I woke up the next morning, and although I didn't have to work today, I grabbed my things and got in the shower, getting ready to head out. Once I was done in the bathroom I made my way downstairs. "Morning dad, morning Katherine." I say, greeting my father and his girlfriend. "Morning, Zaya." My father says, but Katherine gets up and approaches me. "Zaya, honey.. there's something me and your father need to talk to you about. A few things, actually." she says, and my brows furrow. "Can.. can it wait? I'm kinda wanting to head to the library.." I ask hesitantly. "No. It can't." my father cuts in, voice deep, and dominating. Leaving no room for argument or persuasion. "Alright." I say, "I'm listening." I take a seat on a bar stool. "I'm just going to put it bluntly." My father says, and I give him the signal to go on. "Katherine is four months pregnant.." he says, face showing he knows I'm about to blow a fuse. "But mom just passed away not even two months ago!!!" I snarl, jumping out of the bar stool. "You unfaithful bastard!!!" I feel my eyes start to tingle, and I know their literally glowing blood red in anger and hatred, instead of the calm brownish red. "Now, Zaya.. calm down.." my father says, and I growl. "Fuck you!" I say, grabbing my bag, keys, and phone, and storming towards the door. "Zaya.. please don't hate me. I didn't have any idea of your mother until after she passed away..." Katherine pleads, and I halt my angry steps. "I don't hate you, or the unborn baby.. I only hate and have no trust for my father. What are you craving? I'll grab it on my way home." I say. "Uhm.. An ice cream from Fred's Frozen Paradise should be good.. if you don't mind.. I'll even give you the money for it." she says, blue eyes quivering in sadness. I walk over and hug her. "I don't need your money." I say. "Also," my father's uneffected voice reached my ears, making my blood boil. "What?" I snap. "I expect you to start handing me your paychecks. All of them, and every little bit of money you make. All of it, Zaya Scarlett." My dad says. "And why the fuck is that?" I ask, about to start throwing punches. "One, you don't deserve it, and two, so I can get stuff for the new baby." he says, face smug, and tone selfish as always. "News flash for you, Ashton.." I say, voice quiet but strong, using my father's first name. "The money in my paycheck, is mine. If you want money for the new baby, get it yourself, I work for this fucking money and I've almost got enough to move out of this gods forsaken hell hole, I earned that money! And I'll be damned if I'm gonna let you take everything from me!!!" I yell, and hit him, my skull and snake rings catching his lip, making it burst. After that, I clean off my hand and walk out, locking the door behind me and getting in my car, driving to the Library.
"Maria, you here?" I call out, looking for the 59 year old librarian. "Back here, sweetie!" I hear her from in the back room. "I have a few questions, and need someone to talk too for advice." I say as I come face to face with her pale complexion. "Questions first." She says as we sit down at a table in the back room. "Okay, so.. There is a way to summon these... 'Unrightfully damned entities'.. right?" I ask, and she smiles thoughtfully. "Yes. It's the same physical objects needed, However, the words are different." she says. "Okay.. I have two that are of interest. "Let me guess.. Aeson and Reiki..?" she says, and I look at her in bewilderment. "How did you know?" I ask, a smile gracing my lips. "Just a guess. If I were you, I'd go after Reiki. He'd help more willingly than Aeson would." She says, and I nod. She hands me a book, and I put it in my bag, before twisting around in my seat, cracking my back. "What else did you need to talk about, dear?" she asked. I had to take a deep breath to keep calm. "Katherine is pregnant.. and dad wants my entire paycheck to get stuff for the baby. Every time I get my paycheck." I say, looking down and playing with a strand of my purple hair. "That's awful!" Maria exclaims, and I nod. "Just, take it one day at a time, and don't take no shit from him." Maria said, and I laughed. "Alright, I'll head out now, I promised Katherine I'd bring her some ice cream from Fred's when I left here." I say, and get my stuff. "Alright sweetie, be careful." she says, walking me to the door. "I will. Thank you, Maria. For everything." I say, and hug her before starting the long drive home.