Once I got home, I gave the ice cream to Katherine, who thanked me, and then went up to my room, changing into an oversized black hoodie and stockings, sitting on my bed after turning my heater on, and opening the book Maria gave me.
After hours of reading, I yawn and put the book down. I check the time. "3:00 am!? How long have I been reading?" I whisper yell at myself. My stomach growls, so I walk over to my desk, opening a drawer and a small cubby I installed in the drawer, and pulled out a double chocolate rice crispy treat. After eating one, I brush my teeth, turn out my lights, and go to sleep.
I wake up, and get into the shower. After I'm done I get out, dry off, and wrap the towel around myself as I go into my room to get dressed. I get dressed into a black skirt with upside down crosses on it, fishnet tights, a matte grey Ferrari crop top, and my knee high lace up combat boots. I put my coat on, grab my keys, phone, and wallet, making sure I had all my money, and then went out to my car. I hadn't been driving it the passed couple of days, but now that it's getting colder out I'm gonna drive it more. I got in and started it, putting my seat belt on and driving to the Library.
"Maria!?" I call out, realising I was a lot earlier to work than I thought. I walk in, and turn the lights in the main area on. "Maria..?" I call out once again. I turn the blue lights in the computer lab on, and walk over to the kids section. I turn those lights on, still no sign of Maria. I grab my phone and call her. I hear it ringing in the back room, but I'm sent to voicemail. "Maria I know your here.." I walk into the back room, before turning the light on, just by the putrid smell I know something in this room is dead. I get a bad feeling in my gut as I reach for the light switch. I flip the switch, and a scream leaves my lips at the scene in front of me..
I had always associated the glow of the police departments red and blue siren lights to be a sense of security. Now, it just made me sick to my stomach. "We're sorry for your loss.." I knew these were just words that had been programmed into their heads through years of training and hardwork, but I had to force myself to allow them to comfort me. "You found her like that, you said?" a snobby female officer says, and I nod. "Yes ma'am. I've worked here since I graduated last year." I say, rubbing my arms from the cold. I'd accidentally left my coat inside the Library when I ran out crying and on the phone with ECPD. "And she'd not shown any signs of the White Death before now?" A more gentle male officer asked, and I shake my head. "No, honestly I had no idea she had the White Death. She was just as lively and healthy as her normal self when I came by yesterday." I say, and the female cop nods before walking away. "Cold?" the male officer asks. "Y-yeah, but my coats inside." I say, looking down at my combat boots. "Here, it'll be about thirty minutes before I can get in there and get your coat." I nod gratefully and slip my arms into the thick black armored jacked, the body heat from the officer previously wearing it giving me a sense of security I needed to get my bearings. "Thank you.." I say, looking into his blue-grey eyes. "No problem. What's your name..?" he asks, and I smile slightly. "Zaya.. Zaya Williams.." I say, holding my hand out. "Well, Zaya, my name is Isaak Singer." he says, and I nod. "It's nice to meet you, officer Singer." I say, shaking his hand. He smiles, showing a row of perfect pearly white teeth. 253Please respect copyright.PENANAuDEoIXd189
Once home, I walked in, and straight up to my room, kicking my boots off and falling face first onto my bed, screaming into my pillow and then starting to cry. There's a knock at my bedroom door, and I throw a fictional novel at it, telling whoever it is to go away. "Zaya, it's me, Katherine." I hear her voice, but I still don't want to let anyone in. "Please, honey.. I heard about Maria." She says, and I get up and open my door, being immediately embraced by the pregnant woman.
After Katherine left and her and my dad went to bed, I opened the books, preparing for the trip I was about to take. It appeared I could take my car until I reached Shawdeen county. That's a three hour drive, and I have to pass through Kurosawa city and it's twin, Okisawa city, by the time I reach Shawdeen I'll leave my car in an abandoned parking lot, and continue the journey to Arkuni mountains. "Alright.. time to pack." I say, and begin preparing for my journey.