I was bored. I didn't know what I did wrong anyways. After my hooman gave me a shower (I h8 those °^°) and dried me up, she left me in her room with a heater. Dang, I luved that thing. But after a bit, I wanted to take a stroll. Since my hooman didn't close her door all the way, I was successful in squeezing out. I wandered around the house where I found her in the magical food room, washing some food holders. I sat down right in the middle of the magical food room and started washing myself. A few minutes later, I heard something unlock behind me. I turned around to find the hooman leader taking some things in. I made a last second decision to take a walk outside in the rain. I slipped out and started dancing in the puddles. Not a second later, my hooman started yelling behind me. Uh oh. I started scampering around, looking for a place to hide. There was no need though. I looked behind me to see her glaring at me behind the door. Then I realized. She can't get me :). She was dressed in a tank top and short shorts which, in hooman cultures, was somehow unacceptable. Personally, I like no clothes ^~^.
My hooman started calling to me sternly. I sighed in my head, trotting towards her. With her, it's best to just obey. Then I heard a wonderful noise. The hooman leader opened the cool storage door. I completely ignored my hooman and dashed past her, straight into the storage room. It was like a parkour jungle gym there. There's a giant food box, a ton of small brown boxes (which I like to chew on •`~•), and a bunch of junk my hooman doesn't even touch. It was a dark, cool place and I loved it. But more trouble came. The hooman leader and his mate came in to try and get me.
I again ran, right under their legs. I ran straight to the back property to hide under a tree. If you're going to try and catch me, makes sense to play hide and seek. Right? Well, no. 5 minutes later, no one was coming for me so I walked around outside. It was very muddy and, may I remind you, my hooman just gave me a bath. So, time to play and roll around in the dirt I figured. Then I heard a whoosh. I looked to see that my hooman had come to join the fun too! I started prancing around and darting here and there. She tried to play tag with me too. It was very fun but my hooman ended it by going inside. She then brought out a nice, long wire. We started playing catch the string and tag at the same time =)
But then, the fun ended.. I actually caught the string but she caught me at the same time. She dragged me inside. She looked very mad. She said my full name in a loud voice and that's when I knew there was trouble °^°. She made go timeout in the bathroom for 10 minutes.
Eventually, I got outside again ;3