Midoriya's pov-
We continued to make our way back to school in silence. Honestly, there wasn't much to talk about. We were both just very embarrassed, and still a little tired. Still, we were holding hands. I didn't bother to try and let go, because Todoroki had a firm grip on my hand.
Lately, I've been feeling different towards Todoroki...NO- we're friends....
We were walking down the street in the dark. The sun was being covered by a canopy of trees, shading us and making me feel a little cold.
We arrived at school ten minutes early, and we decided to sit on a bench in the front of the school. I was shivering. It was the nearing the beginning of February, so what was there to expect.
We sat there for a minute or two, before I suddenly felt something being placed on my knees. Todoroki had given me his sweater. It was a white one, with a black hood and sleeves.
"Midoriya, please. Put this on. You're so cold." He instructed. I nodded. I was too tired to argue with him, and too cold to say no.
The sweatshirt didn't have a zipper, so I had to slip it over my head. My head got stuck when I tried to fit it trough, so Todoroki helped me get it on. The inside was fluffy and warm. I felt better wearing it.
Todoroki's pov-
I had given Midoriya my hoodie. I was a bit cold, so I turned on my quirk to warm up.
Lately, Midoriya has been acting off. I feel like I have been too. He's been blushing more, and apologizing a lot.
I have this weird feeling around him. I just want to protect him at all costs. I want him to smile. I get the feeling that... that I've fallen in love with him. I know it sounds totally wrong, and he's way out of my league. But I just can't help but long to be with him all of the time. Still, I can't let a small crush get in the way of our friendship.
A few minutes later, Iida arrived at the school. He looked worried. He was probably afraid that he was late. I tried to get up to go and talk to him, but something stopped me...
"Todoroki, Midoriya! You're early today...maybe a little too early though?" He said as he looked to the side of me. "Midoriya looks comfortable. I wonder what he's dreaming about.."
Midoriya had fallen asleep on my shoulder. He was cutely snoring now. He had a firm grip on my arm.
"It was... quite a morning for us." I said, with an expressive voice.
As I explained to Iida about what happened, he nodded as an understanding gesture. When I finished explaining it, I saw that he had his hand up to his chin, signaling that he was thinking. I tilted my head in confusion.
"Oh, sorry Todoroki." He apologized "but I can't help but question a few things... Is there something between you and Midoriya, other than friendship? He's wearing your sweatshirt and all..."
"It's alright Iida, there's no need to apologize." I told him "I gave him my sweatshirt because it was cold out and he was only wearing that thin uniform. And for your other question... no."
"Hph! I just... Uraraka and I think that you two would be cute...Sorry for assuming things-" He said, embarrassed, before I interrupted him, saying.
"Thanks, but I'm not sure he feels the same way for me. Since I trust you, please don't tell anyone. I mean, Uraraka will find out sooner or later anyways. So she's fine. But anyone else..."
"Got it!"He shouted. I put a finger up to my mouth, because Midoriya was still sleeping.
"Maybe you should carry him to class?" He suggested.
I picked Midoriya up, bridal style, and began to walk to class. How is he so light..? 454Please respect copyright.PENANATG9AbBziTd
Iida went ahead and opened the door. I smiled at him, and we continued to make our way to class.
Midoriya was still sleeping. I wondered when he would wake up. But, he's so cute when he's sleeping. There's simply no denying it- I AM in love with Izuku Midoriya.
When we finally arrived at class 1A, we were 'surprised' (notice the sarcasm) when there were no other students in there. Mr. Aizawa looked at us confused.
"You're... gay? Todoroki?" He asked in confusion. I nodded.454Please respect copyright.PENANAtbr5C2GdlT
"Midoriya's gay?" I shrugged.
"We're not together." I said to him. He just stared, prayed, and nodded.
"Todoroki," he shouted after me "I'm rooting for you."
I nodded and smiled. He's.... on my side? Same with Iida and Uraraka.. Yesssss.
I sat in my seat, with Midoriya still in my arms. I promise, Midoriya. I will love you forever, even if you don't love me back. And with that, he began to wake up from his adorable slumber. He stretched his arms out, and then wrapped them around my back, snuggling into my chest.
Right then, the Bakusquad walked into the room. (Kaminari, Sero, Ashido, Jiro, Kirishima, Bakugo) They just stood by the door, jaws dropped.
"TODOROKI?! GAY??" Ashido shouted, and I put a finger to my mouth. Mr. Aizawa signaled for them to go to their seats.
"I'm stuck...." I said whispered to myself, and then I told them "He's asleep, don't wake him."
I gave him a light kiss on the head. After that, Midoriya oppened his eyes, and stared into mine. He began to blush. He squeezed his arms around me, and I ruffled his hair.
"I'm.. so sorry Todoroki. For all of that. I know you told me not to say sorry anymore, but right now, I feel that a sorry is needed. I embarrassed you so much. You had to carry me too. I'm sorry I fell asleep." a few tears ran down his face, while his face was still pushed into my chest. "I'm such a bad friend to you."
After that, I gave him a light ' It's okay' kiss on the head. He jumped up, smiled at me, and walked to his seat. Good thing that nobody saw that, or I would be screwed.
(A/N Little did he know, Mina and Kaminari had seen and heard it all.)
When everyone had gotten into the room, class started. The day went by fairly quick for some odd reason. In no time, it was already lunch.
"Remember to make your cards everyone-" Kaminari shouted in the background.
I looked around for a table with no one sitting at it. I was glad to see that not many people had sat down yet. I sat down at a table in the back corner of the cafeteria, and pulled out my phone. I scrolled through the news to see if there was anything new.
Valentines day...I totally forgot.
Just then, I heard someone sit down next to me. It was Midoriya. He looked tired still. He pulled out his phone too, and started typing something into it. A few seconds later 'ding'. A notification. A message, from Midoriya. 'Hey' it read. I decided to break the silence. I gave him a hug. At first, he didn't hug back. But in time, he did.
"I'm so sorry." I told him "I know we're just friends and all. But I..-" I was interrupted by Iida, Uraraka, and Tsuyu joining us at the table. Midoriya and I stopped hugging.
"Hey lovebirds~" Uraraka said, making Midoriya's face turn as red as a tomato.
"Ashido is having a Valentines day sleepover, and the whole class is invited, kero! You guys coming?" Tsuyu asked, saying her catchphrase as usual
"Yeah! Iida, Tsuyu and I are all going! We're going to be making Valentines day cards and playing games!" Uraraka exclaimed.
I'm not sure that I want to go yet. But, if Midoriya goes, I will.
"Well, I have nothing better to do." Midoriya stated "So I might as well go."
Well, I guess that I've got no choice now. I have to go.
"I'll come too." I told them.
And with that, the bell rang, and we went back to class.
Word Count- 1363