Sorry for the long paragraph. Please, don't click away from this story. You'll love it:)
Third person pov-
Midoriya thought that today would be like any other normal day, but he was very wrong.
Midoriya woke up with a smile on his face. He jumped out of bed and walked to his door, grabbing his clothes on the way out.
"There's school today!" He yelled as he ran down the stairs. Midoriya jumped off the stairs, skipping three of them. He walked into the kitchen to find a note on the table.
I have to go on a trip for work. I'm sorry that you didn't know sooner about this. But it was last minute. I didn't know about it either. I'll be back in a few days I hope! Message me if anything goes wrong or if you have any questions.
Love, Mom.
The smile which Midoriya's face once contained faded away. He'd be alone with nothing to do. He still has school though. It's Friday, so he has one days left until the weekend.
Midoriya's pov-
I folded up the note and threw it away. I wonder where Mom is now. I hope she's doing well. I walked into the bathroom, and popped into the shower. I normally take showers at night, but I felt that maybe this would wake me up a bit. I poured some strawberry conditioner into my hands and messaged it into my -now wet- green hair. Mom used to tease me about how I used 'girly' hair products. But soon after, she realized how good it smelled and how soft it made my hair. She said that the girls would love it, but I'm not that sure I'm into girls.
When I got out, I noticed that there were dark circles around my eyes, again. I've been staying up late working on things for school. I grabbed some of Moms coverup and put it into my bag, just in case it gets worse. Once I had my clothes on, I realized that I had forgotten my favorite All Might socks in my room. It's 6:45, I need to get to school at 8:20. I also need to stop at the cafe for breakfast. I need to be at the bus stop by 7:30.
I arrived at my room and searched for my socks, which I found almost instantly. They were lying on my bed. I slipped them on, and began to arrange my bed again. By the time I was finished, it was 7:00. I decided to put on my giant red shoes and go to the bus stop.
The bus was packed with tons of people who I didn't know. It was loud too. There was only one seat open. No one was sitting in it because the people that were previously sitting there had just left. I sat in the seat, which was surprisingly cold, and put in my earbuds.
I was on for about two minutes before the bus came to a sudden stop, making me jump off of my seat a tad bit. I settled back down into my seat and continued to listen to music. That's when I noticed it. Someone was sitting next to me. I felt them reach over to me, and take out one of my earbuds.
"I love this song. Don't you, Midoriya? It's my favorite. " The voice said. The voice was monotone and tired. This voice was one I reconized.
"T-todoroki! I d-didn't know that you l-listened to this t-type of m-music. I don't either... but this is my favorite song too!" I blurted out, with my face a red as a tomato. I could see Todoroki's face turn colors too. "Oh no. I'm rambling on again. I'm s-so sorry T-Todoroki..."
"Midoriya, you're fine. I'm sorry that I jumped you, and disturbed you." He apologized, ruffling my hair.
I decided to put away my phone so I could talk with Todoroki.
"S-so... Todoroki.. how is your m-morning going?" I asked to break the ice. He stared at me with a sad look.
"It was okay..." He began "but as soon as I walked out the door Endeavor yelled 'SHOTO HOW DARE YOU LEAVE WITHOUT SAYING A PROPER 'GOOD BYE' TO YOUR FATHER!!'. He didn't know how badly I wanted to say 'oh fuck off, I don't feel like dealing with you today.' But sadly, I didn't."
"O-oh... I'm s-so sorry about that." I apologized as my face's tomato-like color started to die down to a peachy pink.
"Don't apologize any more.... you haven't done anything wrong..." He told me. I nodded. We sat there in silence for a moment, but I got tired of it and decided to start some conversation.
"H-hey Todoroki??" I called. He turned his head and our eyes met. I gulped and proceeded in my question. "D-do you t-think that you would maybe wanna join me at the cafe for breakfast..? It would be my treat..."
"Hmm..." Todoroki said, thinking wether to say yes, or no. "So, we're going on a date?"
"Hph!" I squealed, stiffening up a bit as my face regained it's tomato-like color once again."U-uh yes, sure.. I mean no... I mean... I mean..sure..uhm..." Todoroki chuckled a bit.
"Yes? It's okay, I was teasing you. But if you still want me to go, then I'd love to!" The bus stopped and we got off. We walked to the cafe and got our seats. While we sat a waited for a waitress, I thought about what had previously happened.
I don't know this feeling I'm feeling. I can't explain it. I feel so safe around Todoroki, I feel like I'm actually heard. But I can't possibly like him. He's a boy, I'm a boy. But, am I gay? I don't think that I like Todoroki that way. I can't ruin our friendship with love. So, I must not be in love with him. I don't feel that way for him... but maybe...NO-
The waitress came over to take our orders. First, Todoroki spoke.
"Good morning! We'll be sharing a blueberry muffin, please!" He ordered... oh my. No, I must've heard him wrong. My face turned rose red and I covered my face with my arms. No, I can't be in love! Can I ? I always knew I wasn't straight.... but being gay... what would my mother think?
Soon, the waitress came back with the muffin. She placed it down on the table and walked away with a giggle. She walked behind the front counter and soon her and another girl were both laughing. They were pointing at us. I wonder... oh my...
"Todoroki! Ahh! we're holding hands!!" I shouted, blushing. He just looked down, looked up, nodded, and smiled. I couldn't be mad at was cute- NO IT WASN'T! SHUT THE FUCK UP IZUKU! The girls behind the counter giggled again. 'Such a cute couple!!' One said, the other one nodded in agreement.
Todoroki picked up the muffin and took a bite. I watched as his eyes grew big and a small smile appeared on his face. He took the muffin away from his mouth, and proceeded to shove it into my mouth.
"t-tdroki-kun, ur squshng mi fce" I tried to say as he shoved the muffin into my mouth. And he was right, the muffin was very good. He ended up letting me finish the rest of it. When I went to pay for the muffin, Todoroki pushed my hand aside and gave his own money to the woman. She smiled and wished us a 'good day' as we got up and walked to the door.
Word count- 1277