You might have thought that the last entry would be all for yesterday. Well, you're wrong >:)
I wasn't done torturing my poor, dear hooman. While she was brushing her fangs, I wandered into her room. There were a few wonderful smells here and there but I made sure to mark everywhere. Then I saw the most wonderful thing. It was long, thin, and perfect to swallow. It was.. The Holy String.
I quickly checked to see if my hooman was here. Nope. She had closed her litter room door, probably still brushing her fangs. I grabbed the String and started slurping it down like the spaghetti I ate a few weeks back. I was nearly halfway through on my beautiful String when I heard a noise.
I looked behind me to see my hooman, with her fang brusher and all, staring at me. Then she started bellowing something along the lines of my full name. Uh oh. She dashed towards me with her fang brusher in her mouth. I didn't wanna get rid of my String. So I did the sensible thing to do. I horked it down as much as I could. By this time, my hooman had already reached me and was grabbing me by the scruff and frantically trying to get the String out.
I was nearly done and getting ready to swallow it when my hooman finally grabbed it and started pulling it out. It was already nearly down my throat so I nearly gagged as she pulled it out nice and slow. After it was out, she gave out a groan and ran to the litter room for safe keeping.
Later, her mother took me down into my room and left me there all night. I think she forgot about me.