a moment for Page to see them. But there, behind the party is a small light green goblin covered in black soot in short overalls, a small orange short sleeve shirt, and a pair of googles upon their short dark green hair. “Oh that’s cool? How long has it been missing?” She says, very curious. The Tiefling looks back and replies very intrigued that she asked. “Well from memory it disappeared a couple of weeks back.Why do you ask?” He asks, page nervously looks at them and says, “Um well I didn’t hear anything about that recently and I was very interested in your news.” She looks down for a moment and continues. “Um, so here’s a map of the town to help you guys, but I have to get back to my studies now. Bye.” Page says taking out a map from her bag, and thrusting it into the tiefling’s hands, then rapidly closing the door in his face. The Tiefling looks back at his party as they start to walk towards him and shrugs. “Welp, maybe she was just excited to read?” The human shakes his head. “She looked like she was hiding something. That’s probably why she looked nervous Quentin.” Quentin looks at the human and replies slightly frustrated with them. “I know Griff, let’s just get what we need so we can get moving again.” Quentin walks off. Griff rolls his eyes as he leaves and walks up to the room 7. He then unlocks it and proceeds to go into their room. And the rest of the party follows in after him.