Midoriyas' pov-
I awoke with the sun blazing through the curtains and onto my eyes. My back felt stiff, and I think I know why. I had spent the whole night on the floor! I didn't even get to eat last night. I also forgot to pack my clothes and stuff for the sleepover.
Ashido told us to be there by 1:30. I woke up late though... so I have three hours until I need to go!
I quickly made a poached egg on rice and ate it up, which took a half an hour. And I had to put a few of my blankets through the dryer, and I'll take them out in a half an hour. Just in case the others didn't bring enough!!
I packed up some clothes, blankets, and hygiene... things? I grabbed the things in the dryer and rushed out the door to the bus stop.
At the bus station, I hopped up and down. My legs got tired, so I sat down. And then, I heard a familiar voice call out.
"Midoriya!" The voice shouted. I looked to the left of me to see Iida, Tsu, and Uraraka. I waved towards them and they came over to sit next to me. We talked up a random storm of conversation until the bus arrived. We got on the empty bus and talked some more.
In about twenty minutes, we finally arrived at Ashidos' house. We knocked on the door and she appeared. Apparently, Kaminari had a 'issue' to take care of and wasn't here yet. But we all knew that he was stuck of a level of a video game or something. We sat around in silence.
A message? Oh, from Todoroki.
Todoroki- Hey Izuku. Could you tell the others that Kaminari and I are going to be a bit late? Kaminari asked for help on a dungeon in Zelda and I'm going to help him. We'll be there in a half an hour!
Me- Good afternoon! That sounds fun, I'll let the others know. See you soon.
"Ooh, is Izuku talking to his... Boyfriend??" Ashido said from behind me, spooking me a bit.
"N-no! It's not like that. Sho... I mean Todoroki was just letting me know that him and Kaminari would be here in a half an hour!! Nothing else. That's it! That was all!! Okay??" I flipped out without noticing.
"Must be, kero" Tsu told Ashido
"No, that's not it!" Iida and Uraraka shouted at the same time.
"If you're so sure, you two, I guess I'll chill for a bit..." Ashido said with a deep sigh.
"Hey, did Kacchan decide not to come?" I asked Ashido.
"Him and Kirishima are having a little 'date' and they'll be here tomorrow morning to hang for a bit." She told me.
Todoroki's pov-
"One hard dungeon, huh?" Kaminari asked. All I did was nod.
I ran around without dying once, collecting all that I needed.
"Why didn't you just ask Kirishima or Bakugou to come over?" I asked him as I completed the dungeon.
"Welp... gotta ask now." He said putting an arm on my shoulder. "You're in love with Midoriya, aren't you? Just admit it!!"
He caught on. Pretty good for a dumbass. I just assumed that everyone already knew or even just had suspicions.
"Yup" I admitted, nodding. "Now, let's go. We're late."
"How're we gonna get there? By walking?" He asked me, obviously worried.
"Nope," I told him. "I stole my old mans car."
Word Count- 606
(Sorry for another short chapter. The next one will be long though)